Seeing Bingxuan nodding at this time, Heng Yanlin nodded with satisfaction.

Although Bing Xuan didn't help anything, he was obedient and knew how to advance and retreat along the way. In Heng Yanlin's opinion, it was very good.

The rest of them do not say, just say such a sense of interest, but not many people can do it.

In particular, before the harvest of so many things, in fact, a lot of times, some monks will play some greedy.

But Bingxuan doesn't, and the other side seems to be a bit afraid of it. Sometimes, she will wave her hand directly, and don't have some extra things.

On the other side at this time, such a move, Heng Yanlin or very like each other.

Therefore, with this situation at the moment, hengyanlin is quite appreciative of each other, but also quite like each other.

It's just after that, it's not what Heng Yanlin wants.

The cooperation between the two is now. As for the cooperation after that, we can talk about it later.

Heng Yanlin looked at the monks in front of him, and then he said something like this.

Bingxuan, on the other hand, has an attitude of what Heng Yanlin says.

The cooperation between the two at the moment seems to be particularly close.

The monks in the distance didn't pay attention to Heng Yan Lin at this time.

In their opinion, they have studied for so long, but they have not studied anything.

But in front of Heng Yanlin, these people, it is at this time, found so many things, it seems a bit strange.

Therefore, no matter how we say it, how we look at this matter at this moment, it seems extremely strange.

Think about it, how do you feel? In this situation at the moment, are feeling very wrong.

However, if in the past, this matter is not so simple, it is estimated that the things in this have already been taken away.

Think of here, the monks in the following facial expression, also more and more appear a bit unwilling.

That is to say, but the problem is, under the current situation, what should be done, people still have no idea.

Heng Yanlin at this moment, after looking at the time, he felt that he didn't want to delay, so he took a look at Bingxuan and said to the other side.

"Get ready to do it."

Ice Xuan smell speech, immediately is the face slightly a congealed, looking at the side of Heng Yan Lin, hurriedly is to the Heng Yan Lin nodded.

In any case, with this situation at the moment, we should directly obey Heng Yanlin's orders.

As for the later ones, if you have anything to ask, it's not too late to wait until later.

"In this position, remember that we will meet here."

Heng Yanlin then handed the other party a jade slip.

There is a light spot on the jade slip, which is marked by hengyanlin. In this way, the other party can find the location directly according to the jade slips.

Although I'm not familiar with this place, I can still bring them together directly by relying on this thing.

Bing Xuan looks at the jade slips and also notices the light spots inside. She is very clear about the role of the jade slips.

What she doesn't know is, what is Heng Yanlin doing at this time?

She was a little confused.

Therefore, at this time, is to raise his head, look in front of Heng Yan Lin, eyes full of strange color.

It seems that at this time, is asking Heng Yan Lin, why do you want to make such things?

Don't they both act together?

Just Heng Yanlin at this time, but there is no meaning to respond, just let the other party record this position, then need to meet here on the right.

Listen to Heng Yanlin say so, Bingxuan is also not much to say.

Since hengyanlin said so, it is natural that there is a reason for hengyanlin.

And as long as she needs to write it down, that's OK.

Thinking of this, Bingxuan is no nonsense, diameter is nodding should come down.

Then, Bingxuan put away the jade slips again, and they looked at each other, looking directly at the light mask in the distance.

"I said, when you start, you fly directly to that side, and then directly reach out to take the things inside. Don't cover your hands with spiritual power, and don't use magic to attack the things inside. Do you understand?"

Heng Yanlin whispered to the side of the ice Xuan open mouth, in the later behavior rules.

At this time, Bingxuan was full of nerves. At this moment, when she heard what Heng Yanlin said, she immediately nodded.

She didn't know so many things, but the only thing he knew at the moment was that he needed to listen to Heng Yanlin.Since hengyanlin said so, it means that hengyanlin has known how to get the things inside.

Thinking of this, Bingxuan's face is full of excitement.

This time, she can get the things inside. How could Bing Xuan not be excited?

And hengyanlin at this moment, after looking at the front of the mask, is to continue to speak.

"After you get the first thing, you don't hesitate to reach out for the second thing, and the speed should be fast. When you get something, go to get the second thing, until you can't get it, and then you can run directly."

Hengyanlin's eyes twinkled with light, and said to Bingxuan on one side. However, Bingxuan was stunned to hear hengyanlin's words at this time.

Then he raised his head, and his eyes were full of shock.

What did she hear just now?

Is Heng Yanlin asking her to take all the things inside?

Is that really the case?

Bingxuan looks at Heng Yanlin. The shock in her eyes is already a little hard to imagine.

You know, before those people, can be completely unable to get a treasure inside.

And Heng Yanlin at the moment, actually is to ask her to take as much as she can.

If she could, she would naturally want to take more.

But the question is, can I really take more of it?

There is no bottom in her heart. Now Heng Yanlin said that, she was full of doubts, and there was a trace of strange feeling emerging.

In any case, if you can really take some more treasures, it is natural to sell.

Thinking of this, Bingxuan also slightly took a deep breath. At this moment, she has also determined that if she can get more things, she will do it by herself.

After all, if you can't take too many treasures, you will not be able to see them naturally.

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