Evil Jiao in the fierce vent a pass, determined that the surrounding pressure can not see this hengyanlin, thinking that the other side should be running, helpless in the heart, diameter turned away.

After confirming the other party's departure, Heng Yanlin turned into a hiding light directly after he appeared.

A day later, hengyanlin came to a camp on an island.

Seeing that there was a lot of people around him, and there were monks walking around, including some of them, Heng Yan Lin felt relieved.

I don't know what happened to the remaining two.

Thinking of Bingxuan before, Heng Yanlin is also slightly curious.

However, hengyanlin also did not intend to see two people, the original hengyanlin in the feel of the surrounding situation, has been prepared to act alone.

If you unite with too many monks, you can't tell me that there are too few spiritual stones. In addition, when you are in danger, you still need to run on your own.

In addition, if there are more people, the natural danger will also increase.

This is very clear in Heng Yan Lin's heart, so he doesn't like it more and more and wants to unite with these people.

A lot of people will go out alone and see how they are safe.

It's a pity that I didn't get the compass. Otherwise, it would be much easier for me to go out and find the siren.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin shook his head slightly.

After entering the camp, Heng Yanlin took a rest. For a while, he stayed in the camp.

Intentionally or unintentionally, hengyanlin will inquire about the current situation in the sea area.

The previous sea monsters began to unite, and had a joint action to hang them.

Some monks who went out should have discovered something.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin is naturally prepared to inquire about some information.

However, Heng Yanlin really got some news when he inquired about it. For example, some unfortunate monks just met these sea demons and ran into them face-to-face.

As a result, many friars died, but some friars caught some sea monsters. After killing them, they made a lot of profits.

In hengyanlin's own time of closing up and clearing up, these sea demons scattered one by one, and there was no action to hunt and kill human friars.

After hearing this, Heng Yanlin breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at this, the previous evil Jiao's actions against him should be scattered.

But I don't know what's going on with the other two monks?

Heng Yanlin thought of this, his eyes slightly coagulated, and then he shook his head.

No matter how these two people are now, it seems that they have little relationship with Heng Yanlin.

After all, hengyanlin had cooperated with each other once before.

They all started to run for their lives when they were in danger.

In fact, more of them want to leave the rest of the people, so that they have a chance to run away.

We are holding such an idea, in the rest of the matter, it is not possible to cooperate at one time.

Although each other's practice, we all have nothing to say, in the heart also extremely certainly this kind of practice.

But in the end, under such an approach, there will be some disagreements.

This is like, originally is the thing under the table, naturally can't get to the table to say.

Now it's like breaking the balance. Naturally, it can't.

However, hengyanlin didn't care much about it. Originally, in Heng Yanlin's opinion, he had already figured out the situation around him, and he was able to start hunting sea demons independently.

What's more, it's not good to be with these guys.

After all, what do you think? With these people, hengyanlin has a tendency to reduce his income.

Recently, in this square city, hengyanlin also spent almost all the previous Lingshi.

The consumption here is really terrible.

Originally did not earn much spirit stone, add in such a, calculate safe place, need to consume spirit stone every day here.

It's time to go out and hunt the sea monster.

Hengyanlin at this moment, slightly raised his head, looked at the distant coastline, and then murmured in his heart.

"This Taoist friend, but if you want to go out and hunt the sea demon, how about going together? We already have a Taoist friend. If we are together, we can take care of each other. "

When Heng Yan Lin stopped to look at the distance, a young monk came up and said to Heng Yan Lin gently and incomparably.

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech and immediately shook his head.

He's not going to join any other team and engage in intrigue with each other.What's more, with the existence of willow branches, hengyanlin hunted sea monsters, but it was also easy to go up a lot.

Heng Yanlin took a look at this friar, and then the diameter shook his head, "I already have the rest of the team, so I will not form a team with you."

Hengyanlin also did not directly refuse each other, just to find an excuse.

After saying that, Heng Yanlin turns to leave.

Seeing Heng Yanlin leave, the friar on one side sighed helplessly.

In front of Heng Yanlin's back, he is also quite helpless.

Heng Yanlin has the rest of the team, but he is somewhat clear.

During this period of time, Heng Yanlin was just on his own.

Because he wanted to find a suitable player, he was looking for the rest of the friars.

In this case, we naturally noticed Heng Yanlin.

When Heng Yanlin is alone these days, where can he contact the rest of the monks.

Therefore, he can conclude that Heng Yanlin just lied.

But what if it's decided? The other side doesn't want to form a team with you. It's not a crime.

Therefore, people at this moment, see the situation in front of them, and then that is a slight frown.

In any case, seeing such a situation at the moment, he had no other thoughts after that.

Since Heng Yanlin is not willing to form a team with him, he should try to find the rest of the players.

With such an idea in his heart, he turned to leave.

Heng Yanlin stayed in the camp for a day. The next day, he flew overseas alone.

A moment later, he saw the light rising slowly in the distance. After Heng Yanlin locked a position, he went directly into it.

All the way, they began to search for the sea demons in jiedan period.

With previous experience, Heng Yanlin also has some experience in finding sea monsters.

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