"What the hell is in this? How is it like swallowing the monks' lives? "

The rest of the monks, who also felt something wrong, didn't go in at all, but waited with Heng Yanlin.

Just now, seeing the black fog in front of me, there was a continuous scream.

These screams all appear extremely shrill, as if has been subjected to the extremely inhuman torture general.

This made them shiver. They didn't know what kind of torture it was. They could make the monks scream like this.

Listening from a distance, they all felt a thrill.

"Haha, it's a success at last!"

Seeing this scene, Taoist Wu's face was filled with smiles. The laughter at the moment was in sharp contrast to the shrill sound inside.

The rest are still outside, the friars heard this insidious laughter, and suddenly a cold heart.

Damn, these things are each other's traps?

At this moment, when I hear the smile of the other party, I can fully understand that it is clearly the ghost of the other party. I don't need to think about it!

Such a thought, at the moment to see each other, their face at this time naturally also changed incomparably ugly.

At this time, Heng Yanlin and others turned to look at the Wu Taoist.

Taoist Wu paid attention to the eyes of the monks and turned to them at the moment.

Seeing that there are so many monks who haven't entered here, I immediately smile.

"Yes, there are so many monks who are so vigilant that they don't go in?"

Taoist Wu looked at the monks in front of him, and all of them were smiling at the moment. For those monks who didn't go in, they didn't care at all.

It seems that there is no difference between these people and whether they go in or not.

And in the other side's words, also let the hearts of the people slightly sink.

"But it doesn't matter. If you go in or not, it's all an end. If you don't go in, you'll still have a trace of unknown fear. Why?"

Looking at Heng Yanlin and others, Wu daoren shakes his head and feels that what these people do is not smart.

"Hum, no matter what trap you made, I won't play with you!"

At this time, a monk felt a very bad feeling. At this moment, he snorted coldly, and then he turned around and flew away.

At the moment, he was a little bit frightened.

However, no matter what the other party wants to do, anyway, he is not with the other party to play, that is not good.

At this time, they directly run, think the other side also take their own no way.

What's more, there are so many monks here. I told them at this time that they should run together. If they want to come, these people will run together.

In this way, so many friars run together, how can the other party catch it?

Hearing this, Wu daoren's face did not change, but quietly looked at the monk.

But at this time, the friar flew away directly after saying that. He didn't see the other person's eyes at all. He had a trace of pity.

After that, he saw that the friar had just flown away. Without a moment, a light curtain was directly shrouded, covering all the people inside.

Seeing the appearance of this light curtain, the monk's face turned ugly.

When he was there, he was out there to keep himself safe.

In the past, he was used to being cautious. He thought that such a habit would still save his life.

But where will know, the other party actually at this time has already arranged well, at this moment even their back road has been broken!

"Damn it, when did you set up the array? Why don't we feel at all?"

The monk turned his head and looked at the Taoist Wu, who was still in place. He was not ready to chase him. His face was extremely ugly.

Pointing at each other is angry voice said.

Hearing this, Wu Tao Ren shrugged his shoulders and his face was full of sarcastic smile.

"Do you really think it's safe outside? Since you are here, you still want to leave. It's really naive! "

Taoist Wu's face is full of smiles, for the other party at this time, the things he does is sneer.

The words made the monks on the other side look very ugly. At this moment, they all felt that they were imprisoned.

Moreover, the other side is still a great monk, no, the number of the other side's great friars is still so large, they are not rivals at all!

It is because of this, the rest of the monks on the side did not want to fight each other at all, just because they felt that they could not beat each other.

At the moment, they do not realize that the other side can not play their own strength.But even if they know, it doesn't work. There is still a trace of unknown danger hidden in this black fog. They are all short of what is in it.

At this moment, even when they saw the monk, they could fight, but they didn't have much fighting spirit.

At the moment, they just want to get out of here.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin looks at Wu daoren in front of him. He turns his head and looks at the black fog on one side. His eyes are slightly narrowed.

"What is it in this?"

The man who inquired about him turned his head to one side.

When Wu daoren heard the speech, he was stunned for a moment. Then he turned to look at hengyanlin. He saw that Heng Yanlin was asking himself seriously, and he almost didn't laugh.

"Yes, you are the most calm one among these friars. You can still keep calm at this time."

At this time, Wu daoren could not help admiring Heng Yan Lin.

If it was him, it would be impossible to do such a scene.

Moreover, he knew what was inside, but at this time, he was still a little afraid.

"You must know that, even if you do, your fear will not be much less."

Generally speaking, it is only for the unknown that we feel extremely afraid. When we understand it, we will have less fear.

But this thing is not the same, the more you understand this thing, the more you will feel fear.

This is what Wu daoren is like now. Even when he talks about this topic with Heng Yanlin, his eyes are filled with a trace of fear.

Such a scene, see hengyanlin extremely strange, this guy is clearly know this thing, also very understand just right, how to say, unexpectedly still appear very afraid appearance?

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