The monks in MI territory, no matter who they are, have gained a lot after coming in.

The harvest of some monks is very good.

And as the friars flew towards the core, they kept collecting the chance.

Later, more and more monks were seen along the way.

In the beginning, the monks were scattered.

At this moment, all the opportunities around have been collected, and they also began to fly to a place consciously. As a result, more and more friars were naturally seen.

But with more and more of these friars, in the following news, some of the monks' hearts were constantly fighting.

In the secret place, only monk jiedan could come in, but I don't know why. Before that, a great monk came.

The great monk was extremely arrogant. He took all the opportunities from the place where he flew all the way. However, all the monks who stayed in the same place were killed by the other party no matter what the purpose was.

In this way, the monks who heard the news could not look good.

With such a powerful guy, how can they compete with each other for opportunities?

the only thing that has such a little advantage is that the other side seems not to be the one of monk Yuanying's.

Because, before this time, left a lot of monk jiedan who were all internal ghosts, but later they were all killed by the other party.

In this way, it was natural that the monks' faces were slightly pleased.

Anyway, it's not the other party's group, that is, it's much better, and the other party has also killed a lot of other people.

Even if the monk Yuanying represents his own interests, it is a good thing in this matter.

The monks thought of this place in their hearts, and then they often talked about it.

"The great monk doesn't know who it is, but it is likely that he came here to break through. Before that, I saw a great friar who wanted to come in, and then the space almost broke.

After seeing this, the great monk quickly withdrew. I estimate that if the monk breaks through here, the space will not be limited. "

A group of friars were flying towards the front. At this time, the scattered monks gathered together again to prevent some of the big friars from getting black hands.

Hearing this, the rest of the monks were stunned slightly, and then after careful thinking, they began to nod.

It has to be said that there is some truth in the other party's saying so. This is likely to be the case.

Think about it, a monk in the later period of the jiedan period, after coming in, he encountered some unexpected chance. It is not impossible to directly break through to the realm of Yuanying.

As for the chance inside, the great monk outside has been so excited and salivated. It is not impossible to say that there is an opportunity for friar jiedan to become friar Yuanying.

Just, think of such an opportunity, unexpectedly not by themselves, their hearts are incomparable jealousy.

They come in so crazy just for such an opportunity!

Although in the previous time, has been to see a variety of can help themselves, gradually to the realm of Yuanying.

But for comparison, where is the comfort of going directly to the realm of Yuanying?

These friars, at this moment, are naturally full of envy and jealousy for the lucky man who has directly arrived at the realm of great friars.

After such remarks were passed on, some monks gradually became very jealous of this last place.

Anyway, in terms of what happened at this time, there is likely to be a big chance in the last place.

As a result, this also made countless monks begin to fly towards the core.

"Do you think there is another possibility, that is, what magic weapon is used or what food is eaten by the other party, so that he can be so free in this.

I don't think it's very reliable to break through directly in this, and then you can be free from constraints. But if you say that the other side uses some special magic weapon, so that he can use such powerful power in this, without being constrained by some restrictions, it will be much better to understand. "

"Naturally, there is such a possibility, but what is the difference here? What we are looking for, of course, is that we can get the chance of monk Yuanying directly. Can't we say that this is not what you are looking for? "

Listening to such a query, a friar immediately said.

After saying that, looking at each other's eyes is a bit strange.

Anyway, as far as the situation is concerned, what they care about seems to be this matter.No matter what the other party is, how can we use such strength here.

But the chances of a breakthrough in this are very high.

And here breakthrough, want to come is to obtain what opportunity reason.

In these words, it is enough to make countless monks red. In this, there are many monks who have reached the end of Dan.

They all know how difficult it is to reach the state of the great monk. If they can break through it, it will be a good thing.

With such a certain idea, these monks are looking forward to what they are going to face next.

"This great monk, no matter what purpose the other party has, no matter what the other party has, but this time, the other party does not think, can get the last chance."

"Yes, the last chance is related to whether I can reach the yuan infant state. In this case, I can't let it out. The previous ones will let the flies go, but this time it will never work!"

The monks, thinking about it, said one by one.

When speaking, the tone is firm and incomparable.

At this moment, hengyanlin has been mixed with these monks. At this moment, listening to their various words to their own, he felt his nose without words.

Also Xinyi, hengyanlin was covered in the past, so these guys didn't know. They chose to talk about a big monk, actually, beside them.

If not, the identity of hengyanlin is exposed, these guys will definitely be very hostile to hengyanlin.

Who makes hengyanlin out of line with them, and he secretly becomes a great monk?

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