A group of friars thought of this, and their eyes twinkled.

At the moment, they all think of one thing.

"At present, if we capture the friar in front earlier, we will be able to press for information as soon as possible, and then we can go back to get the treasure as soon as possible."

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, should we speed up and take down the friars in front?"

At this moment, the monks were also slightly anxious.

In any case, if we can win the friars in front as soon as possible, they can go back as soon as possible.

And then. In this way, the way back will be longer and longer.

However, when some of the monks heard the words, their eyes flashed slightly and they were not ready to do so.

At this time, Bingxuan in front of her also heard the words and gave a cold smile at this moment.

"Don't think too much about it. Do you really think that some weak friars can still get the treasure?

I'll kill you at that time. How do you distribute my treasures? "

Bingxuan was flying in front of her and said.

When the words fell, the monks in the rear were silent.

They had known about it before, but they didn't say it.

Because, in terms of the previous situation, it will be the powerful monks who will get the most treasures.

But they didn't say anything because they already knew about it before.

And if we start talking about it now, it will make them civil strife.

On the other hand, it was hard for them to say anything about such a thing. First, it was hard for a monk with low strength to say anything, and a monk with high strength could not.

"Hum, do you think it's possible that you want to provoke us and let us give up the pursuit of you? Naturally, we will deal with the problem of distribution later, but it is absolutely impossible. We will let you take it away directly! "

"Yes, how to deal with it is our own business. In a word, you can't take away these treasures. It's just a dream that you want to get these treasures even though you have such strength!"

At this moment, the friars should be in harmony with each other.

Anyway, at the moment, they can't have civil strife.

This monk, who had experienced a lot of things before, would never let such things happen.

Therefore, Bingxuan's words seem to have no effect at all. At this time, these friars are still chasing each other.

Bingxuan at this moment, see such a scene, but there is no surprise.

She knew that such words, of course, would not let these friars give up pursuing her directly.

"Naturally, what you think is like this, but there is a problem that you forget. In fact, many of you are concerned about."

Bingxuan said here, slightly pause for a moment, seems to want to let these friars, listen to be able to be clearer.

When seeing these people are concentrating, Bingxuan continues to say.

"Even if you don't have the speed to chase me, how can you still find that I'm not fast? Why is that? "

At this moment, Bingxuan's cold voice passed to the rear.

For a while, some of the monks were slightly stunned, and some of them were stunned for a moment after hearing the words, and then their eyes were cold.

This guy, is it hard to think?

Before these friars want to say something, Bingxuan in front continues to say.

"That's because as long as I fly far away, you'll have to spend a lot of time when I go back. The faster the monk is, the more he will be able to take all the remaining magic weapons.

The magic weapon behind me is not so important. After all, the remaining magic weapons are the most, especially the magic weapons on me. If you divide them equally, there will be less.

In this way, the magic weapon to go back is the big head, but all the monks who have some confidence in their own speed have already planned at this time, and wait for the distance to be enough. When the time comes, they will be able to ride back and take all the magic weapons

Ice Xuan's words fall, suddenly is lets some friars, in the heart slightly cold.

And some friars, though their faces were a little livid, did not say much.

What Bingxuan said is really right. In this situation at the moment, they really intend to.

As for what the other side wants, it has nothing to do with them.

Is waiting for Bingxuan to fly out a little distance, and then wait for a group of people to go out, and then use their own speed to go back.Otherwise, with Bingxuan's speed, she has already been overtaken.

At this time, Bingxuan figured out the things in it.

As for the previous situation, she felt that the monks in the rear were all sparing some strength.

But then, she just felt strange.

These people are clearly able to catch up with themselves, but why not see these friars, directly catch up with them.

After thinking about it, Bingxuan finally understood.

These people are deliberately want to open the distance, in order to go back, can rely on their own speed, so as to take advantage of.

Some friars at this moment, after hearing Bingxuan's words, can't bear it.

Normally speaking, in the past, they could not care about the treasure distribution of Bingxuan.

But now they are at this time, but in their hearts, to be able to go back, get more magic weapons.

When the other party does this, it is clear that they want to take all the things.

At that time, not only the things on Bing Xuan's body, they could not get them, but also the treasures of turning back. When the speed was not enough, they could only watch them leave one after another, and then take all the things clean.

What's the point of their pursuit?

This clearly means that there is no point in it.

At the thought of this, the faces of the monks changed. They had never thought that such a thing would happen.

Although they had thought of some other problems before, they did not think much about this matter at all.

Until Bingxuan said this thing, they were immersed in the idea of going back to get the treasure as soon as possible.

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