"Master, I have brought it. This is Mr. Heng."

Housekeeper Lin takes Heng Yanlin to a room, and then opens his mouth to a middle-aged man with the dignity of his face, and then waits in front of a white haired old man.

Beside the white haired old man, a group of doctors in white clothes were busy shuttling around. Some people were staring at the instrument, while others were studying the disease and discussing something from time to time.

The middle-aged man heard that Lin housekeeper's words, and turned his head directly. When he saw Heng Yanlin, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled deeply, and then he nodded to Heng Yanlin.

"You are the one introduced by Jiang Miaoshu to treat the disease, hengyanlin?"

In the eyes of the middle-aged man looking at Heng Yanlin, he is also full of suspicion. In everyone's opinion, Heng Yanlin is too young to be trusted.

"Yes, it's me."

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he directly nodded and said. His face was still calm. After moving his eyes from the old man, he nodded and said. When Heng Yanlin nodded, the doctors in white coats directly moved their eyes to Heng Yanlin.

That look in the eyes, full of questioning color, but now with that middle-aged man in, they are not good to say anything.

"My name is Jiang Yongyu. Can you tell me what kind of large-scale illness you have treated, what kind of certificates you have taken, and what famous colleges have you been to?"

On hearing this, the middle-aged man directly asked. Generally speaking, it takes countless time to meet his requirements, which is enough for some young people to reach the age of more than 30.

However, hengyanlin's age is only in his early twenties. At such an age, how much medical experience can he have, unless he started learning medicine at a young age.

But there are too few people like this. After these people, he has known about them before, but there is no such person as Heng Yan Lin.

"None of them. I didn't go to any college, but they were all secret medical skills."

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin said directly that there are only sects in the realm of cultivating immortals. Where are these things? And if they are ordinary things, they can be cured by relying on spiritual power or something.

This kind of spiritual power is the best healing and healing thing, just like this kind of thing, these ordinary people don't know it.

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Jiang Yongyu's face sank. He looked at Heng Yanlin with some ugliness. He didn't realize that Heng Yanlin didn't even know what he asked. So he came here to cure his father. Did he want to kill people?

At this time, the housekeeper Lin on the side also looked a little stiff. Originally, he thought that Heng Yanlin had some strength, but he didn't know anything about it. He didn't even receive the instruction from the regular college.

Who dares to treat a man like this? Housekeeper Lin is deeply regretted. If he had asked about this earlier, he would not have brought this person here. He would have driven him away.

At present, they are bringing this kind of people here. They are not careful. Maybe the owner of the house will not say anything, but he will have some thoughts in his heart.

It's also his fault. When he heard Heng Yanlin's confident words before, he believed that he would have some ability.

"You are even a regular medical school, have not been to, said secret medical skills, are some local methods?"

At this time, a doctor finally couldn't help it. He walked over directly and asked Heng Yanlin that he had never stayed in any hospital and had no experience in large-scale disease treatment. In any case, he looked like a disease seen by some local doctors.

For such people, these doctors who come out of regular hospitals have always been extremely hostile. In their view, it is this kind of people who are ruining the reputation of their doctors and despise them from the bottom of their hearts.

The doctors on one side, when they heard this, all looked at Heng Yan Lin coldly. In their eyes, they were also full of that kind of hostility. However, even if it was not for this reason, they were not good at hengyanlin.

After all, they are here to cure the old man of the Jiang family. Now hengyanlin is coming, which is like smashing the field. After all, they are treating the disease here, and now hengyanlin is here. What is it to say, they can't do it. What does it mean to let hengyanlin go?

Anyone who comes across such a thing will not be very happy.

Hearing the doctor's words, Jiang Yongyu's face is even more ugly. If hengyanlin is really a local doctor, he can't let him get close to the old man.

"Tu Lang Zhong? I'm not. " When Heng Yanlin heard this, he shook his head directly. What is the earth doctor? Of course, Heng Yanlin knows, but the question is, is he? He is an orthodox immortal, and those medical skills are developed by countless people. Compared with the current medical skills on the earth, they are not worth it at allA mention.

