Heng Yanlin at this moment, the moment is to understand over, his silver needle some defects.

However, this is not to let Heng Yan Lin too disappointed.

After all, some of the abilities of the silver needle were already in the past, which surprised hengyanlin incomparably.

Before some monks, the reason why they didn't buy the silver needle at all might be that the power of the silver needle was somewhat unsatisfactory without binding the sea demon or the monk.

But at the moment, Heng Yanlin, after matching the willow branches, found that the power of the two was upgraded several grades because of this.

"Boy, I'm warning you for the last time. Stop now!"

After resisting the silver needle, the sea demon's face looked much better in an instant. However, he was still afraid of Hengyan forest, and began to put down his cruel words.

Heng Yan Lin did not respond, and then let the sea demon surprise happened.

In front of the Heng Yan Lin began to slowly disappear in situ, and then, it only felt that behind his back seems to be an inexplicable person.

Damn it, when did this guy run behind him?

At the moment of perceiving this situation, the sea demon's face changed instantly, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at it. Then he saw that hengyanlin was standing on its head.

"You look like you're changing into something. It's quite easy to use."

Heng Yanlin looked down at the sea demon for a few eyes, then nodded and made such an evaluation.

The sea demon's face was ugly. After a cold hum, he was ready to shoot at Heng Yanlin.

Look at the appearance of hengyanlin, it is not ready to stop, then it will not be polite to hengyanlin in front of him.

Immediately, after a cold look at hengyanlin, he is aiming at hengyanlin. Since hengyanlin is not willing to be peaceful, it is also ready to go directly.

He tried his best to kill Heng Yan Lin in front of him.

But, in front of hengyanlin at this moment, it is the first to take the lead, hengyanlin diameter appeared in front of this sea demon.

The next moment, a black general stone, diameter appeared in Heng Yanlin's hands.

When the sea demon saw this scene, he immediately looked on his face. Before that, Heng Yanlin used this stone, which made it extremely impressive.

But where does it know that Heng Yanlin used this thing without hesitation when dealing with himself.

The sea demon was very afraid, and the next moment was ready to dodge directly.

Just as soon as the black stone touched it, it burst by the way, and then a black flame began to sweep away, wrapping its diameter in it.

A strong burning sensation came from its skin, and the siren could not help but roar.

But it did not think that the power of this flame can be so powerful.

Originally was in the time before, has been seen from a distance, it has been feeling that they overestimated a lot.

But now look at the situation, this is to find that he is still a little underestimated, the power of the flame, is simply terrible to the extreme.

It is now let itself, become powerful countless, ordinary some of the flame, can not hurt it at all.

But at the moment, the situation is still burning by the black flame, even flexible is suffering from great pain.

Hengyanlin saw each other was wrapped in black flame, the next moment is in this sea demon did not notice, the diameter appeared behind it.

After that, a silver needle with incomparable dexterity appeared in Heng Yanlin's hand.

Heng Yanlin did not have a bit of hesitation, silver needle diameter toward the sea demon rushed in the past.


Compared with the previous time, this time the sea demon did not notice, the silver needle broke its defense smoothly.

In the past, it could detect the silver needle, because its divine consciousness was constantly exploring around to prevent the silver needle from rushing to its own.

But what it didn't think of was that this time the flame made its soul seem to be burning.

It makes it miserable and uneasy, where there are other minds to pay attention to.

Moreover, under the burning of this flame, it can not even feel itself, and its defense has been reduced a lot.

Silver needle smoothly into its head, and then in its brain step area began to stir up.

After the sea demon is aware of this situation, the moment is to start to react, ready to get the silver needle out.

However, it is very fast, but there is no way.

This silver needle at this moment, has been very smooth and incomparable invasion into its brain, where can so simple run out?

Immediately, the silver needle in the next moment, is in its god awareness of a stir.The sea demon only felt stiff, and then became extremely crazy. The huge body began to sweep.

One side of the sea is stirring up the riots.

However, the sea demon hasn't stirred it for long. At the next moment, the whole body is stiff in place, and the look behind the eyes has disappeared.

Hengyanlin at this moment, looking at the scene in front of him, immediately followed by a slight sigh of relief.

This guy, however, did not expect that he was even more difficult to deal with than before.

But fortunately, this guy was killed by himself. If he killed this guy directly before, this guy would not have the moment of making waves.

Hengyanlin at this moment, slightly began to think up, but had thought of, before their own time should kill each other.

In this way, we will not give each other such a chance at this moment.

In order not to cause the side of the knot Dan sea demon cage over, hengyanlin had to use a flint.

But this thing is extremely easy to use, in front of the sea demon, really few can block this from the flint.

Although a flint can not directly kill a jiedan sea demon, it can bring great pain to the sea demon.

At this point, it is really incomparably easy to use.

When being tortured by flint, if the spirit of the sea demon is not strong enough, it is easy to give up its defense.

If it is easy to be defeated by the bitter spell while casting, and then be directly eaten by the spell, these are extremely possible.

However, this effect will be better in the future.

Heng Yanlin looked around and noticed that there were some sea monsters coming near. After collecting the body of the sea demon, he flew away in diameter.

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