A few friars, at this moment are some hope, in these friars, after knowing Heng Yanlin's strength, they will not be gossiping about hengyanlin.

In this way, we don't have to worry about anything in the future. These friars don't have to worry at all. Heng Yanlin will hear these words.

After all, after knowing Heng Yanlin's strength, it is impossible for these people to speak those words.

Heng Yanlin at the moment, look at the situation in front of him, and then slightly shake his head.

Naturally he knew what the friars were paying attention to at the moment.

Nothing but fear, Heng Yanlin for the previous things feel bitter, so want to wash white just.

To tell you the truth, hengyanlin didn't care much about the things before, and these people in front of him, at this moment, he couldn't say anything.

However, in any case, these monks have arranged their own teams. Now, after hearing about their own strength, they are afraid of their own strength, and presumably will not be too close.

In this way, hengyanlin in the end can also be relaxed, think of here, hengyanlin dry crisp also don't say what.

One side of the friars, at the moment, see these Taoist friends of the Dan period, one by one is speaking for Heng Yanlin, and all of them are frowning.

After looking at each other's eyes, we can see the dignified color in each other's eyes.

So many friars of jiedan have already spoken for Heng Yanlin in this way. It is very possible that Heng Yanlin in front of him really has such ability.

Just, before the time spread, in front of Heng Yan Lin is incomparably useless a monk.

In Fengmu City, almost all the friars are recognized as the hengyanlin in front of them. That is, the monks in jiedan period belong to the bottom of the existence.

But at the moment, looking at the situation, it seems that hengyanlin in front of him belongs to the existence of the peak?

As soon as I think of it, some friars at this moment, their faces are slightly coagulated, and they just feel strange and incomparable.

But later, some monks were lazy and thought so much. Their words could be believed or not.

However, for your own sake, you can believe it.

after all, if you don't believe it, it's easy to kill yourself.

If you believe it, I must keep some distance from hengyanlin in front of me, and I'm also slightly respectful.

I think I will be safer.

What's more, the body of the sea demon that the other party took out is not wrong. The other party should have some strength.

In the past, all the monks in the Dan period thought that this monk was not very good.

But these colleagues are speaking for hengyanlin. If they are not convinced by hengyanlin, there will be no other reason.

Thinking of this in mind, some friars suddenly blinked in their eyes, and then did not say anything more.

In terms of the current situation, it is just respect for Heng Yan Lin in front of him, and there is nothing difficult to do.

"It seems that this Taoist friend is really very powerful. There is hope for the battle of sealing wooden city."

"Yes, there are Taoist friends with such strength. I think we have more opportunities to guard this wooden city."

Several people at the moment, are one after another to say a word, in their view, in the current situation, in front of Heng Yan Lin is really have such strength, it is indeed a matter of joy.

After all, there are more powerful people on their side, and it will be much easier to deal with the sea demon at that time?

Heng Yanlin is listening to this at the moment, but his brow is slightly frowned.

"You're flattered. I'm just one person. If you really want to fight these sea monsters, it's just a drop in the ocean. To fight against them, we still need our strength."

There are so many sea monsters outside. Heng Yanlin is fierce, and it is impossible to exterminate all the sea demons in an instant. Therefore, for such words, Heng Yanlin shook his head and then spoke.

In terms of the current situation, Heng Yanlin doesn't want to be boasted by these people. With his own existence, these sea monsters will not be worried about.

Once such words are passed out and used by some people who have the intention, Heng Yanlin will be in great trouble.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin immediately clarified that he hoped that these guys would not exaggerate about such things.

After hearing the speech, the monks looked at each other immediately and then gave a kind smile.

At the beginning, almost all of them called themselves friar jiedan the first one. In fact, they didn't catch a cold.

After all, just like this, without any reason, was crushed by the other side.Under such circumstances, they are not very happy in their hearts. The monks will have some confidence in their own strength.

Under such circumstances, it is hard to avoid some dissatisfaction.

They just don't want to make enemies in plain white. After all, they didn't come out to challenge hengyanlin, and then directly compared with hengyanlin.

When they came to talk about such words, they actually had some meaning of praising Heng Yanlin.

Mainly still want to see, in front of the Heng Yan Lin to see, the other side in the end is what kind of character.

Generally speaking, there are some very powerful friars. The strength of the opponent's hands is extremely powerful, but the other side's character will also be very arrogant.

Such a monk is extremely conceited and hard to get close to.

At the moment, looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of him, under such a response, he is not such a monk.

If Lin yanheng is too kind to them, he will not be so kind to them.

Therefore, after seeing such performance at the moment, several people look relaxed.

Then, one by one are not ready to say anything, hengyanlin in the end has such a fierce, then you can know.

After all, we often go in and out of the sea to kill the sea monsters, and then we will inevitably encounter them.

The battlefield of jiedan realm is just that.

Thinking of this, a group of friars at this moment, also quiet down a bit, No. 2 meat is sitting in front of their respective.

Hengyanlin at this moment, see these friars, also do not say these words, suddenly slightly relaxed a few minutes.

As long as these people don't talk about those things, they are the first monk jiedan. If they have their own wooden City, they will have the words of salvation. That is the best.

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