Damn it, is it so exposed?

From the fairy smell speech, immediately the face changes extremely ugly.

I thought I was exposed.

It was unexpected that the other side controlled the array and could feel it completely. At that time, she did not leave at all.

Evil Jiao at the moment, also just looked at her a few eyes, and then at the back of the three people far away, now also can not see a trace of escape light.

Evil Jiao's mouth began to slowly emerge black light, a moment later, the black light swept two people.

Two people's eyes slightly changed, quickly resist the magic weapon.

However, in the past, they were able to block each other because of their large number and powerful magic weapons.

But at this moment, there are two of them left. How can we stop the black light?

With the strength of the evil Jiaojie Dan in the middle period, he directly killed them here.

After killing them, the evil Jiao didn't even have the idea to look at it more. With a little mouth, he swallowed the two monks who had become corpses.

A moment later, he looked at the direction of the three people leaving, and after thinking about it, he chased after him towards hengyanlin.

In fact, the reason why he was worried about the direction of the rest was that he was not chasing Lin yanheng.

For the jiedan sea demon who came to encircle and exterminate, it knew the strength division.

Hengyanlin this direction of the sea demon is actually the most, but the strength is the lowest.

Youdao is lack of strength, so we use quantity to make it up.

It is a little worried that hengyanlin will chase hengyanlin because of their low strength and then run away successfully.

At the moment, Heng Yan Lin, is desperate, toward the distance to escape.

After flying out a cup of tea, I immediately realized that the sea demon in front of me was getting closer and closer to myself.

The original hengyanlin, has begun to prepare to bypass these sea monsters.

But these sea monsters still block in front of themselves.

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly. After thinking about it, he looked at a small island below, converged his breath, and then fell directly on the island.

After that, the willow branch directly wrapped up hengyanlin, and he was wrapped in it. Then, the willow branch was like a piece of firewood and left in the lower part.

This is what Heng Yanlin found out about the effect of the willow branches before.

As long as you entangle yourself with the willow branch, your breath will be restrained, and it is difficult for people outside to find Hengyan forest.

Heng Yanlin didn't wait long on the island, and then he saw several escape lights flying by. After the sea water, there were several amazing white waves beginning to paddle across.

Heng Yanlin didn't hide in the low sea water. It was the sea demon's territory in the sea water. It was extremely difficult to hide from each other in the sea water.

Moreover, hengyanlin, a magic weapon, is not good to hide his breath in the bottom of the water.

Seeing the sea demons flash by, Heng Yanlin did not come out directly, but waited for a while.

A moment later, he saw several figures flash by, and Heng Yanlin collected the willow branches.

Then, after slightly recognizing the direction and perceiving that these sea monsters had run quite a long distance, Heng Yanlin quickly set up his escape light and flew towards the distance.

At the moment, the sea demons who had passed hengyanlin, after flying for a moment, quickly saw the evil Jiao.

At the moment, the evil Jiao was walking on the waves. Seeing the sea monsters coming, he immediately roared and felt bad in his heart.

On these guys, although they are all sea demons of jiedan period, it is not so easy to deal with hengyanlin.

In this case, these sea demons arrived in front of themselves so quickly, didn't they say that they didn't see Heng Yanlin at all?

The evil Jiao roared, and the sea monsters on one side suddenly trembled with fear, and did not know what had happened.

"King, but have you killed these human friars by yourself?"

A sea demon some shivering inquiry, it is in the heart to wonder whether their own king has solved these human.

Then I saw them coming. I felt that some of them came too late, so I was dissatisfied with them?

When the evil Jiao heard the speech, he was almost not angry by these guys.

I'm so powerful that I can't solve the five friars of jiedan all at once. Moreover, if I'm so powerful, where do I need to gather these guys?

However, it is not easy to get angry when being run by the other party's words.

After all, it's a bit of a loss of its prestige.

"The king solved two friars, but three of them took the opportunity to run away. One of them ran towards this side. Didn't you find out?"

"The king is so powerful that he can easily kill two of the five jiedan friars, and let the other three jiedan friars run away!"The first sea demon hears the speech, immediately is a shout, a few knot Dan sea demon on one side, see this situation is also one after another shout incessantly.

The sea demon then opened his mouth and said, "we came along the road. We felt it carefully all the way. We didn't find any human friars. Did the human friars make a detour?"

At this moment, the sea demon responded with some caution.

Naturally, it will not directly question each other. As their king, the evil Jiao will be killed by such questions.

Evil Jiao was flattered by the other party's flattery.

The former five monks, in fact, will never be rivals if they join hands.

After all, it's just a mid-term siren.

However, after the other party found out that there were other sea monsters coming, they felt that they couldn't take them for a short time. Then they broke up and were killed by them.

But this is not important. What is important is that it has killed two friars, and let the remaining three monks flee.

If this matter is passed on, it will only be in this version.

So, it is very proud at the moment.

At the thought of this, it looked at the sea demon in front of him, and his eyes were softened a lot.

"According to Wang's speed and the process of your arrival here, it is impossible for the other party to make a detour. It should be the place where the other party is hiding. When you pass by, you don't notice."

The evil Jiao thought for a while, and his mind was not weak, so he made a slight inference. With hengyanlin's speed in front of him and the speed at which he chased after him, it was impossible to see the other side. He took a detour before.

The only time that the sea monsters are ignored is where they hide.

Because he was flattered by this guy, his heart was incomparably comfortable. At the moment, it did not blame these sea monsters.

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