It is estimated that at this time, these guys still think that the monk can't hide his breath.

At that time, when the great monk is coming, they can see clearly.

Speaking of it, even if hengyanlin is really a great monk, but with the great monk's ability, it can be completely hidden.

These guys are so stupid, at this time, they still think like this.

It's completely forgotten that even a real monk can hide his breath at this moment.

At this time, the monks seem to have really forgotten this thing. They keep talking on the side. When they meet the great friar, what kind of words should they say.

Then Yan Heng couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time, Heng Yanlin is lazy to say more.

On the other hand, Bingxuan is very excited.

"These guys are so stupid. Even at this time, I'm afraid they don't know that the great friars are already around them."

Bingxuan approached Heng Yanlin, and then spoke softly.

Heng Yanlin listened to the words and immediately turned a white eye.

You alone know, happy now? And then you can't help showing off?

"Well, don't talk about it. Don't let the rest of you hear it."

Heng Yan Lin looked at each other, and then gently opened his mouth and said a word.

If some monks with high divine sense or know some secret methods, they can hear the communication of other people.

Heng Yanlin can guarantee that he won't be heard by others, but Bing Xuan can't.

The other side's cultivation is too low, plus the other side's divine sense is not so strong.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin has such vigilance at the moment, which is completely normal.

Listen to Heng Yanlin say so, ice Xuan immediately is facial expression slightly a change, after looking around, hurriedly just nodded.

She was a little too naive and too alert when she was just now.

Just like what Heng Yanlin said, there are so many monks here, who can know who has no special ability.

In case the other party has something, what Bingxuan just said will be finished after being heard by the other party.

What hengyanlin has just disguised will be known by others, and then hengyanlin will become a common enemy.

A little cold sweat appeared on Bingxuan's face. After taking a look at Heng Yanlin, she immediately looked at the people around her. It was sure that no one else knew about it. Then she relaxed a little bit.

"Xin Kui, I should not have been inquiring about our conversation."

Bingxuan slightly relieved and said a word to Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yan Lin looked at this guy and couldn't help shaking his head.

This guy, sometimes his vigilance is too low, and the rest is OK.

In the heart of such a thought, Heng Yanlin also lazy to continue to say what, some things said once is enough, there is no need to keep reminding.

"I don't know what's in front of me, but the great friars are so excited?"

Heng Yanlin's eyes twinkled slightly. When he looked at the front, he couldn't help but wonder.

You know, it seems that the great friar on the outside had already known what was inside before.

After that, there were all kinds of obstacles and the killing of the rest of jiedan friars in order to prevent the rest of the monks from coming in.

In this way, we can let the great monk get the things inside smoothly.

According to a news that Heng Yanlin heard before, it seemed that the great friar wanted something very much, and it was in it.

As for just Heng Yan Lin and the rest of the monks, what they needed, or the rest, was not what the other side wanted.

"What's in it? Hey, don't you know when you get here? "

Heng Yanlin in the last sentence, and ice Xuan in private, the rest of the friars on the side immediately heard what Heng said.

After looking at Heng Yan Lin at the moment, he immediately responded with a smile.

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan a Zheng, a bit strange will they see a look.

"Why, you all know? What's in this

Heng Yanlin's face is strange. According to reason, these friars should not know, right? After all, at this moment, hengyanlin did not know.

After hearing the words, the monks looked at each other and nodded gently.

"Naturally, I know that. Before that, it was not a secret. Why didn't you know it?"

Said here, they are some curious, will Heng Yan Lin a look.You know, as far as the previous situation is concerned, many monks have already communicated with each other and have already known what is inside.

In this case, Heng Yanlin has no reason not to know.

This news is still from the mouth of a great monk, so the credibility is very high.

Hengyanlin had been working alone with Bingxuan before, and was constantly attacking and killing the rest of the monks.

In any case, it is the place where you are, and no other monks are allowed to exist.

In this way, they completely isolated the rest of the monks, and after this, the rest of the monks were originally in circulation, and Heng Yanlin and others naturally did not know.

Heng Yanlin is listening to several friars at the moment. He looks at him strangely, and then he shakes his head.

"Before that, I took a fancy to a medicinal material, and then I kept thinking about how to get it. In this way, I came here only now, so I don't know some news."

Heng Yanlin's words are also timely and reasonable.

There are some things here. It's hard to get them.

Heng Yanlin said so, but also very reasonable.

The rest of the monks listened to this, they all nodded clearly, and then looked at Heng Yanlin and also followed with a smile.

Heng Yanlin said that, to also really, or as if they had experienced things before.

When they were in the past, but because of all kinds of things, they kept delaying their own journey. Heng Yanlin said that, they believed it directly.

Where do they know that Heng Yanlin's words are completely fabricated. When did Heng Yanlin break through the prohibition so hard?

Anyway, Bingxuan has never seen it.

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