At this moment, the monks had decided to break the prohibition in front of them, and then their faces began to look pretty.

In any case, the situation at this time is already like this, and it seems that there is no other possibility in this situation.

After thinking about it, the friar has already decided at this moment and broke the array first.

And at this moment, in the public have decided, countless magic weapons began to emerge one by one.

All of us are monks. We can know who didn't take out the magic weapon at a glance. It's all clear at a glance.

There are some friars who come out with some defective products, which can be seen at a glance.

And for this matter, before this time, we have a little common sense, that is, no one can do this.

When someone does, they will be able to kick the other side out.

Therefore, all the people at this time are extremely honest and dare not do so at all.

At the moment, everyone is extremely careful to take out their magic weapon.

Of course, it is impossible to bring out the magic weapons of their own life. Most of them are medium-sized ones.

And this kind of magic weapon, in fact, is enough to use at this moment.

At this moment, people are all starting to work.

After a moment, countless magic weapons began to rise and fly directly to the prohibition in front of them.

Then, I just heard a loud explosion, and then I saw the prohibition in the distance, which directly sent out countless purple thunder, and all the magic weapons here were discarded in one blow on the spot.

Such a scene, is suddenly let all people are in the heart of a cold.

People's face, at this moment is directly changed ugly incomparable.

Before that, they all thought that after their own efforts, at least, there were still some construction workers.

But where can you know that after the magic weapon on your side is to get the results you want.

Even if there is such a magic weapon, directly hit the other party this prohibition, that is OK.

Just now, looking at the situation in front of us, we can see that this is not the case at all. The prohibition is actually at this moment, and all their magic weapons are broken in an instant.

Looking at the whole sky are magic pieces, began to fall piecemeal, everyone's eyes in an instant, are changing extremely ugly.

No one knows why such a situation has emerged at this moment.

However, in any case, at this moment, this has already been the case, we are not willing to, and there is no way to change the situation at the moment.

After thinking about it all, I looked at these magic weapons in front of me, and then my eyes were slightly frozen.

"I don't believe it. This thing can break our magic weapon all the time. How can it be said? There are some consumptions. This prohibition should have existed for a long time, right? In any case, it is impossible to continue like this. "

"That's right. Let's move on. Even if we can't beat the ban, we can consume each other's death!"

As a monk, and also a monk in the period of jiedan, they are very clear about one thing.

It is impossible for a ban to work without any consumption.

There is an absolute need for such a long time.

As long as the other party's consumption is completely consumed, they can break through here.

Such a thought, all people are slightly relaxed in the heart of a few minutes down.

In any case, as long as this level is achieved, they can rest assured.

The more I thought about it, all the monks relaxed at the moment.

Hengyanlin at this moment, also heard these words, immediately is a slight frown.

Looking at the prohibition in front of him, he easily destroyed his magic weapons. These magic weapons were the magic weapons that Heng Yanlin killed those friars before.

To talk about this matter, Heng Yanlin is not very worried that he has no magic weapon to use.

At the moment, hengyanlin doesn't need to have any magic weapon at all. He doesn't need to worry that he doesn't have any magic weapon. Even his own magic weapon doesn't need to be used.

Just use the magic weapon that you got from other friars before that, so it's OK.

However, Heng Yanlin looked at the prohibition in front of him, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Such a feeling, in this purple lightning out, the heart is extremely strange, only feel, it seems that there are some strange feelings, constantly emerging.

But then I felt it carefully, and the feeling disappeared immediately.This makes Heng Yan Lin have a little doubt that when he was just now, what he felt was not an illusion.

Heng Yanlin frowns and looks at the prohibition in front of him. The ice Xuan on one side also notices Heng Yanlin's expression.

At this time, seeing Heng Yanlin have some strange appearance, looking at this thing in front of her, Bing Xuan also slightly moved in her heart.

"What's the matter, Taoist friend, have you found anything to break the prohibition here?"

Bing Xuan looks at Heng Yan Lin with a wisp of hope in her eyes.

You know, before this time, Heng Yan Lin can be done this.

At the moment, Lin yanheng can't do it.

After such a thought, Bingxuan is also full of curiosity when she looks at hengyanlin in front of her. She wants to see if hengyanlin has any discoveries.

If Heng Yanlin finds out, then two people may be able to sneak in and steal the treasures.

You know, this kind of thing, two people in the previous time, just had done.

This time, if she comes once, Bingxuan will never have any hesitation.

Bingxuan thought, looking at Heng Yan Lin, the curiosity in the eyes, also with a trace of hope.

Bingxuan also has some magic weapons in her hands, but these are all her own efforts to get, and Heng Yanlin has no way to compare.

If this goes on like this, her own magic weapon is estimated to be consumed a lot.

Therefore, at the moment, she also has a bit of heartache, if can not continue to consume their magic weapon, this is a good thing in the end.

Listening to Bing Xuan's inquiry, Heng Yan Linton was a bit speechless. Heng Yanlin had just seen this prohibition. Moreover, the prohibition was obviously very unusual. Where could it be broken so easily?

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