Heng Yanlin at this moment, has been out of the city.

I don't know what happened behind me.

At the moment of Heng Yan Lin, also bowed his head and began to think, the other side in the previous time will this matter to their own meaning.

The other party has already seen this treasure. It should be a treasure.

In that case, generally speaking, the less people know, the better.

After all, in this way, no one will come to fight with them.

But where would you think, the other side in the previous time, or directly told themselves to listen.

Is there any other meaning in this?

If the other party is just selling people, they will directly tell themselves these things?

Heng Yanlin thought about it, and felt that it was really impossible for such a thing.

Therefore, after seeing each other, his face became more and more abnormal.

I always feel that some things like this are not possible, and some things are not right.

Heng Yanlin's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, in the heart is constantly thinking about this matter.

I don't know at all. The reason why the other party told him this matter, apart from trying to sell people, is that the other party has given up and is paying attention to this treasure.

Therefore, the other side is so direct, told this matter to Heng Yan Lin.

Heng Yanlin is also do not know, if you know, absolutely will cry and smile can not but.

Because, Heng Yanlin at the moment, but think a lot of situations, but there is no one, is such a situation.

The other side is actually thinking, anyway, he is not, then that is to say out, for himself will not have a bit of influence.

And at the moment of hengyanlin, also some want to skew.

Is it difficult to say that the other party thought that the previous stone might have melted.

So even after I went there, I couldn't find it?

And the people who went there were affected because they came into contact with that piece of sea water.

If so, there are also some possibilities. After all, some sea monsters, after all, are full of wisdom after approaching.

Under such circumstances, it seems not impossible to influence some other things.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's face changed slightly.

In this way, it is possible for this matter to happen.

But I don't know whether this thing is true or not.

Heng Yanlin shook his head slightly after that.

About the other side also thought of this point, thinking in the heart, do not know this thing, in the end is a treasure.

So after that, there was no more thinking.

Anyway, I don't know whether this thing is true or not. If you say it, you will tell it.

In case it is a fake, I also sold a good one.

And even if it is true, he may not be able to get hold of it himself. It is about this mentality that the other party speaks directly.

Hengyanlin at this time, it is in the heart out of such an idea.

In fact, it is no different from Heng Yan Lin's guess.

In hengyanlin thinking about this matter, in a moment, hengyanlin has been far away from Fengmu City, after a moment of looking up, carefully looking at the front.

Far away, Heng Yanlin saw a large area of sea ahead.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

In the previous time, hengyanlin but very clearly remember, these sea areas from Fengmu City, there are some distances.

Now how long he has been flying, hengyanlin still has some numbers in mind.

If in the past time, now definitely not to this sea area.

Before listening to those guys say, this period of time, in fact, nothing particularly big happened.

Heng Yanlin already believed what these people said.

But at the moment, seeing such a scene, are unable to help, began to constantly shake his head.

It's all like this here. There's so much sea water here, and it's constantly eroding over. These guys, actually, said that nothing really happened?

If there is a period of time, I am afraid that the sea water will directly pour into the island, and then the sealing wood will be flooded.

Although by means of monks, the sea water can be isolated from the outside.

However, when the outside of the city is full of sea water, how can this wooden Chen stay?

After all, these sirens are free to roam in the sea.

At that time, out of the city, there will be countless sea monsters outside, which is absolutely dangerous for the monks.Therefore, after thinking about it, hengyanlin was a little uneasy.

Just some guys in the city of Fengmu, they don't feel like that yet.

Thinking of this in mind, hengyanlin shook his head slightly.

But hengyanlin said nothing.

The monks who spoke these words before were just the builders.

For these building monks, it is not very clear and not clear about these things. After such things happen, it will be so and quite normal.

But some of the above monks must have a good understanding of such things.

And such things, I think they will be able to solve.

As for the monks, just go and deal with the sea demons.

Really wait until these sea water, begin to erode to seal wood City, the lone family such as hengyanlin, run directly.

It will be possible to change places at that time.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about such a matter at all by a monk like hengyanlin.

If you really want to worry, it is better to worry about it. What will the sea do when the sea drowns the island.

Almost all the monks have to worry about such things.

But there is no other way for hengyanlin at the moment.

The way back, hengyanlin did not think at this moment.

But here, there is no way back, the only thing that can be thought of is to hope to be able to beat these sea demons back first.

Just retreat these sea demons, give yourself some time to practice.

After he has recovered some of his accomplishments, he will not be afraid of any of these sea demons.

Moreover, when it comes to the cultivation of great energy, it is completely possible to destroy the sea demons here.

At this moment, hengyanlin thought of this, and shook his head slightly, and did not think much.

Hengyanlin continued to fly forward.

The nearby building base sea demon can be seen by hengyanlin from time to time.

And there were some monks who built the foundation period, who were dealing with the sea demons.

If you see the building monks, some invincible situations, hengyanlin will quietly help these monks.

And the building monks, after they realized this situation, were grateful to hengyanlin.

Immediately, kill these sea demons with one stroke.

Even if the sea demons were aware of this situation, there was no way.

Only in the roar and roar, they were killed by the monks.

There are no sea demon knot Dan existence, even if hengyanlin hands, these sea demons did not see, there is nothing to say.

If I see it, then it will be just a fight.

Although they all agree with each other.

But under each, occasionally, they will be under some hands, such things are too normal.

So, there is nothing to say.

As long as we are not on the surface, they are crazy to kill some lower-level monks, or sea demons, there is nothing to say.

After thinking about it, the sea demons are at this moment, naturally also helpless.

Can hate the high-level sea demon on his side, not here.

Hengyanlin was flying for a moment, and then he felt that there seemed to be a large number of sea demons on the side, and he was ready to go and see.

On the left, I felt that there was a slight vibration passing over. It seemed that there were some nuns of jiedan fighting with the sea demon.

See this situation, hengyanlin eyebrow slightly wrinkled, thought about, diameter toward left.

Since all have met, then go and have a look.

Anyway, it's not too much to waste Kung Fu.

What's more, it is necessary to say that, in the previous situation, hengyanlin is quite annoyed by a certain thing.

The compass I thought about before was missing.

I have a lot of spiritual stones at present, but it is partial. The compass didn't know where to find it.

In the city of Fengmu City, hengyanlin has seen all the places, and there is no compass.

If you have such a compass, it's a good thing.

I have got such things, and it is not hard to find the sea demon.

Moreover, it is impossible to get such a compass, and there is any sea demon around it to surround itself.

I look at the compass, and then I see a lot of sea demons, and run directly.

Such a radar is very good to use.

But why, after the former monk saw it, he did not see it?Heng Yan Lin frowned, slightly helpless.

If you know that at present, this will happen here, in any case, in the previous time is to get the compass.

Even before, it was worth it to start directly at the friar.

It's a pity that, judging from the current situation, the compass can't be found.

Moreover, the friar before, clearly saw the other side run, but the other side to the end, whether or not run away, Heng Yanlin is not very clear.

In terms of the current situation, Lin yanheng did not.

It seems not so easy to find each other.

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