Bingxuan was in this wooden city. During this period of time, she also heard a lot about hengyanlin.

In this period of time, Heng Yanlin became more and more famous in this wooden city.

There are not many practitioners who are not clear about Heng Yanlin.

This is because Heng Yanlin saved many monks in the sea during this period of time.

Many of these friars thought that they were going to die.

But the appearance of Heng Yan Lin saved all the monks.

Moreover, they were rescued under extremely dangerous circumstances.

They all thought that they were dead, but after experiencing Heng Yanlin, they realized that there were still such powerful monks.

After that, when these friars came back, they were naturally very happy with hengyanlin, hoping to express their gratitude.

After that, with the promotion of countless jiedan friars, Heng Yanlin naturally became famous.

One by one, the friars all got a common answer. It seems that as long as Heng Yanlin is outside.

They are in danger. As long as they meet Heng Yanlin, they are saved.

At first, Xuan's face was shocked when she heard the news.

Although we know that hengyanlin is powerful, but also did not expect, hengyanlin seems to be more than they think, are much more powerful.

So many friars are there, but when he comes to hengyanlin, it seems that hengyanlin wants to rescue him at will.

At the thought of this, looking at the situation in front of them, some monks were thinking about it in their hearts.

Wait until Heng Yanlin comes back, try to see if you can pull hengyanlin together, let him and himself together.

If you can, then you can increase a bit of security.

"I'm sorry that so many sea monsters have fallen

Heng Yan Lin's face, slightly some Yin Qi unsteady flicker for a moment, then toward the other side, is gently open his mouth to say a word.

Bingxuan just shook her head when she heard the speech.

That battle had nothing to do with Heng Yanlin in front of him, and there was not much to say.

At that time, Heng Yanlin was not there.

Otherwise, we should be able to experience what despair is.

The more she thought about it, she felt that she should follow Heng Yan Lin.

Think about it. Before, Heng Yanlin didn't promise to be with them.

In this way, hengyanlin does not need to be sent together to the extremely terrible battlefield before.

At that time, Heng Yanlin also said directly that he just didn't like to form a team with people. This is what he framed his reputation.

If not, Heng Yanlin could prove it at that time.

In addition, recently, the news spread out can also prove that Heng Yanlin is quite good in front of him.

When I saw the monks who were in trouble, they almost did it.

He did not see any situation that he didn't do anything, although it was possible that Heng Yanlin didn't help, leading to the death of these monks.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Heng Yanlin saved so many monks.

Bingxuan thought for a moment, and felt that hengyanlin in front of her was quite good.

The reason why they didn't save them before was that they were unable to protect themselves, and there was no ability to save the rest of the people.

At this point, there is really no good responsibility.

Monks are quite selfish. If they have no way to protect themselves and run to save others, where is the possibility?

Hengyanlin at the moment, slightly lowered his head, pressure is not aware, in front of this guy, actually want to follow their own.

So I didn't think much about it.

"Before, I was also closed, so I didn't know about it. After I came out, I realized that so many things had happened."

A moment later, Heng Yan Lin just raised his head and said a little with emotion.

Speaking of this, Heng Yanlin's face also slightly some not very good-looking.

Originally, I thought that it was difficult for me to feel the situation just after more than 100 monks of jiedan fell.

But at the moment, it seems that at least 200 of them have fallen.

So, the situation here is more serious than expected.

How to look at it, this time human beings are already at a disadvantage.

Heng Yanlin's face was slightly ugly and helpless.

In front of the ice Xuan looking at Heng Yan Lin, after listening to each other's words, immediately is toward Heng Yan Lin body to see.

Then, in the eyes of Bingxuan, there is a look of shock.In front of the Heng Yan Lin, actually already to the end of the middle of the Dan?

Before that, I just saw the other party's initial cultivation of jiedan. How long did it take to reach this mid-term!

In this way, the other party is a step further away from the road.

At the thought of it, her face was filled with envy.

This kind of cultivation is really enviable.

"I didn't expect that Daoyou had already reached the middle stage of jiedan. It's really gratifying."

