Heng Yanlin collected the spirit stone on one side. After a moment, he collected all the spirit stones outside.

In the end, the rest is the best spirit stone.

Heng Yanlin gently grasps the spirit stone in front of him, and then he can feel that the rich and incomparable spirit stone inside the spirit stone is constantly surging towards his own hand.

After hengyanlin felt this scene, his face suddenly slightly pleased.

The best spirit stone is really the best spirit stone. It is enough to let Heng Yanlin feel the spiritual power gap in this.

He put away the best spirit stone in front of him. Seeing the ice Xuan on one side unexpectedly at this time, he did not finish the appearance. Heng Yan Linton raised his eyebrows slightly.

Some strange look at each other.

"You need to move faster. If we go on like this, our progress will be delayed."

Heng Yan Lin saw the speed of the other side also some slow down, at this moment is straight to say a word.

Hearing this, Bingxuan quickly got up and began to collect the spirit stone. This time, she did not do so. Instead, she collected all the spirit stones into her own storage bag.

After a moment, the stone is finally collected.

Heng Yan Lin took a look, this just gently nodded.

Immediately, the eyes looked around to see if there was anything else around.

Bingxuan also looked around. Places like this with strong spiritual power are suitable for the growth of some miraculous herbs, but I don't know if there are any.

It's a pity that they didn't see the rest of the spirit stones around here after they saw a good carving.

"It's a pity that if there is a common elixir in this place, it can grow to a very amazing level."

At this moment, Bingxuan looks around and makes sure there is nothing else. Then she shakes her head and looks a bit disappointed.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, this is not the right moment.

At this time, Heng Yanlin also nodded gently.

There are prohibitions here, and it seems that no one has ever opened it. In this way, if there is a spirit stone in it, it will be extremely amazing.

It's a pity that there is no spirit stone in it. They can only dream about it.

"Well, since there is nothing else, leave."

Speaking of this, Heng Yanlin waved to the ice Xuan on one side and prepared to take the other side to leave here together.

Seeing this, Bingxuan also followed him to hengyanlin.

"Taoist friends, these guys have arranged some arrays outside. I'm afraid we will be ambushed if we go out like this."

Ice Xuan see hengyanlin to go out like this, also have a bit careful to say.

In her opinion, these people will never calculate the situation in front of her.

So they need to be extra careful.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, gently waved his hand and said, "don't worry, I know how to do it."

With that, Heng Yanlin took the other side and walked towards the outside.

Seeing this, Bingxuan's face changed slightly. In her opinion, hengyanlin was not ready at all, so she went out, and was totally in a trap.

However, in front of Heng Yan Lin, it seems that she did not wait to explain something, at this time, just one step toward the outside.

A moment later, he saw Heng Yanlin in front of him and went straight through the prohibition.

Seeing this, Bingxuan also knows that she can't say anything more. Heng Yanlin has already decided to go out directly at this time. It's useless for her to say anything more.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't do anything else.

At the moment, it seems that there is only one way out.

Thinking of this, Bingxuan sighed a little, and then the spirit began to condense, ready to face the unexpected crisis at any time.

At the moment, Bingxuan is also fully prepared to face the enemy outside.

After both of them had passed through the prohibition together, the monks who were waiting outside felt a little happy at this moment.

"Come out!"

At this moment, a monk suddenly cried out. The rest of the monks turned their heads and looked at them. Then, the tension in front of them began to fluctuate. They could also vaguely see the appearance of two of them who seemed to be coming out.

Seeing this scene, all the friars around were excited and began to prepare their magic weapons.

This guy, can be regarded as coming out, they have already arranged some arrays, waiting for the other party to come out.

Originally, there were some worries. What if the other party stayed inside and didn't come out?At present, the monk is still a little too young to come out like this.

Thinking of this, the friars were very happy at this time.

Heng Yanlin only felt a little dark in front of him, and then he saw the light in front of him. Then he saw countless friars and looked at them maliciously.

"You're out. I have some worries. What should you do if you don't come out?"

One of a friar, after seeing two people come out completely, immediately is a strange cry, and then is a wave of hand.

Then, there was a light curtain that shrouded both of them. They were afraid. When they saw that the situation was not good, they went back again.

Therefore, after confirming that Heng Yanlin came out, he directly launched the array and trapped both of them.

"What are you doing in a daze? Lift up your array, but don't let this guy run away. The opponent's array attainments are not low when he was in front of him. You don't want the other party to break my array and then run away?"

See one side of the friars, at this time are ruthless will Heng Yanlin look at.

At this time, the friar, who took the lead, opened his mouth very depressed and said a word.

In his opinion, these monks seemed to be idiots one by one.

When are these two guys coming out, the other party should be locked up first, saying, what are these people thinking about at this time?

Don't you know what to say?

When really let this Heng Yan Lin ran away, then there will be time for them to cry.

When the friars around heard the words, they were suddenly shocked. Then they quickly raised their array to prevent Heng Yanlin from running away.

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