There is nothing to talk about with Jiang Yongyu. Both of them are just chatting about some digressions. Jiang Yongyu ordered him to go down and let the people in the kitchen prepare some food.

Jiang Yongyu opened his mouth and cooked some food, but it was in line with hengyanlin's taste. After dinner, housekeeper Lin took Heng Yanlin to the room and gave him a good rest.

Hengyanlin is not polite to see this. After returning to the room, he locks the door directly. Hengyanlin can't absorb the power of the stars. He doesn't have to. Tonight, he's ready not to practice.

So it was early in the morning, when he lay down and began to rest. When no one bothered Heng Yanlin's rest, he had a very stable sleep. After daybreak, Heng Yanlin got up from his bed and washed himself before he opened the door.

The housekeeper Lin outside the house happened to knock on the door and prepare to wake Heng Yanlin. Seeing Heng Yanlin open the door himself, he showed a smile and said respectfully to Heng Yanlin.

"Breakfast is ready, sir. Please come and have a meal."

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he nodded his head directly. When he got to the hall, Jiang Miaoshu was already sitting on the dining table, but he didn't see Jiang Qianman.

It seemed that he knew what Heng Yanlin wanted to ask. Jiang Miaoshu directly gave a smile and then said to Heng Yanlin, "Qianman, she is used to it. When she doesn't have class, she doesn't sleep until noon, she won't get up."

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he was suddenly dumbfounded. Then he laughed and sat down on the dining table. At this time, Jiang Siyu's eyes were full of sleepiness.

Looking at her appearance, I knew that she did not sleep well. Now it was the time when she was very sleepy. It seemed that she noticed Heng Yanlin's eyes. At this time, Jiang Siyu gave Heng Yanlin a fierce stare.

It's this guy who did it. If it wasn't for this guy, she was still in bed now. She was sleeping comfortably. She didn't have to get up so early at all. But when she thought of this guy, she would go to the ancestral tomb this morning.

With this guy, there are also his father and aunt, so that these two people have been cheated by Heng Yanlin, and they will go with us. Ghost knows what will happen at that time.

One is not good. What should Heng Yanlin do when he deceives them? I don't know how humiliating it is to get this thing out.

So in order to avoid such a thing happening again, she would definitely go with her. For this reason, she directly sacrificed her sleep time. She did not want Heng Yanlin to have the opportunity to cheat them.

Heng Yanlin didn't know what the little girl thought in her heart. However, he could see the anger in her eyes clearly. Even if she shook her head slightly, she felt helpless that the little girl was still deeply rooted in her heart.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really came to do good things this time. At present, he is a liar. What can Heng Yanlin say, that is, with Jiang Miao Su here, otherwise Heng Yanlin will just give up.

"Mr. Heng, what do you need? Tell me, sir. I'll be ready for you

Jiang Yongyu didn't see the anger in his daughter's eyes. He only saw that Heng Yanlin was getting up from the bed so soon. Now he was slightly happy in his heart.

Hengyanlin can get up so early, at least it shows that hengyanlin has put this matter in his heart, rather than have slack in it. Under such circumstances, his heart is naturally a little happy.

"For the specific situation, we need to see the ancestral tomb before we know what the situation is like. We'd better wait first. When we see the ancestral tomb, we can make arrangements."

Heng Yanlin sat down on one side, and he was not polite. He was eating and responding. Listening to Heng Yanlin's reply, Jiang Yongyu said that even if he nodded his head, he responded directly.

If you prepare early, you can use what you want at that time. If you don't prepare early, you still need to wait. However, you don't know the specific situation there. If you prepare early, you don't know what to prepare.

What's more, it is still unknown whether it is the cause of the ancestral tomb, so Jiang Yongyu has no way to refute what Heng Yanlin said. He just nodded his head and then indicated that he knew. After several people had eaten, they were frightened by Heng Yanlin's request. Jiang Yongyu was even more happy when he saw that they were going to the ancestral tomb. If he said that he was going to start, he was afraid that Heng Yanlin would be dissatisfied. However, Heng Yanlin said that there was no such thing as this.

There are bodyguards to drive the car. A total of four cars are driven out, but the four people are only sitting in two cars. The first two cars are driven by bodyguards, followed by a car of Jiang Yongyu and Heng Yanlin.

The third one is the car of Jiang Miaoshu and Jiang Siyu. Jiang Siyu and hengyanlin are extremely incompatible, so it is impossible at all to share the same car with hengyanlin.Heng Yanlin naturally understood this. He was also happy that Jiang Siyu did not come to share a car with him.