Heng Yan Lin waved his hand and didn't care much about it on his face. "It's just the mid-term of jiedan. In such a battlefield, it can't play a big role."

Ice Xuan smell speech, see Heng Yan Lin is still appear some low-key appearance, suddenly feel helpless.

If the rest of the monks were afraid that they had done something, they would be extremely conspicuous.

But in front of him, Heng Yan Lin didn't care about these things at all. Moreover, he didn't care about his accomplishments.

In terms of such things, where is such a thing?

You know, in the case of the cultivation world, there are no monks who are so indifferent to their own accomplishments.

If this is their own words, I'm afraid it's impossible to be like Heng Yanlin.

As long as there is a little breakthrough, it is a joy that can not be hidden at all.

"Don't say that, Taoist friends have been in the sea recently. Countless jiedan sea demons have died in the hands of Taoist friends. The rest of them are saved by Taoist friends. However, the reputation of Daoyou is very large in the ears of jiedan friars."

Bing Xuan looks at Heng Yan Lin in front of her, and says a word.

Heng Yan Lin hears speech, pour is a bit surprised to see each other.

When I was in the past, I saw that the number of friars jiedan was a little too small. However, when I saw other friars jiedan who were besieged by sea demons, they would fall down, and they would help.

In order to avoid the situation that monk jiedan falls.

In the past, it was true that he had saved a lot of friars jiedan.

But how can the other party know?

Look at each other's appearance, seems to be what these friars said?

Therefore, the monks here almost all know about this matter?

When Heng Yanlin thought of it, he burst into tears and laughter.

These friars said that, at that time, when the monks outside, once they saw Heng Yan Lin, if they had any difficulties, would they all come to ask for help?

This is not a good thing for Heng Yan Lin.

The reason for saving these friars is that there are too few friars jiedan.

Therefore, in the previous time, there were many monk jiedan who did not fall down very much. They were all in danger of falling.

It is entirely because of the reduction of friars jiedan that some of them can't suppress these sea monsters on the battlefield outside the sea.

Therefore, a monk jiedan is often in the state of being besieged by these sea demons, which is extremely dangerous.

It's almost a chain reaction.

Heng Yanlin saved some of these monks.

However, if the number of jiedan monks did not change and became more.

When the time comes, these friars of jiedan will go out for a while. I'm afraid they will be besieged by these sea demons again.

At that time, at least there will be many monk jiedan.

And Heng Yanlin can not always be outside, even if it is outside, it is not necessarily able to meet.

As a result, more and more friars of jiedan have fallen, and fewer and fewer of them are outside.

At that time, these jiedan sea demons will specially go to kill the monk jiedan who comes here.

At that time, it is estimated that if a monk jiedan goes out, there will be countless sea monsters.

It's almost a killing game.

In addition, there is a very difficult thing, that is, the number of monk jiedan is less and less, and this kind of thing will only increase more and more.

This is an irreversible thing. If there is no way to solve it, monk jiedan will have to fall clean.

Even if they didn't, they would not go out if the situation was not good.

Think about it. When you go out, there are some sea demons with Dan outside, staring at you like a hungry wolf.

At that time, one-time is to face countless sea monsters and attack you together.

Under such a situation, how many monks are willing to face it?

There will be no one who is stupid enough to go out in this way.

If you want to go, it's better not to go.

Therefore, there will be some monks of jiedan who are not willing to go out.When the time comes, jiedan sea demons who are rampant outside will keep an eye on the friars in the foundation period.

At that time, the foundation building friars who go out will have no return. As long as things last, even the foundation building friars will not want to go.

Heng Yanlin's eyes flickered slightly, and then his face became ugly and incomparable.

This matter can be a little difficult to solve, at present, the friars have fallen completely behind.

At present, it seems that we can only see what other methods the monks of Yuan infantile period have. If not, Heng Yanlin himself will find a chance to leave.

Stay here, Heng Yan Lin is afraid that he also has the possibility of falling.

However, after leaving here, the island will be destroyed by then. Where can hengyanlin go?

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