However, if you really want to talk about it, hengyanlin at that time actually had a chance to save the rest of the people out.

But, by that time, someone had already run away.

Hengyanlin at that time, if he made a move, he was bound to be watched by the evil Jiao.

At that time, the other party will definitely pursue Heng Yan Lin.

In addition, there are the rest of the sea demon is encirclement and suppression, if hengyanlin is not running, it can be a big trouble.

How to see, at that time, hengyanlin was better not to move, after all, once he did, hengyanlin was facing great danger.

Hengyanlin, who wants to go, still runs by himself after arriving.

As for the rest of the Taoist friends, it is really not hengyanlin can manage.

Bingxuan saw Heng Yanlin said so calm, completely is not a bit, after abandoning them, the heart should have some shame.

Even if it is not, in front of so many people, the other party should also have a little bit of such performance, right?

Bingxuan naturally knew that this was nothing in the eyes of many friars.

After all, as a monk, we all have the same choice in this kind of thing.

At that time, she was actually the same as Heng Yanlin.

However, friars are selfish. Seeing that Heng Yanlin didn't help himself, she naturally harbored a trace of resentment.

Heng Yanlin doesn't know the other party's mind. If he does, he will laugh and cry.

After all, Heng Yan Lin himself did not think that such a thing would happen.

The other party is actually because of such a thing, and then has been hating until now.

The rest of the monks at this moment, are also one by one looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of them.

Although Heng Yan Lin such behavior, in their view, there is no fault.

But some things, that is unwritten, we are not put on the surface, Heng Yanlin now said so calm.

Moreover, they have moved directly to the table, which is not what they can tolerate.

At that time, they looked at the Heng Yan Lin in front of them one by one, and their faces were not good-looking.

"He is really a despicable person. Since we have gone out together, we should get through the difficulties together. How can we do such despicable things?"

One side of the fire chain was originally looking at Heng Yanlin a little impatient. For this guy who actually ignored himself, he immediately yelled in a cold voice.

At present can step on Heng Yan Lin, he is very good.

Immediately, looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of him, he was sneering.

With his opening, the rest of the friars answered one after another.

"Yes, monks like this are not worthy to be with us. Once we go out with such monks, we are afraid that the other party will slip away. Where will we hunt the sea demon with us?"

"That is to say, the monks who are most afraid of me in my life are the monks who have the ability to fight against the sea demon, but because they are afraid of going down, they turn around and run away. These people can't accomplish anything but fail."

At this moment, the monks spoke one after another.

Looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, he is more and more impatient.

Although we all know that it is impossible to rely on the rest of the monks to save themselves.

But think about it, one is that you will not be saved when you are in danger, and the other is that you still don't know. Although there is a great possibility that you will also attack, it is much better than that.

Therefore, people like Heng Yanlin will not be welcomed by them.

Even among the friars, they are selfish. Everyone hopes that when they are in danger, the rest of the monks can help save themselves.

At present, what Heng Yanlin is doing at the moment is naturally forgotten by them.

Heng Yanlin looked at the situation in front of him and shook his head.

For the language of these monks, Heng Yanlin was not angry at all, nor did he feel that there was a slight fluctuation.

If you want to rescue other monks when you are in danger, the first thing to do is to save the rest of the monks.

The rest of your benefactor will be saved in this way.

After all, if there is no cause and effect with you, it is impossible for the rest of the monks to rescue unconditionally.

After thinking about it carefully, after looking at the situation in front of them, the faces of several monks at the moment are also slightly changed.

Heng Yanlin at the moment, also look at the situation in front of him, then shook his head, ready to turn away.

These friars belittle him so much, but Heng Yanlin feels good. Presumably these guys will not want to ask themselves to be together.With these friars, Heng Yanlin felt more dangerous. It was better to be alone.

However, seeing Heng Yanlin in front of him wants to leave, Bing Xuan on the side doesn't think about it. He wants to let Heng Yanlin leave easily.

He immediately looked at Heng Yanlin, and then said with a sneer, "not only that, this guy's own strength is simply appalling. As a monk of jiedan, he has only one magic weapon in his hand, or a kind of magic weapon to bind him.

If you bring a monk like this, you will only bring us a chicken rib. There is no extremely powerful magic, and some are just a magic weapon of restraint. "

The words of Bingxuan fall, the rest of the people look at Heng Yanlin's eyes, is completely changed.

As a monk of jiedan, whose magic weapon is not so many.

But the monk in front of him has only one magic weapon. What is that?

When the time comes to fight, let the other side watch the play?

With such a fellow, it is not to add a burden to their own?

Hengyanlin at the moment, listening to such words also some stunned, after all, in the current situation, the other side is really a little puzzled.

Other things do not say, they want to join the rest of the monks to go out together, which is naturally the hope with their own monks, strength is extremely strong.

Think about it, is it not a burden if the strength of the monks with him is too low?

Originally facing the sea demon, if the normal strength of the fight over the other side, but it is their own side someone dragged back, resulting in their own can not fight each other, that is not to bring danger to themselves?

Immediately, one by one monks looked at Heng Yanlin's eyes, but also instantly became full of a trace of meaning in which.

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