"Damn the truck driver. He's driving so fast in the city. He's looking for death."

Li Weiyu swore in a low voice, while he wanted to pull out his leg. However, when he moved slightly, he could feel a sharp pain, which directly made his face pale.

"My legs, my legs don't seem to move."

Li Weiyu's face was full of panic under his eyes. He was extremely frightened and said to Dai Mingyue. The feeling from his legs made him have a kind of ominous premonition. Should it not be the legs, but the fracture?

Dai Mingyue, listening to Li Weiyu's words, also changed his face. Then he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened a ray of light to shine in the past. However, Li Weiyu's legs were wrapped in his pants. It was impossible for him to see something.

"I can't see anything on my side. I'll go out first, and then I'll move you out of Li Shao, and then I'll look at the injury."

After looking at it for a long time, he didn't see anything. After thinking about it, Dai Mingyue said to Li Weiyu. It's not a good thing for them to stay in the car like this. It's better to go out first.

When his words fell, some kind-hearted passers-by stepped forward. When they saw that the door could still be opened, they opened the door directly. Looking at the two people in the car, they asked with concern.

"Are you both OK? Can you come out? "

"I can come out, but my friend's leg is hurt. Don't touch the wound."

Dai Mingyue heard the words, and after answering, he bent down to get out of the car. In the car, he only left Li Wei Yu alone in the car. Seeing this, the people on one side were extremely enthusiastic. They bent down directly into the car and looked at Li Weiyu's legs. Although they didn't see any injuries, they could see that the legs were not seized by anything. Even if they were relieved, they could see that the legs were not blocked by anything.

"Your legs can move there. I'll help you lift your legs, and then your body moves slowly. Do you think so?"

Listening to the man's words, Li Weiyu directly nodded. In this car, he didn't have a sense of security. What's more, there was a truck full of goods on the side. If the car could not be stopped and it was directly pressed down, his life would be lost.

Seeing this, the man directly stretched out his hand, and then raised Li Weiyu's legs slightly. However, he had just moved on his side. Li Weiyu's face turned white, and a deep pain swept through his mind.

"Stop it. Where did you put it? Do you want to kill me? "

Just now, the pain from the man's hands was a hundred times more painful than when he moved himself. So Li Wei Yu couldn't help but roar.

The man's face changed slightly at the sound of Li Weiyu's calling and swearing. However, considering that the other party was injured at the moment and had just been involved in a car accident, he restrained his anger and directly said in a slow voice.

"Bear it first, get out of the car and say that you're not safe here right now."

That person's tone is still peaceful, and for Li Weiyu's scolding, has been considered to be very big belly, but that Li Weiyu is not a little sympathetic meaning, directly said with a cold face.

"Fart, it's easy to say. What if I touch the wound when I move, and then my legs can't walk? Are you in charge? "

Li Weiyu's tone was full of anger. He was afraid at the moment, because the accident directly led to his paralysis. How painful would he be if he could only sit in a wheelchair all his life?

"It should not be, even if it is a fracture, with the current level of medical treatment, it will not happen."

The man's face changed slightly after listening to Li Weiyu's words. After looking at the other party, he directly persuaded him that it was really unsafe in the car at present. If he could, he had better go outside to ask for some.

However, Li Weiyu didn't believe that person at all at this time. It's not that there is no such thing as secondary injury. In case one of them is not good, it is possible that he will be paralyzed directly. At the thought of this possibility, he will feel uneasy.

In contrast, he is more willing to believe that the professional medical staff immediately shook his head and said.

"Get away from me. If my legs are paralyzed because of you, I can't spare you!"

Li Weiyu's speech is extremely cruel, that is, the people on the other side listened to this, all in their eyes, with a touch of disgust, looked at Li Weiyu straightly.

They are kind-hearted to help. They are afraid that something might happen to him in the car. At present, this man is very good. He is ungrateful. He also thinks that the responsibility should be placed on this person. It is like the hand that feeds the hand and the wolf with white eyes.

"Forget it, don't worry about him. It's really kind of you. I saw the white eyed wolf today.""People have said that. You'd better stop and leave. In case something happens, you will definitely depend on you."

"Let's go. Let's go. He doesn't know how to help him. Thank you. Such a person is not worth saving."

One side of the people directly to help people, repeatedly persuasion said, this person's mouth is merciless not to say, this is the attitude of doing things, but also very disgusting, such people, directly died in a car accident, there is no one to sympathize with.

"Go away, who wants your help? Who do you think you are? I don't follow my own poverty. "

Listening to the public's disgust and criticism, Li Weiyu said angrily that he had already been angry when he came out of the Shilan group. Now when he met a traffic accident, he was listening to the chatter of these people. He could not bear to live there. He immediately scolded.

Hearing this, the people on one side changed their faces slightly, but looking at the other party's current appearance, they all snorted coldly, and then turned and left directly. If such injured people scolded, they would be famous if it was spread out.

They still don't want to do such insulting things. In case someone spreads it on the Internet, they will lose face and lose their hair. Immediately, no one intended to stay. They just turn around and leave one after another.

Dai Mingyue on one side looked at the scene in front of him. He was full of anxiety and wanted to find someone to stay and help. But what Li Weiyu said just now was too cruel. He couldn't find any reason to find it. Don't say that these people are unwilling. It is estimated that Li Weiyu would not like to have these people to help.

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