Heng Yanlin at the moment, looking down at his transmission array, seems to be thinking about something.

After the second inquiry, he woke up and took a look at each other.

Then a little apologetic smile at the other side.

"Sorry, I was just looking at the transmission array. I was thinking about how to repair it."

Liu she smiles carelessly and doesn't ask Heng Yanlin how the observation goes.

Since someone destroyed the transmission array, how can it be repaired so easily?

If the other party makes some actions at will, they will have a headache for half a day. They don't know how to deal with it.

Therefore, at the moment, he is looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of him. In his opinion, the transmission array can not be repaired at all.

The people who destroy it won't let them repair it.

"It's all right. I wonder if you can tell me what the danger was before?"

Stay to see Heng Yan Lin, and then is in the inquiry.

Heng Yanlin looked at the other side and shook his head. "It's just some danger, but it's more powerful. Even if all of us here are united, they can't fight."

At this moment, Heng Yanlin is very light, but the content of the words is the friars on the side of the people, who are all frowning.

Look, the other party belongs to even read, what is the ghost!

What does this word mean!

What do you call them? These people can't deal with them.

Such a danger, I'm afraid, is possible if there are countless Yuanying friars together?

However, it's very hidden here, and they haven't exposed their whereabouts. How can these Yuanying friars know?

Apart from this, the monks of Yuanying didn't come in. The array outside was enough to protect them.

In these cases, they are extremely safe.

Heng Yanlin's words are nonsense!

At the thought of this, they were all unable to help themselves and began to laugh when they saw Heng Yanlin's words.

"Taoist friend, you are not willing to say what the danger is. How can we believe you?"

"Yes, at least you have to say what the danger is? How can I believe you if you don't say so? "

"I'm afraid you're not fooling us? This transmission array just happens to be broken, which makes the other party a little nervous. Monk, I always think about it every day. Someone is always trying to murder me. "

At this time, the friars spoke one by one.

One of the friars' words made some people nod their heads one after another.

I don't talk about the rest of the things, but this word is very possible.

As a monk, I really feel that the rest of the monks are plotting against their own ideas.

After all, in such a world, one by one is hostile to each other, afraid of each other and on guard against each other.

In the heart some secret person, also can be afraid, the other party is thinking to murder oneself, too normal.

As a monk, who has no secret in his heart.

Such a secret, in their view, is enough for some people to start thinking about their own things.

At the thought of this, some friars couldn't help but guess at Heng Yan Lin in front of him.

Seeing these people, I don't believe in myself at this time. I have to tell such things by myself.

Heng Yan Lin shook his head, some words, or not with these people said better.

Besides, there are ghosts here.

Heng Yanlin is very sure of this matter. If he is sure of it, it will be more difficult to say.

Once said, who knows what will happen?

After all, if the other party contacts people outside, the remaining time is not available.

Heng Yanlin is sure that when the other party arrives at this time, they are not doing anything, because the time is not ripe.

If hengyanlin said, leading to the other party to start ahead of time, it is the only bit of vitality is gone.

Here I am, looking at the transmission array, I want to repair this thing.

In the eyes of some insiders, Heng Yanlin is just useless.

They are absolutely confident in their own technology, so they will not believe that hengyanlin can complete the repair.

In this way, anyway, Heng Yanlin is free to play with it, and it will not affect their own affairs, so it will not be triggered in advance.

Heng Yanlin looked at the other side, or did not think, to say his own in the previous time, feel the breath.

"If you don't believe it, just look at the rest of the transmission array and see if it can be repaired."Hengyanlin said to the monks, and then put his hand at it. The diameter was to squat aside and began to look.

"How about it, can this thing be fixed?"

Bingxuan was at this time and walked to hengyanlin.

She has already seen it, and it feels like there is no way to fix it.

In his own way, if she had been, she would have been desperate, and even began to sneer.

He thinks that he can't do anything, and hengyanlin can never do it.

Therefore, seeing hengyanlin studying in this way, he will definitely laugh at hengyanlin, and she will start to laugh at it.

but at this time, she has no such knowledge. She knows very clearly in her heart that hengyanlin in front of her is much worse than herself.

And she can't, it doesn't mean that hengyanlin can't.

Moreover, she also at the moment will own the only hope, placed on the hengyanlin.

Only hope that hengyanlin can do it at this time, and repair the transmission array.

Otherwise, she would die here with hengyanlin in front of her.

Hengyanlin is a matter of great fear. At this moment, they dare not say that there is absolutely a secret.

That is, the rest of the people, is such a silly, to the moment is not know the meaning of hengyanlin.

Hengyanlin does not say that is the most frightening.

If hengyanlin can say it, what danger is it?

Are these people, have no idea of it?

The more such a thought, Bingxuan at this moment, after a look at each other, also more and more disappointed.

These people before, also feel like watching her is looking at a fool, where will know, Bingxuan also looked at them.

Only, who is a fool, it needs to be the end, to see who survived, can know.

"Not for the time being, it's hard to fix it. If you give me some time, it will be possible."

Hengyanlin heard the words, shook his head slightly, and then said a sentence helplessly.

Bingxuan heard the words, and suddenly a touch of panic appeared on her face.

What if there is no way to fix it?

They will be here together when they arrive?

they knew that would be the case. Before, they should not have come here!

Bingxuan was full of panic.

Since someone has broken their retreat, it is absolutely very sure that biting them all is annihilated here.

This is Bingxuan's idea, although she didn't think too much in the past.

Listen to hengyanlin, there is a dangerous word, and I believe it directly.

I really thought that, in the case that hengyanlin didn't say anything dangerous, Bingxuan believed it so naively?

That is because Bingxuan saw that the transmission array was destroyed. There was no doubt in her heart.

In Bingxuan's view, it is possible to see a thing with this transmission array.

After all, the transmission array is all bad. At this moment, they are like a turtle in a jar.

Is such a place not a disaster for them.

If the person who destroys the transmission array has no skill or a little bit of basic spirit, where will such a thing be done?

This is the message that the monk who destroyed the transmission array gave.

Bingxuan saw clearly, but some people did not know the appearance, that is, they would not pay attention to it.

Think Bingxuan, stupid by the other side of a word, to deceive, when it is stupid can.

Bingxuan thought that, before, these people looked at their eyes, and immediately there was a cold color on the corner of their mouth.

What a bunch of fools.

Unfortunately, I want to die with these fools.

Even living back, can not do.

At the thought of this, Bingxuan sighed helplessly.

In such a case, where does she have any way to go on?

It is true that these people are fools, and there is no mistake, but if they can leave, they can really laugh at the last few words.

But, you are all going to stay here. If you are a fool, you are a fool. Where else is it necessary?

After thinking about it, she just shook her head, and her eyes were full of helpless color.

At this time, hengyanlin was also about to see, seeing the disappointment after the eyes of the other party.

After thinking about it, he sighed, "go back and put it on, then take a piece from the northeast corner and put it in the middle."Heng Yan Lin said in a low voice, the words directly passed to the other party's ears, in order to prevent others from knowing, Heng Yanlin at this time, directly began to send messages.

Hearing this, Bingxuan was stunned for a moment.

Looking up at the Heng Yan Lin in front of him, he saw that Heng Yan Lin was still very distressed and looked at the transmission array on the ground.

"Damn it, if you give me some time, I can definitely repair this transmission array, but in a short time, it's totally impossible! Even if it's an array master, it can't be done at all! "

Hengyanlin at the moment, is still in the side began to complain, and Bingxuan at the moment, listen to such words, at that time is eyes light up.

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