The essence of space?

When the friars heard this, they were stunned. After thinking about it carefully, they immediately had to admit that what Heng Yanlin said was true.

The rest of them, not to mention, are really the same as what they do in their daily life.

What kind of void breaking technique, or shifting rune, is essentially to break through the space here. In this way, it can directly get out of the array here.

For most of the spells they've seen, in this case, it's true.

There is no array that can even control this space.

Heng Yanlin's array has not reached this level.

Therefore, they succeeded in the past.

But something went wrong and they came back.

"But how did you do it? You didn't forbid the movement of space, nor did you control the space here."

One of the friars on the other side, although he also understood Heng Yanlin's meaning, was still extremely tough.

She was extremely surprised why such a situation would happen at this moment.

See each other at this time, is still not willing to believe the appearance, Heng Yan Linton when a cold smile.

"You really don't give up. You know, in the past, you just used a magic about space, but in fact, you are not familiar with this space.

So, you don't know that the space here is actually upside down. You always think it's going forward, but it's actually backward. "

At this moment, Heng Yanlin finally said the essence of this space.

The rest of the friars on one side were stunned. At the moment, they also heard what Heng Yanlin said at this time.

According to Heng Yanlin, in fact, the space here has been reversed, so although their tactics were successful, they actually came back.

The more they thought about it, the more ugly their faces were.

Then, a group of people at this moment took a deep breath, looking at each other's eyes also changed incomparably frightened.

So, even if they broke the array, they couldn't leave without solving the inversion problem here?

Their own means are not used, want to rely on their own to fly out, it is completely impossible.

With such a thought in his heart, several friars' faces were very ugly, and his eyes were full of panic.

This guy, when he was a freshman, didn't want them to leave. He just wanted them to die.

However, what these people think at the moment is true. From the beginning, hengyanlin did not mean to let them leave.

Now that they have arrived here, they just don't want to be able to leave easily.

"This Taoist friend, this time, I've decided to plant it. Would you please do me a favor and let me go?"

The friar who uses the transmission Rune on the right now looks at Heng Yanlin in front of him and says in a deep voice.

When the words fell, the friars who used the rune with him also spoke one by one.

Since the feeling can not beat in front of the words a face, then fortunately directly beg for mercy, let hengyanlin let them go once.

They don't feel it's hard to accept such a thing.

However, the friars on the side, though feeling that this matter was extremely normal, still did not open their mouth to say such words.

Before the final step, the more highly cultivated a monk is, the more difficult it is to say such words.

Heng Yanlin took a look at these friars, his eyes full of strange smile.

"If the rest of the monks suddenly ask for something like this, or I can still accept it, but as far as you are concerned, do you think it is possible?"

Heng Yanlin's tone is full of killing intention. All the friars around him suddenly frown slightly.

The meaning of hengyanlin's words is very clear, that is, hengyanlin can't let them go.

The key is that the meaning of this is a little strange, as if Heng Yan Lin is extremely aimed at these friars.

Several friars frowned, strange. In the past, although some of them contributed to the flames, in fact, the monks around didn't need them to say so much. Because of their greed, they naturally became more and more angry and wanted to get rid of Heng Yanlin directly.

In this way, why is Heng Yanlin so doomed to death.

Thinking of this in the heart, their brows slightly wrinkled, and then looked at the Heng Yan Lin in front of them.

"Why do you want to say such words? Is it because I did something wrong in the past, which made Daoyou unhappy? In that case, we are willing to make amends. "At this moment, several monks began to speak one after another.

They do not want at this time, so hengyanlin break, if hengyanlin is willing, they still want to stop.

It's a pity that, in Heng Yanlin's eyes, their thoughts at the moment are somewhat funny.

"At this time, do you still want to pretend? I saw a group of friars before. In fact, just like you, they were the running dogs of friar Yuanying. However, those friars were killed by me. How can you let you go now


Several monks still wonder why hengyanlin is so evil and wants their lives so much.

But where to know, Heng Yanlin actually saw through their identity.

However, their identity is only known by monk Yuanying. How does the other party know?

This is as if in the past, they did not know each other's identity, or to see each other's hands to determine.

And hengyanlin should not be possible. From this, we can see that they are all under monk Yuanying, right?

After all, it's just Rune paper. We all have some too normal.

Moreover, hengyanlin did not know that the rune paper was given to them by friar Yuanying. How could he make such a conclusion.

Just relying on this Rune paper, it seems impossible. It's just how Heng Yanlin can see through it.

A few friars were shocked in their hearts, while the rest of the monks turned pale.

They had been with these friars before, and the monks in front of them could not be believed to be under the hands of friars Yuanying.

But so to speak, Heng Yanlin at this moment has been so identified, should there be no mistake?

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