Heng Yanlin does not know, these guys at this time, made such an idea.

What's more, although all the monks in front of them are great monks, in fact, their strength has been suppressed a lot, and there is no way to compare with hengyanlin now.

However, for these things are not known at all Heng Yan Lin, at this time, there is no way to distinguish what.

Now, take a look at the situation in front of you and see the great friars coming.

Seeing that they were all looking at the scene in front of them, they seemed to be ready to break the prohibition in front of them, and sighed a little in my heart.

I just hope that the things in this will not be what I think.

At this time, Heng Yanlin sighed a little helplessly in his heart and then said a word gently.

Bingxuan heard what Heng Yanlin said, and suddenly turned around a bit strangely and looked at Heng Yanlin.

Just now Heng Yanlin said the Kazakh language, she was really a bit strange, do not know what Heng Yanlin said at this time in the end is what meaning.

Therefore, seeing Heng Yan Lin at this moment, he also looks puzzled.

"Daoyou, why do you say that?" Bingxuan looks at Heng Yanlin, her eyes full of confusion.

Listen to the meaning of Heng Yanlin, hengyanlin just doesn't want to open here at all. She can hear the meaning clearly.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, turn a head to see ice Xuan, see to square is a face of doubt looking at oneself.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin immediately responded, "I don't know. I always feel a bit strange. I feel that the things in this are unlikely to be a treasure.

It's just a pity that so many people want to open this place now. With my own strength, there's no way to stop them. Otherwise, I won't let them open here. "

Heng Yanlin listens to Bing Xuan's inquiry, and then gently tells the other party what he thinks in his heart.

In any case, the other party has come all the way, and hengyanlin is also relatively familiar, let the other party know their own ideas, to it is not a big deal.

Heng Yan Lin is also very relieved, and said his own ideas with the other side.

Listen to Heng Yanlin say so, ice Xuan immediately stupefied.

She did not think that there was such a thing in this.

It's just that the things in it are not treasures. How did Heng Yanlin know?

Bing Xuan looks at the ban in a strange way. She also has a little doubt in her heart, because she doesn't know why Heng Yanlin feels like this.

According to the situation at this time, the things in it are not like Heng Yanlin.

What do you think? It's a treasure.

Look at the monks in the distance. They all think so.

"Taoist friend, is it possible that you feel wrong? There are treasures everywhere, and the things in this should also be treasures?"

It's not that Bingxuan doesn't believe hengyanlin, but the other side said that, without any basis.

It's the Taoist of Wu. Although Bing Xuan doesn't like each other very much, in the end, she says that there are treasures in it, and the other side also has some basis.

Therefore, at this moment, Bingxuan looks at hengyanlin, but it is a bit hard to believe what hengyanlin looks like.

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan gently nodded, "I hope this is true, at least prove that, I don't need to worry so much, but now this situation no one knows, at this time, also can only open here to have a look."

Heng Yan Lin saw the other side did not believe his appearance, directly also nodded, to also did not have what angry meaning.

In terms of the situation at this time, this thing is really like this.

It's normal that the other person doesn't believe in himself.

After all, Heng Yanlin himself did not have any evidence. In this way, even Bing Xuan couldn't convince him. How could he persuade the rest of the monks?

If these people listen to Heng Yanlin's words, they will definitely be upset. In their opinion, Heng Yanlin is simply picking things up.

It's all OK to go in. It's just so close. Heng Yanlin comes out and says it can't be opened. It's not just looking for something, and there's no other reason to explain it.

Heng Yan Lin saw that the other side did not believe in himself, also did not have a bit of angry meaning, but still had some worries on his face.

Seeing this, Bingxuan frowns slightly. What Heng Yanlin said is really possible.

This is all the way over, Heng Yanlin gives her the feeling.

In how to say, hengyanlin will not lie on such a matter.

In particular, the two people came all the way, and Heng Yanlin did not do such a thing, which also made Bingxuan feel that she was a little bit able to believe each other's meaning.Seeing such a scene, Bingxuan suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of him, he immediately said, "why do you think so? There should be some basis."

Bing Xuan looks at Heng Yan Lin and asks.

Heng Yan Lin pointed to the prohibition in front of him, "didn't you find out? This prohibition is so violent that when it gives out its power, it is a warning to all people not to get close to it? Do you think that's not enough? "

Heng Yanlin thinks that there is a reason for that. At least in the previous prohibition, under such prohibition, there is something sealed that can not be opened.

Heng Yanlin has seen this kind of thing before.

However, later, some friars used this method to make some monks not open their treasures. So they let such prohibition gradually become distrusted by the public.

At this time, Heng Yan Lin, seeing such a ban, was just a little confused in his heart, but he was not sure why.

Because there are guys who do it on purpose, and it's possible.

At the very least, such a ban is very useful and reliable for some conservative monks.

Some monks would not have opened such a ban.

Bingxuan listened to Heng Yanlin and thought about it carefully. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that she was really.

But the question is, is it really a treasure hidden in such a ban?

If so, it would be much more troublesome.

After thinking about it, Bingxuan didn't have a definite number.

However, at this time, Bingxuan had no other way.

Just like Heng Yanlin's own helplessness, Bingxuan is also helpless at this time. So many friars want to open this place. Where can Bingxuan stop it.

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