"In fact, some of you human friars know about this matter."

Siren at this point, the diameter is responding.

All the monks in Yuanying period know it?

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, suddenly slightly stunned, he pour is really did not think of, unexpectedly someone already knew.

And it seems that they have already felt something bad, so they will explore this matter.

Heng Yan Lin thought about this in his heart, and then looked at the sea demon in front of him, indicating that the other side began to answer.

The sea demon didn't dare to neglect this, so he answered it quickly.

"This matter still has something to do with things ten years ago. At that time, for some unknown reason, a red stone suddenly fell from the sky, and then it directly fell into the sea water. When the stone just fell down, how many sea monsters died under the impact.

Half a year later, some sea monsters dare to explore the past slowly to find out

"Why is it half a year later, when the stone comes down, no one goes to explore it?"

Heng Yan Lin frowned, diameter asked a sentence.

Hearing this, the sea demon immediately nodded and looked extremely clever.

"Of course, there was, but at that time, the place was extremely strange. After the sea demon of jiedan period entered, the body was constantly melting, completely ignoring the spiritual power, and melting out of thin air.

At that time, they started to scare a lot of sea monsters, and then a sea demon of a yuan baby entered. It was the same situation, so gradually, no sea demon dared to enter.

Half a year later, some sea monsters found some sea fish. They actually began to march in that sea area, so they began to explore into it. "

I see. It seems that the stone is extremely strange.

It was actually accompanied by a monk Yuanying, who was totally unable to set foot on.

I don't know what kind of stone has such a powerful power?

Heng Yanlin was a little strange in his heart. He looked at the sea demon, and after a little meditation, he nodded his head gently, indicating that the other side would continue to speak.

The sea demon sees this, also dare not neglect one or two, hastily is to continue to speak.

"After discovering this situation, there were sea monsters coming in. After all, the sea monsters still remember and salivate at the wonder of this stone.

If you get this stone, if you refine it, you will definitely be able to crush the rest of the sea monsters. "

Speaking of this, the sea demon is clearly excited.

"But it's strange that when the sea monsters began to determine that there was no problem in it, they began to explore it continuously. This was the discovery that although there was a hole in it, in fact, there was nothing in it, and the surrounding was extremely flat.

When I look at the past, I don't even see a stone. It should be that when the stone just fell, it directly destroyed the surrounding things. "

The sea demon went to explain, but Heng Yan Lin frowned slightly.

When the stone fell, did not one of the friars find it?

If this place is so far away from the island that no one has noticed it, it would be said in the past.

However, no one found out that the monks in the period of Yuanying were born?

Or the other party in the previous time, has found out, but then did not make any action.

Because they also found that they could not enter such a place?

Heng Yan Lin eyebrows wrinkled, but the sea demon on one side continued to say.

"After that, we made a thorough exploration and found that there was nothing else here, and some sea monsters lived here. Then we gradually felt that there were some different places.

In such a place, we feel that we become more and more intelligent, and then there are countless sea monsters, and they begin to crowd towards here crazily.

In fact, it seems that after the stone fell, we constantly felt that we were gradually becoming extremely intelligent in the surrounding sea area.

Therefore, some sea monsters began to guess, or after the stone came down, it melted directly, and then gradually spread into the sea water, but all the sea monsters here can feel very different changes. "

Hengyanlin was stunned when he heard the speech. After the stone fell down, he was able to melt in the sea water directly, which benefited all the sea demons in this sea area?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's mouth suddenly twitched.

But then, Heng Yanlin also shook his head. In terms of such a thing, it is not impossible. On the whole, it is possible.I just don't know what this stone is. How can these sea monsters make their wisdom come together?

This kind of ability is too powerful. If some medicinal materials are used, hengyanlin knows that there are several kinds that can achieve this effect.

But as the other side said, it was just a red stone.

Such things, Heng Yan Lin also seriously some can not remember, or in other words, his heart did not think of, what is such a thing.

Heng Yan Lin eyebrows wrinkled, after careful review, determined that there is no such thing.

However, to also do not know, what this thing is, or a Heng Yan Lin in the past, never heard of things, that is not necessarily.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin looked at the sea demon who was still fawning in front of him and continued to ask.

"Then, no other friars came here to explore. Are you sure that this piece of stuff is not lost, but hidden?"

At the moment, carefully asked in some of Hengyan Lin.

The stone may have been taken away, but the rest of the sea monsters are not clear at all.

Some of the monks' methods are quite strange and difficult to detect. If the other side doesn't find out, it's normal.

The sea demon hears the speech and looks at Heng Yan Lin in front of him. Then he shakes his head again and again. His face is full of affirmation.

"It's absolutely impossible. We have found it before. There is nothing in that place. What's more, there are some other sea monsters in the sea. If the other party takes something away, it will not be so quiet."

At this moment, the sea demon responded with incomparable affirmation, as if it was certain that the thing had disappeared.

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