At this moment, Heng Yanlin looks at the monks in front of him and shakes his head in his heart.

But at the moment, Heng Yanlin also saw some situations. The monk in front of him probably didn't lie.

In fact, the other party is also confused, that is, they have got the things inside.

Looking at the other party's appearance at the moment, hengyanlin has reason to believe.

Because here in hengyanlin, hengyanlin can probably understand one thing. If the other party really finds out some tricks or something.

Then when you get this thing, you will leave immediately, so as not to be discovered or threatened by others.

But it is in the absence of a little preparation, the other side is Leng here, but feel a bit incredible.

However, if the other party does not have a bit of discovery, how do you get the things inside.

Well, there should be a rule in this.

Thinking of this in his heart, Heng Yanlin frowned slightly, thinking of what he had said before.

He had already chosen the target before, and he got the thing directly after coming in.

Is it difficult to say that it has something to do with this matter?

If so, there seems to be some possibility.

Heng Yanlin thought of this, and immediately eyebrows slightly pick, but there is a trace of consciousness in his heart.

"Since you want what I have in my hand, it is for you."

The friars in front of me, at this moment, look at these friars. Seeing that these people are looking like they want something in their hands, they immediately smile and say a word.

This word falls, let the friars who are ready to do it on one side are stunned.

Originally thought the monk would resist, but how could you know that the other party was so crisp when he heard the words.

Is it difficult for the other party to be greedy for life and death, afraid that he is in some danger, so he is ready to take these things out?

If so, there are some possibilities.

Monks at this moment, eyes slightly flash, is still dead will this friar look at.

No matter what you say, you can't believe what the other party says before you get it.

Therefore, at the moment, they are dead to see these friars, only ready to wait until the other party's things come out, which can ignore each other.

It seems that he also knows the thoughts of these people. After the monk finished, he did not mean to talk nonsense. He took out a jade slip from the storage ring and immediately threw it out.

"I don't know who I should give it to, so I don't ask who I should give it to. Here it is. You can send someone out to get it."

The monk threw the jade slips out with pain on his face, with a trace of resentment on his face.

Being forced by so many friars to take out their own things directly, I'm afraid that everyone will be unwilling.

Therefore, the other friars on the other side understood what the other side was doing at the moment, and then they relaxed a lot.

The other party's expression doesn't seem to be faking, so to speak of it, the other party should take out the things.

The eyes of a group of people at the moment are also attracted by the jade slips. They want to see how to get hold of the jade slips.

In the moment after the jade slips were put out, someone immediately took the hand.

"Let me have a look at the jade slips first."

A monk who wanted to make the other party's idea before was not polite at this time. He was ready to take the jade slips in front of him.

The rest of the monks saw this, and immediately their faces changed slightly, and then they rushed to take action.

"Absolutely not. The jade slips should be held by me, so that we can know how to get the treasures in front of us."

"I have a lot of research on jade and bamboo slips. Let me have a look."

In an instant, after a friar made a move, immediately there were many friars, and they began to shoot one after another.

For a moment, all the monks seemed to be attracted by the jade slips.

They all want to know what is recorded in the jade slips, which is a very advanced skill? Or is it a treasure map.

Although this possibility is very low, it is not unprecedented.

Seeing these friars begin to get confused, the friars who discard the jade slips smile coldly at this moment, and then their bodies turn into a red light and walk towards the outer shield.

It's just that his side just moved, and someone immediately followed him.

"I knew that you wouldn't take the jade Jane out so easily. I'll wait for you to leave!"

A monk looked at the direction of the other party's departure, followed up without any hesitation, his mouth full of sneers.

Several other monks seem to have fixed their eyes on each other, and they follow each other without saying a word.The monk who has started to run away in front of him suddenly changes his face when he realizes the monks who are following him.

What the hell are these guys doing with themselves?

"I've already thrown the jade slips out. Why don't you want to let it go?"

The monk's voice seemed a bit sharp, and he was full of anger at the way of these people behind him.

After hearing the words, the monks immediately gave a cold smile, "it's ok if you want to cheat the others, but it's absolutely impossible to cheat us!"

"That's right. The jade slips you discarded before, I'm afraid you just don't know where you got them. Just throw them out? I don't believe you can just throw away what you just got

The monks didn't believe each other's words at all.

In fact, from the beginning, they were staring at each other directly, and they didn't believe what the other person would say.

Anyway, at the end of the day, as long as the friar starts to run away, it shows that they have done nothing wrong, and that is completely right.

At this time, the monk in front of him became very gloomy after listening to these words.

When he was in the past, he put on such a face. How come these guys don't believe in themselves at all?

You know, he didn't look fake before.

He was threatened by so many people, but there was no way to kill these friars. He would be very angry in any way.

Under such circumstances, he thought that such expression would definitely deceive all the people here. However, some of these guys didn't believe themselves at all.

Even if their expression is true, but they still do not think about it or believe it.

At this moment, I'm ready to catch up with myself and take my treasure.

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