At this moment, Heng Yanlin looked at the monk in front of him.

If the monk in front of him wanted to say something, it was no different from what he had heard before.

The other side wants to say, only these words, Heng Yan Lin is to be disappointed some.

After all, these can be hengyanlin already know, the other party at the moment, such a mysterious appearance, really will let hengyanlin some disappointment.

It is about to see that Heng Yanlin's thoughts at the moment, the other party at the moment, slightly hesitated for a moment.

Then he looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him, and then his eyes were slightly frozen. "In fact, there is another thing. After I think about it, since I have said so much, I can't prevent telling all of them to Taoist friends."

Said here, the other side's face at the moment also changed a few minutes.

After that, looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of him, his face immediately changed into something serious and said.

"Those sea demons have always believed that the stone has been integrated into the sea water, but we monks don't think so, especially one thing."

Said here, the other side is a little pause, seems to be to hook up Heng Yanlin's curiosity in general.

Heng Yanlin also looked at the other side, along the other side's words to ask. "What's the matter?"

Seeing hengyanlin asking, the other side seemed satisfied, and immediately opened his mouth to hengyanlin and said, "that is, after going there, the monks will think this way, and they will feel that the stone has melted into the sea water."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, eyebrow slightly a wrinkle, this calculate what matter?

After the other party went there, he didn't see the stone, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with such a conclusion?

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin looks at each other's eyes, full of doubts. He doesn't know what the other party is saying at the moment.

According to Heng Yanlin's thought, in terms of this matter at present, it seems to be dispensable.

Even if they don't say it, they don't have much?

Congyun in front of him looks at Heng Yanlin, where he doesn't know what he is thinking about.

"I'm afraid you think that such a thing is nothing, right? Anyway, I've seen it. I feel that the stone has melted into the sea water, but it's not a big deal, right? "

Hengyanlin saw the other side to see, to also did not deny what, here in hengyanlin, hengyanlin really has such an idea.

After all, in terms of Heng Yanlin's current situation, this is indeed the case.

Apart from this, there is nothing else to say.

And the other party at this moment, looked at the Heng Yan Lin in front of one eye, the diameter is shaking his head.

"I'm afraid you don't know one thing, that is, all monks who have been there will think so, and they are very firm."

Very firm?

Heng Yanlin also felt that the other party's words seemed to have some other meanings.

At that time, he frowned slightly and looked at the monk in front of him. Then he was stunned.

Friars all have their own ideas, and even if they don't find these stones after they go there, they will feel that the stones have been melted, right?

At least, it's not possible to be taken away?

Isn't that a low possibility?

But why is the other side saying such a thing?

As soon as such words were said, Heng Yanlin at this moment, suddenly understood that there was a trace of strange.

Even if the stone is not found, it will not be. The monks who have gone will think that the stone has melted like this.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin looked at the monk in front of him, and his eyes showed a dignified look.

"So, this thing is a little strange. In principle, although the stone is missing, it will not make all the sea monsters or monks feel that the stone is melting into the sea water, right?"

Hengyanlin at the moment, looking at the other side, immediately is the focus of inquiry.

In front of the coagulation cloud looking at the front of the hengyanlin, at this moment listen to hengyanlin such words, dun time eyebrows slightly pick.

In front of him is quite strange, and then the eyes of Lin Yan Heng are heavy.

Before that, he did not tell Heng Yanlin that all the sea demons thought that the stone had melted in the sea water, right?

And in front of hengyanlin at this moment, it is actually such a guess, that is not to say, hengyanlin in the previous time, has already known this matter?

And when he was in the past, he said that some things, hengyanlin actually also knew?At the thought of this, he was suddenly a little lucky to come over.

Xin Kui himself is the rest of the matter, is also said.

Otherwise, as for the things mentioned before, hengyanlin has already known, what kind of human relationship is that?

Now also Xin Kui is the remaining words, are said, Heng Yan Lin is about to accept his human feelings.

However, the monk in front of him was also powerful, and he found out something wrong so quickly.

Immediately, he is directed in front of the Heng Yan Lin gently nodded.

"That's right. It seems a little strange. Why do the monks or the sea monsters think that the stone is melted into the sea water?"

Ning cloud at the moment, also do not hide anything, since hengyanlin knew before, he said that some things, then the next, is the real thing to sell people.

In this case, it is not worth the loss to conceal something.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, immediately nodded.

Heng Yanlin thought of the sea demon he interrogated before.

When asked about the rest of the matter, the other side is quite calm.

But then, when Heng Yanlin asked about the stone, he slightly doubted that the stone should have been stolen, and the other party immediately seemed extremely excited.

This is very strange.

After all, no matter what, it's normal and possible that the stone was stolen.

And the other party in the subsequent, was such a question, as if received a great doubt in general, also extremely do not want people to have other ideas in general, must say to outsiders, this stone is melted in general.

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