"There are a lot of monks, but I don't know what the situation is."

Bingxuan squinted at her eyes and said a word.

Heng Yan Lin heard a nod, "let's go and have a look. If the situation is not right, go straight."

After a careful look at hengyanlin, he determined that there should be no ambush in front of him. He said something to the side of Bingxuan.

Bingxuan just nodded at this time, and then flew to the front together.

After a moment, we can see clearly the situation ahead.

When two people are to see a clear, immediately some Leng.

"What's going on?"

Two people at this time, are looking at the scene in front of them, can not help but are eyes slightly narrowed.

In front of countless friars, at this moment, you can see that there are a lot of friars in front of you.

Well, in front of them, there's something like a bubble.

There are some bamboo slips in these bubbles.

It seems like a chance, but I don't know what the jade slips are.

And the monks at the bottom didn't seem to have any intention of starting.

Heng Yan Lin took a look, it is the first to fall down.

Bingxuan at the moment also followed the fall, two people at the moment are light falling in front of the crowd.

When the monks saw the two fall down, they were not surprised. They just saw that Heng Yanlin seemed to occupy their own position and blocked their own eyes, and their eyes were suddenly cold.

"Go away, this is my place!"

Said, this friar is to roll up a spirit power, to Heng Yan Lin directly hit in the past.

Heng Yanlin just fell down, is to feel the hostility of one side, suddenly eyes a cold.

He did not see what action Heng Yanlin had. Originally, it was the spiritual power rolled over to Heng Yan Lin mat, which was directly disappeared.

The monk sitting in the same place suddenly changed his face when he saw this scene. Without waiting for him to say anything, he only felt that his body was flying backwards.

It seems that there is a great strength, directly hit him in general, instantly injured him.

The monk, who was still in the air, had a look of horror in his eyes.

He didn't feel it at all and didn't notice how the other side did it. The strength of the other side has far exceeded him.

When he thought of this, he was very regretful at the moment. When he was in the past, he was too arrogant.

He even offended a monk who could not.

At this time, his face was frightened.

It was just at this time that the rest of the monks on the side were upset.

This Heng Yan Lin just came down and injured a friar like this. Youdao comes first and then comes.

Is Heng Yanlin going to clean up after a while?

At the thought of this, some friars looked at the Heng Yan Lin in front of them, and all of a sudden they were full of anger.

"Where is this monk from? He is so overbearing

"How can we tolerate such monks here? If we don't drive them away, where will we have a share of the things here?"

At this time, the monks looked at Heng Yan Lin in front of him, and then he said angrily.

In their view, the Heng Yan Lin in front of them is simply too rampant!

The other side's attitude had already directly infuriated them. A group of friars looked at each other at this time.

"Otherwise, let's fight together and drive the monk away! I just don't know how to be a man, and it's a hindrance to keep it here. "

"That's right. Monks like this, I'll fight together. Even if the other monk is a monk in the later period of jiedan, we should not be afraid."

At this time, the monks looked at each other, and then they got up and said.

The monks were infuriated by Heng Yanlin in front of them. They felt that they could not stay here with the attitude of Heng Yanlin in front of them.

Especially in front of the hengyanlin, actually strength so strong, if let hengyanlin stay here, when the other side if what thought.

When the time comes for a bad thing to deal with their own words, that is a bad thing.

Therefore, after thinking about it, it is better to shoot at hengyanlin.

It's a good deal to get rid of this guy.

At this time, Heng Yanlin also heard these words, and immediately turned his head and looked at the monks with a slight sneer in his eyes.

That's good. These guys want to shoot at themselves.

In this case, it's lucky to kill all these people and monopolize these places directly.At this time, Heng Yanlin had such an idea in his heart, and then he took a look at these friars and said it directly.

At this time, the monks do not know why Heng Yanlin in front of him looks at himself with such eyes, but at this moment, he or she feels something wrong.

This Heng Yan Lin looked at his eyes, absolutely not bad intentions, monks in the heart is very clear.

Therefore, they are firm and direct to get rid of Heng Yan Lin, not to let the other side based here, is a lot of firm.

Just at this moment, the friars on one side looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

"If you want to deal with this monk, you'd better do it yourself. This matter has nothing to do with us, so we have to step back."

"Yes, if you want to deal with it, it is your own business, but it has nothing to do with us. So if you want to go, you should go by yourself."

With that, several friars looked at each other directly at this time, and then backed down a few steps.

It seems that at this time, some people are worried about Heng Yanlin's attack on him. Their actions at this time are to eliminate Heng Yanlin's hostility to himself.

Seeing such a scene, the friars on one side were stunned. They thought that the monks on their side would fight against Heng Yanlin together.

But where will know, the other party actually is not prepared to be together with oneself appearance.

This is a word fell, left so many monks, so, how to deal with Heng Yan Lin?

At this time, the faces of the monks became ugly and incomparable. At that time, they also looked at the monks with a few bad looks.

"You are too timid, so you are quitting!"

"That is, they are not afraid that the other party will attack you when the time comes, and you can't even retreat!"

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