As Jiang Yongyu said, the ancestral tomb is indeed quite far away. When the party arrived, it was almost noon. Seeing this, Jiang Yongyu made the decision directly. After lunch, he drove to a village.

This village is called Yongliu village. At this time, most of the young people in the village go out to work directly. The remaining people in the village are also some old people, or some middle-aged people, doing the work of farming to maintain their living.

When Jiang Yongyu and his party entered the village, they immediately attracted the crowd. However, when they saw Jiang Yongyu, they immediately relaxed. Even some people warmly said hello to Jiang Yongyu.

Jiang Yongyu's ancestral tomb is on the back mountain of the village. Every year during the Tomb Sweeping Day, they come to worship him. Therefore, people are familiar with Jiang Yongyu, so it is normal to say hello. Jiang Yongyu said hello to the people. He went directly to a private house and then knocked on the door. When people on one side saw Jiang Yongyu and others knocking on the door, they were stunned for a moment. Then there was a person who hesitated for a moment, and then walked to the front directly,

and said to Jiang Yongyu.

"Are you looking for Li Cunyu

The man's eyes were rather strange, as if they were very surprised. Why did Jiang Yongyu and others come to look for Li Cunyu? Listening to this man's words, Jiang Yongyu was slightly stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yes, I want to find Li Cunyu. I want to know something about him."

When the man heard this, he looked at Jiang Yongyu and others, then shook his head gently. It seemed that he was rather sorry and frightened.

"Not long ago, Li Cunyu didn't know what was going on. He had a strange disease all over his body. He had red pimples all over his body. He still had thick water. Looking at it from a distance, he was even more disgusting than a toad."

Hearing this, Jiang Yongyu was stunned for a moment. Then he took a look at Heng Yanlin and saw that his brow was also instantly wrinkled. Then he shook his head and sighed. Suddenly, he thought of something, and then continued to ask.

"I don't know. Where is Li Cunyu treating now?"

"The first hospital in the city has been visited by some people in the village before, but those doctors have never seen such a disease. It seems that they are at a loss. Looking at this situation, there is probably no possibility of good treatment."

The man sighed, then shook and walked away.

When Jiang Yongyu heard this, he directly aimed his eyes at hengyanlin. After a little thought, he nodded and said to Jiang Yongyu.

"Let's go and ask about the situation. I guess his illness has nothing to do with the repair of the ancestral tomb."

"It's just for our family to have a look at the ancestral grave, and then design it. How to repair it? What can it matter? Is it because there is poison gas in my ancestral grave, and it makes it like this?"

One side of Jiang Siyu heard this, immediately disdain sneer and said, she for hengyanlin, but extremely not cold, in her view, hengyanlin has been an absolute liar.

Now, the cheater even said that the sick Li Cunyu had something to do with their ancestral grave. Isn't that a joke? So many people repair their ancestral tombs for the Jiang family. The rest of them have nothing to do. What's wrong with Li Cunyu?

What's more, it's just repairing the ancestral graves. What can we do? It's just scaremongering to talk like this, so as to make my father and aunt afraid. It will be easier to cheat at that time.

This is a trick that many swindlers are now using, and she is not surprised.

Heng Yanlin looked at Jiang Siyu without any words. He just looked at Jiang Yongyu and wanted to know what his decision was.

Jiang Yongyu looked at Heng Yan Lin apologetically, then looked around, then nodded and said.

"In this case, let's go to the first hospital to see what happened to Li Cunyu, and it happened to ask about the ancestral tomb."

Seeing that her father should do this, Jiang Siyu looked at Heng Yanlin with hatred. Her father was so obedient to this decision. It was not all because he was cheated too deeply by this guy.

Otherwise, his father was determined not to be like this. However, it would be a good thing. Since you said that Li Cunyu was due to his ancestral grave, it led to his illness.

Let's go and have a look. When we ask, we can find out what happened to Li Cunyu. At that time, she didn't believe that because she repaired her ancestral grave, she could make her life sick.

What's more, listening to what the villager said just now, Li Cunyu seems to be suffering from a serious illness, which is quite strange. In this way, it can prove that this matter has nothing to do with the repair of ancestral graves. Thinking of this, Jiang Siyu had a look at hengyanlin, then a slight hook in the corner of his mouth, and he was not talking about anything. Under Jiang Yongyu's arrangement, the party drove in a car to the first hospital in the city.

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