"Damn it, these guys are playing with us! They've never been with us! "

One of the friars on one side said in a angry voice at this time. The anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

At this moment, the rest of the friars are all looking at them with anger. The anger in their eyes is really full of surging.

How dare these guys!

"No! You know that? I don't know where you come from. I think we dare not? What's more, you are incompetent, and you can only play with these magic weapons. What does it have to do with us? "

"What do you want to say to the trash? I don't want to see what these guys are. They dare to shout in front of us, and they are afraid to laugh to death. "

"That is to say, these people are just stupid. There is no way to deal with the array in front of them. What else do these guys do?"

At this time, several friars began to speak one after another.

In their opinion, these guys are so stupid that they don't know how they came from.

So, after thinking about it, they are just lazy to pay attention to these guys.

In the past, it was for some reasons that they went to pit these people. But now, looking at the situation, it seems that there is no need to pit these monks in this way.

Because these guys are so stupid that they feel like they can kill them with one hand.

After thinking about this, they feel that these people are not worth the effort.

Heng Yanlin at this moment, also heard these friars at the moment of the voice, at the moment look at these friars, then is shaking.

She turned her head and looked at Bingxuan. At this time, Bingxuan was also looking at hengyanlin.

"Well, have you found anything?"

Bing Xuan immediately nodded at the smell of speech, and her face was full of silent meaning.

"Well, I don't know what's going on. Just in front of these guys, what's going on? They're all pervasive."

At this time, Bingxuan can see that these friars are definitely the subordinates of monk Yuanying by listening to their tone.

In other words, they have seen it several times before.

Moreover, almost every time I saw it on the road, I saw it again at this time.

It has to be said that these friars are indeed large in number, and they can still be seen at this time.

The monks inside, at the moment, also feel a trace of bad.

After careful consideration, they also reflected at this moment.

"Damn it, these guys are under friar Yuanying. The other party has done this once before!"

"That's right. To listen to their words, it's absolutely the staff of friar Yuanying. That's right. It's the other side who deliberately pit us!"

At this time, the monks looked at the people in front of them, and then their faces changed slightly, which made them look very ugly.

If you think about it carefully, you can think about it very clearly.

Before they were not so clear, but now after thinking about it, they can see that there is something wrong.

At the thought of this, the monks' faces were instantly ugly.

Originally, they have been extremely on guard against these people. To my surprise, I still saw them here, but I didn't say that they were still here and were pit by these guys.

In the heart such a thought, the facial expression of a group of friars also suddenly more and more ugly.

Heng Yanlin looked at the monks in front of him. Seeing these friars at the moment, he actually looked at them with such eyes.

At that time, I also shook my head, which was not too stupid. At this time, it was all reaction.

The monks who were seen through their identities were very excited to see the monks in front of them, but they did not have the meaning to explain.

Or, they don't care.

One of their aims, one of them, is to break up these teams and consume their strength.

Another purpose is to capture the treasures here.

At this moment, knowing that there are so many treasures here, it is natural that they can not be discarded like this.

At present, it is natural to get all these treasures in your hands.

However, in front of this Heng Yan Lin seems to have so some difficult to deal with.

If you can't kill each other, you'll have to go back and ask for the second place. You can go back to take the rest of the treasures, and you can also go back to exchange business.

A few friars thought of this place in their hearts, and were lazy to say more. After a look at each other, they all took out the rune paper."Hum, our void breaking Rune can break all arrays. It's not easy to leave?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense. You'd better leave as soon as possible. After you go out, kill the friar, and then you'll take the treasure and leave."

At this moment, a monk looked at the situation in front of him, and then opened his mouth and said a word.

The rest of the monks nodded immediately.

Seeing these people were about to leave, the rest of the monks were in a great hurry. Seeing the scene in front of them, they suddenly snorted coldly, and then quickly prepared to deal with the monks in front of them.

However, these friars move very fast, and before the people in front of them do not wait to start, they have disappeared in front of them.

Angry at this moment, these friars immediately jump their feet, and the anger on their faces can't be suppressed.

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you stop them? When they go out, they still have to trouble you?"

"That is, we are on the same front now. Open the array quickly. We will deal with these friars together. They are under friar Yuanying. We can definitely subdue them if we fight together!"

"As you all know, these guys are under friar Yuanying. We just don't have to kill each other!"

The friars in the array, at the moment, turned to look at hengyanlin. Seeing that hengyanlin was still calm and incomparable, he stood in the same place and immediately said with anger.

At the moment they just think, Heng Yan Lin quickly let them out.

As we all know, there are some Yuanying friars who are making fun of them. These people can't do what they want.

But Heng Yanlin at the moment, just a cold look at them, eyes full of disdain, there is no point to let go of the array of meaning.

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