"Gentlemen, the later friars are planning to unite against us at this time."

At this moment, the friar in front looked at the friars on one side, and then passed on a message.

One side is still silent flying towards the front of the friars, at this moment are all heard the voice of this sentence, at this moment are eyebrows slightly frown.

Then I looked at the monks coming. After a moment, it didn't matter.

"But it's just some low-level monks. There's no need to worry about them."

"That's right. It's just some low-level monks. Are you afraid

High level monks, for what happened at this time, did not have a bit of heart, also did not worry about what kind of storm these people would make in the future.

Therefore, almost all the monks behind them belong to a kind of attitude that they don't want to pay attention to.

Listening to this, monk Mo, who spoke, immediately shook his head.

He knew that these friars were exactly the same as themselves, belonging to the kind of contempt for these low-level friars.

However, this matter at the moment can not be calculated in this way.

After all, in the present situation, if the monks were united, there would be some trouble.

"Naturally, we don't have to be afraid of too many monks, but you have to think clearly. If these friars are united to rob the treasure, we will have some troubles when we don't unite."

Monk Mo also knows that these people care about these guys a little, but because of their own strength and self-confidence, they can't say so now.

At this moment, the friars just look at the monks in front of them, and then they speak slowly.

At this moment, the friars on one side did not speak.

The rest of the matter will not be said, but with the strength of these people's joint efforts, they will indeed cause some trouble.

After thinking about it, I feel that under such circumstances, we still need a means to deal with it.

Thinking of this, a group of friars immediately frowned slightly, "I don't know if this Taoist friend has any suggestions."

"Although mosquitoes are a bit annoying, it would be best to get rid of them."

At this moment, several monks also said that the rest of the monks did not speak, but the general meaning was almost like this.

Seeing these friars are willing to listen to what they said, this let the Mo friar on the side of the heart slightly calm a little bit.

"To think of it, all the Taoist friends have great confidence in their own speed, so they don't have the idea of catching up with the nun in front directly."

Monk Mo didn't say the point in a hurry, but slowly opened his mouth and said a word later.

Listening to such words, the friars on one side frowned.

They don't like to hear each other say things like that.

Seriously speaking, in terms of the situation before, these friars' behavior at the moment has already made them somewhat dissatisfied.

Naturally, they were very satisfied with their speed and felt able to surpass the rest of the friars, which made Bingxuan run more distance.

However, in this case, this is not what they think.

What they think is that they can reduce the trouble of these people behind them at this moment.

Therefore, looking at the situation in front of them, they are more and more reluctant to deal with the rest of the matter.

When the other party mentions this matter, is it difficult to think about it and then go back to share the treasure after it?

This has almost become their taboo, no one will want to mention this matter.

Because Du Yu is very confident and confident.

At the moment, the friars frowned and thought about what these people were seeing.

Immediately, monk Mo also smiles.

For these people's thoughts at the moment, he also has a very good understanding, he is not prepared to say anything more.

At this moment, after looking at the monks in front of him, he said.

"You don't have to be so taboo. What I want to propose is that we should unite to kill the mosquito behind us and say that we will divide up the treasure of the nun in front.

As for who can go back to get the treasure at that time, it's all things after going back. This is different from the current situation. As long as we can do this step, there will be no problem at that time.

What's more, your mind is that your speed will definitely be much faster than that of other monks. But who can guarantee that you will be the first one to go back at that time?Therefore, I suggest that we should divide the treasures of the nuns in front of us. When we go back, we will rely on our own abilities. If someone really can't get the treasure, we will have the treasure from the nun's hand, which will not be too bad.

It's better for you to be clear. In any case, there will be some monks who will fall behind and can't get the treasures. Who can guarantee that they will not be themselves? "

Mo road friend at this moment, looking at the front of the monks to, light mouth said.

In his tone, full of confidence and incomparable tone.

In fact, he is very confident.

He believed that with his proposal, the monks in front of him could not refuse.

Therefore, at this moment, looking at the monks in front of him, he believed that he could really persuade them.

The monk's words fell, and the monks on one side were all silent.

As far as this situation is concerned, what the other party has said is indeed true.

However, in this way, it seems that there are some things that people can't deal with.

At this moment, a group of friars turned their heads and looked at each other.

In any case, under such circumstances, the monks in front of us are extremely confident of their own speed at this moment.

They are all for their own speed has a very strong guarantee, in this case, look at themselves.

Some monks began to doubt themselves.

Yes, so many friars are self-confident. Who can know that the one who falls behind is not himself?

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