For the medical skills of the earth, the means of cultivating immortals can be described by breaking some rules, while the medical skills on the earth are limited to the wide shelf, and the rules must be obeyed before people can be saved.

The method of cultivating fairyland is not necessary. In such a comparison, it is clear who is superior and who is inferior.

"No? What's your secret skill, isn't it some ancestral folk formula or something? "

When the doctor heard this, he immediately said with a sneer. He didn't believe what Heng Yanlin said. After all, even a regular medical school was never attended. What medical skills can he have?

Apart from those local doctors, he really thought of other possibilities. If hengyanlin's ancestral secret arts were really powerful, he could not have never heard of it.

After all, people who are in the medical field, where can they not know the news?

"My medical skill is not something that you can question. You deserve to question my medical skill?"

Listening to the doctor's repeated doubts, Heng Yan Linton did not have a good temper. Now he was cold and sneered at the doctor.

Ren hengyanlin has a good temper, but he has been questioned in turn. If hengyanlin has any good temper, it is strange.

When he was despised by the doctor, he was despised by the doctor.

"I came out of the most famous medical school in the world. There have been more than 100 medical incidents in my hands, but there has never been an accident. Do you have any ability to question my medical skills?"

The doctor directly raised his hand, pointed to Heng Yanlin and said that he had never seen such a shameless person. He did not have any ability to question others? Who gave him that face? It's already thick enough.

Heng Yanlin listened to the man's words, immediately sneered, and then asked, "you mean, from the classics to the patients in your hands, there will be nothing wrong? All recovered? "

The doctor smell speech, with glasses of him, are not able to block that proud eyes, when even nodded said.

"That's natural. You can go and inquire about the patients who went out from me. In the end, which one is not recovered?"

"I don't know the one in front of me, but now, you should have one more person who you can't cure." Heng Yanlin hears the speech, directly refers to the patient in the hospital bed, and then opens his mouth to the doctor and says, "this patient is given to you. You can't cure it in any case. Judging from his appearance, you can only support for three days. If you can't cure these three days, you have to give up your hand and go home. In your record of

there will be one more patient who is not well treated."

The doctor was stunned when he heard the first sentence of Heng Yanlin. He didn't realize what Heng Yanlin said until he pointed to the old man. What did Heng Yanlin say immediately changed his face, and then he said sternly.

"What are you talking about? Master, we have just checked it. Although the condition is a little strange, we have already found some symptoms. As long as we have some time, we can cure it. And the old man's health is good. How can there be any mistakes?"

One side of the medical skills heard Heng Yanlin's words, but also repeatedly nodded. His eyes were extremely gloomy. Looking at Heng Yanlin, he said in succession.

"You yellow boy, don't look at your own identity. Here, you can talk nonsense? How dare you curse the old man? We have all been examined. The old man's body is still very well! "

"That's right. If you talk like this, you'd better drive this person out directly. It's not eye-catching to stay here."

Hearing the doctor's words, Heng Yanlin's face did not change and he shook his head directly.

"You can check whether I'm telling the truth. If you can't even check out this, it can only show that your medical skills are nothing but illusory. As for whether I'm telling the truth, you will know in three days."

Heng Yanlin's serious tone made the doctors begin to be suspicious. However, when he thought of his own medical skills, he immediately suppressed the doubts.

"You want us to be checking? OK, then we'll check it for you, but don't be confused! "

"I guess he can't understand. Even the regular hospitals haven't seen it. How can he understand those data?"

The doctor finally decided to give the old man a check-up. Heng Yanlin said this. Jiang Yongyu was watching. If they didn't care about it, there would be no good fruit to eat. Heng Yanlin listened to the doctor's words. He held his chest with both hands and didn't say anything. He had just seen the situation of the old man, but the situation was extremely bad. If he didn't get timely treatment, he would be in peace after three days.

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