This and Heng Yan Lin guessed that the situation is almost the same.

Although the two people got more things, Heng Yanlin obviously wanted more, but the length of stay was exactly the same.

According to what Heng Yanlin said before, Bingxuan immediately turned around and flew away when she realized that she couldn't get the things inside.

At the moment, she does not have a bit of hesitation, Heng Yanlin in the previous time, directly talked to her, Wan Wan is not able to stay too long.

At this moment, both of them are missing a little bit of staying, which directly turns into a hiding light.

After a moment, it disappeared.

The speed of the two people reached the extreme. When they found their hands, it was impossible to get things. They started flying towards the distance in an instant.

And the direction of flight is completely different.

At this time, the friars on one side were stunned.

Although it is in the time before, also has begun to prepare, will capture these two people.

However, both of them have not been able to react when they have just got something.

In this way, the two people fly away directly at the moment, and no one comes to catch them for a while.

At this time, the monks were really stunned. No one knows why such a thing happened at this time.

My side just decided to keep these two people.

This did not have time to hand, this other side just left, how to do this?

Originally, they thought that these two people would continue to take them down.

They are at this moment, are not aware of, two people are at this time, are unable to get the inside of the light shield.

In their opinion, both of them are able to go in and sweep the things inside crazily, which means that both of them have already thought of the way to crack.

If there is no wrong guess, both of them are able to clean up the contents inside.

This can explain why the two people started to sweep the treasures from the middle, which was completely to swallow all the treasures inside.

That is to say, it can explain their behavior.

It's a pity that these people are totally at this time. They are all wrong in guessing. Heng Yanlin and he can't get anything at all.

Otherwise, they will take all the things in front of them as they said. It is very likely that they will take all the things in front of them.

Just let them did not think is, hengyanlin two people or stop, at this time is the direct escape.

Such a scene, let the friars are unable to respond, in their view, this thing should not be like this.

"Come on! These two people have taken so many treasures. In any case, they must pursue them! "

"That's right. Go after it! Never let them run! They are running now, that is to make it clear that these two people are not our opponents at all. Otherwise, how could they possibly run? "

At this time, some friars reacted and looked at the monk who had disappeared in front of him and immediately began to roar.

In any case, they must be caught.

If you catch two people, they can take all the things they take away, that is, with the remaining treasures here, they can take them.

They believe that both of them already know how to get the contents.

In this way, we have to seize these two talents. By then, they will have all the treasures here.

The more he thought about it, the monks became more and more excited.

Hengyanlin in the following, look at the situation in front of him, and immediately also shake his head.

In any case, the reaction speed of these guys is really slow. He has already flown So far, and the other party has not chased him.

Hengyanlin naturally will not stop to wait for these people at this time, but fly directly to all.

These guys, if you don't catch up, even if you do, hengyanlin won't be polite to them.

Hengyanlin can also be ready, if there is someone to chase, hengyanlin will take the other side down.

And when Heng Yan Lin flies away towards the distance, the monks behind him finally begin to chase up.

Although hengyanlin is running fast, there is no shadow, but under the intention of hengyanlin, or left a very obvious trace.

This is the horizontal line left by the spiritual power.

Originally it was before, Heng Yanlin was not prepared to do so, but the speed of Bingxuan flying on the side was too slow.If hengyanlin doesn't leave some traces, then after that, the other party all goes to chase each other, and it is very likely that the other party will be chased.

Therefore, hengyanlin left some traces, can let these people have some hope, feel hengyanlin can chase up.

In fact, these people are in separate pursuit, is hesitant for a moment.

Originally, they didn't know who to chase. After all, the two men ran separately, which meant that they hesitated a little and didn't know who to chase.

A group of people thought, it seems that Heng Yanlin took more things, but the other side's speed was fast. Bingxuan took less things, but he flew slower.

But in the end, or after all, it was separated.

Some people with higher strength naturally pursued hengyanlin, while the monks with lower strength pursued Bingxuan.

In this way, the friars are at this moment, are divided into two huge teams, began to chase two people.

At this moment, Heng Yan Lin is very relaxed. He shakes his head when he feels that there are monks behind him. He is so vague that he is about to chase him.

These guys are really looking for death. Why are they after themselves?

Although hengyanlin deliberately left some traces, in fact, hengyanlin does not think that it is a good idea for these people to pursue themselves.

However, these people will catch up with them, and Heng Yanlin doesn't care much about it.

even at this time, there seem to be some very powerful treasures in it, and they all have to keep up with Heng Yanlin in terms of speed.

In particular, the outbreak of several of them is to vaguely pursue the feeling of Heng Yanlin.

Seeing such a scene, Heng Yan Lin shook his head.

Originally just want to walk the dog, but the other party so a make, hengyanlin must fly with all his strength.

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