The devil side, is still secretly cracking, this time is also paying attention to Heng Yanlin side of the situation.

In hearing the God of time and space said, just temporarily restore the strength of hengyanlin, suddenly is a sigh of relief in the heart.

Anyway, from the point of view of this time, when he goes out, if Heng Yanlin's strength is restored, he will run directly.

Anyway, if he insists on changing hengyanlin's strength, he can kill hengyanlin.

And if go out, Heng Yanlin has not recovered strength, he can also take the opportunity to kill hengyanlin.

This is a proper way to do it.

At the moment, he felt that there was nothing wrong with his practice.

Just when he began to think about it, Heng Yanlin suddenly turned his head and looked at him coldly.

He looked at him directly and was excited all over.

This guy, he said to the other side well and resented the other party. How could he look like this at this time?

he just turned his head and talked about himself? You're going to do it yourself!

At this time, the devil wants to cry.

I have just come out. How can I be trapped in this prohibition again? Besides, there seems to be a big killer on the side. If one is not good, he has to kneel down.

Such a situation, but let his heart murmur incomparably.

Hengyanlin at the moment, look at the other side, and then is a slightly curled mouth.

At that time, why didn't Henglin be killed?

"Speaking of it, what's the matter with this guy? I don't think he's very good either. At that time, my friends wanted to kill him, but it wasn't easy. Why was it just sealed up but not killed?"

Heng Yanlin looks at each other and asks for the God of time and space.

Heng Yanlin was not at that time and did not know what these people were like when they were fighting.

It's just a pity that Heng Yanlin was not there at that time. Otherwise, it would be different.

"How can it be? Take the situation for example, this guy dares to show his head in front of us. He has already died many times, or after that, we have already been injured, and the other party has started to make waves. At that time, we can't help it.

At the end of the day, I also had a lot of weakness. After meeting the other party, I had no ability to kill the other party. I could only seal it, and after a while, I completely fell.

Also Xin Kui, I've left some backhand here, and I'll wait for you to come back. "

Time and space God in one side to add up, tell hengyanlin, in fact, he or does not eat.

It's just that this guy is too insidious. He just hides in the side, and then attacks and picks some weak ones.

"So this guy is a weak chicken?"

At this time, Wu daoren's face changed slightly.

In the past, they listened to each other for so long, especially listening to a burst of nonsense, which can be thought that the other side is extremely powerful.

Where can you know that in the words of the God of time and space, the other party is just a weak chicken.

So a listen, their face at this time is also changed incomparably strange.

So it seems that they have taken refuge in the wrong person!

It's just that for now, they don't seem to have any other way out.

At the moment, they looked at the guy in front of them, and then his face changed.

One side of the devil, listening to the words of the two people at this time, his face suddenly turned red.

"You are farting, do you dare to slander me like this? Have the ability to let me out, we have a good fight, then you will know, my strength in the end how! "

The devil is inside, the gas is to start to jump up, facing the time and space God is roaring.

Anyway, we can see what's going on with this guy.

Look at the guy in front of me. At this time, the devil just wants to come out and kill him.

Hengyanlin saw this scene and shook his head. This guy should not want to take the opportunity to come out at this time?

But they are not stupid. How could they have done such a thing?

So it is to look at each other after a look, and then that is a slight shake of the head.

"Don't think about it any more. When my strength recovers, you will know my strength. Don't worry about it."

Ren Yanlin is worried about what he wants to kill himself.

Time and space God in this moment, is disdain to look at each other.

"Why, what's wrong with me? Have you ever fought with one of the immortals in the battle? At the beginning of the battle, in the last hundreds of years, you have been hiding in the rear, and you have never appeared. Otherwise, you would have died. "The God of time and space knows each other, that is to say, he has not seen each other since then, so if he wants to find a chance to destroy him, he has no chance at all.

Therefore, there will be the other side after the situation here.

Otherwise, the future will change again.

Time and space God said so, the other side's face suddenly rose red, he wanted to refute but couldn't find an excuse at all.

After all, what the other side said is true.

At that time, he was just a little monk.

In such a huge battle, although he seems to have good strength, but when it comes to the high-end combat effectiveness, he seems to be a bit inadequate.

So, after that, he kept hiding. When the war was almost over, he came out and began to pick out some wounded monks.

In this way, some people who don't know the situation think he is extremely powerful.

Although there are some strengths, they are definitely not as powerful as they said.

Thinking of this, the devil's face turned red, which has been touted for many years, but now he is deprived here. How can he feel?

Heng Yanlin looked at each other, and then understood that the God of time and space should not be wrong and shook his head directly at the moment.

All over the face at this moment, are for this guy's disdain color.

What kind of thing, make Heng Yanlin think, the other side in the end how powerful, are all experienced at that time, to the end are not killed, but directly sealed down.

Hengyanlin thought that it might be some old devil.

At this moment, listening to the other party said, I knew that it was just a vegetable chicken.

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