"It's up to you to fight with us? You have the same skill? "

Seeing Bingxuan at this time, she directly began to organize all the people to prepare for a fight with herself. At this time, the friars on the side looked at Heng Yanlin and others, and immediately laughed.

Are these guys stupid?

What's the matter? These guys want to fight with themselves?

What do you really think you are? They are all great friars here, but these are the only people?

What are they all about? The most powerful is just the state of later jiedan.

In this way, these guys still want to fight with themselves and others? It's really a bad brain.

They thought that these people would come to their side directly when they knew that there was a big difference in strength at this time.

"Well, if we don't see a typical coffin without tears, we can't be hurt if all of you are dead!"

"What a bunch of idiots. Since you are so uninteresting, there is no need for us to be polite to you. Since you want to die, you can go and die."

Wu daoren in the distance looked at these guys and said something quietly at this moment.

The words fell, but the devil on one side waved his hand, and seemed to be a bit indifferent.

"No, I can do it by myself. If I swallow so much blood food, it's much more tonic. I'll take care of it and swallow them all."

The devil looked at the monks in front of him, and his face was full of excitement.

For a demon like him, it is the freshest thing to swallow these people directly.

In this way, the devil naturally felt that he would do better.

What's more, the monks in front of him are not his opponents at all. He has been sealed for so many years, but he can relax his muscles and bones.

This thought, at the moment, looking at the friars in front of him, he was directly ready to start shooting.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin and others all looked slightly tight.

The old devil in front of him is absolutely powerful, which we all know.

Therefore, at this time, when you look at the monk in front of you, their faces are full of vigilance. No matter how you look at it, if the other party makes a move, it will definitely shake the earth.

If a careless, directly fell in the hands of the other side, it is in the normal things.

Just like before, when so many friars of jiedan went in, didn't one monk run out?

If they are not careful, they will probably end up like this.

Think of here, no one dare not be careful.

Heng Yanlin looked at the monks in front of him. Seeing such a scene at the moment, his face became extremely vigilant afterwards.

The devil saw this scene, but there was no anger at all.

In his opinion, these guys in front of him are just ants.

What's the difference between a mole ant knowing you're going to kill him and not knowing?

It's just that there's no difference at all.

In this way, the devil is not polite at the moment. He just takes a step forward and walks slowly towards these guys.

Just when the demon was about to go out of the forbidden area, a colorful light curtain rose directly, and then trapped the demon in it.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the light curtain, the devil was stunned for a moment, and did not think that there would be a ban at this time.

Is it the monks who set it up?

No, the power of the prohibition was not. Even after he felt it, he was a little wary. It was absolutely impossible for these monks to achieve this goal.

Such a thought, at the moment to look at the side of the ban, the devil is suddenly in the heart of a bit suddenly.

"Damn it, you even put down two prohibitions!"

The devil's sharp voice sounded at the moment. Looking at the prohibition, his face had a certain look of exasperation.

He just didn't think that there was only one prohibition, but there was one at the moment.

This seems to be the backhand of the other party's preparation. It is about to prevent someone from suddenly destroying this place. The prohibition of this road also has a backhand, which can prevent accidents.

It's just like this, but it makes the devil furious.

"Well, surprise

Just after the devil's words had just fallen, a figure suddenly appeared and appeared in front of the devil. Looking at the devil man's appearance of three corpses exploding at this time, the figure was extremely comfortable, and began to laugh at the other party.

When the devil heard this sound, his whole body's evil spirit began to fluctuate. After seeing the figure of the other side, he almost didn't shoot at the figure directly.At the moment, I was looking at each other, and my face looked a little ugly.

"How can it be? You're not dead!"

The devil's voice is a bit sharp, which also has a strong look of disbelief.

The figure that appeared, after looking at each other, gently nodded, "yes, I did fall, this is just a shadow of me."

The figure appears to have a bit of calm, at this moment to see the other side, in the following is the opening to say a word.

Listening to the other party's saying, the devil immediately breathed a sigh of relief, just as good as dead!

Otherwise, in his current state, he has been sealed for such a long time and just came out. Where can he be the opponent? I'm afraid that if the opponent has the strength to win, he will definitely be killed.

But now, since it's the shadow of the other party, you don't have to worry about it. After all, it's just a shadow. A shadow can't help him.

What's more, as a shadow, the others have little strength, which is almost equal to nothing.

It seems that this time he is out of trouble or no problem.

"Hum, what can you do with your shadow? What's more, the backhand is almost waiting or not. Even if you don't look at the seal, my prohibition has disappeared, and even this broken thing wants to block me? "

The devil looked at it carefully and determined the prohibition in front of him, but it was not his own thing. It was just a boundary. He immediately relaxed a little.

It's just a border, trying to block him from going out. It's something. It's not a problem to give him time to break through here.

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