Seeing each other, I finally heard my own words.

At this time, Liu buyin felt a little relieved.

Although this guy looks a bit rude and silly, he can understand people's words. If the other party can't even listen to his own words, it's really hopeless.

It was at this moment that she felt a little relieved.

Liu buyin listened to the other side's words and said at this time.

"I had already called an ambulance before, and now the ambulance is still on its way, but we can't delay this period of time. In case of anything, this period of time is the best time for treatment."

Listening to Liu buyin, the man nodded frequently.

I am extremely satisfied with what Liu buyin said at the moment.

Liu buyin said this, let him at this time also slightly relaxed a little bit down, feel in front of the Bu Yin should not be lying just.

In any case, the other party is unlikely to make such a careful arrangement.

At the thought of this, his hostility suddenly abated a lot.

"This one on my side is the doctor in our hospital. It is extremely powerful. I have already done what I should do. Now I should let the doctor on my side look at the situation."

Liu buyin said and pulled out Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin was originally about to leave, but now he was pulled by Liu buyin, full of helplessness.

Heng Yanlin raised his head and saw the man in front of him. The warning on his face had already relaxed.

At the moment, it was Heng Yanlin's appearance that directly disturbed him.

Looking at Heng Yan Lin in front of him, the man's face suddenly changed.

"Are you kidding? I believed it just now, but did you pull out such a thing for me? On the other side of this guy, you actually want him to cure my old man. Don't you see him deserve it? "

The man points to Heng Yan Lin, is a direct roar after saying.

Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with the hengyanlin in front of him and has a strong sense of vigilance.

After looking up and down at Heng Yan Lin, he immediately laughed.

"I'm really joking. I'm afraid I'll still go to school in college? Such a person is at most a student. How can he be said to be a doctor? I won't believe what you're saying

The man looks at Heng Yan Lin, his eyes full of discontent.

He just at the time, also believe just the nurse, but at this time, is suddenly appeared Heng Yan Lin to destroy.

With Heng Yanlin in front of him, how could he be a doctor with such a young appearance!

The other party definitely has a very good idea!

In other words, it may be that someone sent to murder his father.

In the heart such a thought, at the moment he looked at Heng Yan Lin at this time, the look in the eyes already left full of suspicion.

Heng Yan Lin looked at the other side, saw that the other side is completely do not believe in themselves, to also not how angry.

After all, no matter what, Heng Yanlin can't always be angry with these people because of such things.

If we do this, it will not appear that hengyanlin has no capital.

Heng Yanlin took a look at Liu buyin and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, if people don't accept your kindness, don't make trouble here and go straight."

Heng Yanlin shook his head at Liu buyin and was ready to take the other party away.

Heng Yan Lin can not think, in the other party did not believe you, it is to treat each other like this.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin just lightly looked at the old man on the ground, and then turned to leave.

Liu buyin hears the speech and quickly pulls up Heng Yanlin. She doesn't want to leave like this. At least, she is also a patient.

Moreover, she could feel that the patient seemed to be a little unusual. If she left like this, she would easily die.

At this moment, that is, Heng Yanlin can make a move, maybe the other side still has a rescue.

With such a thought, Liu buyin naturally didn't want to leave like this.

"He is really a doctor. Believe me, your old man is in danger now. Let him have a look!"

Liu buyin looked at the man in front of him and said directly.

The man sneered at the speech, "dangerous? If you get close, it's the most dangerous thing! Don't say anything more. You call him a doctor even if you are such a guy. I don't know what you think

The man is extremely does not believe in the side of Heng Yan Lin.

Although some of the doctors he had seen were really young, they were all returned from studying abroad and had many hands-on experience.The other party's treatment experience, that is the real knife and real gun's temper, and are all successful.

Such a person is the one he highly admires and a doctor who is very willing to let him treat.

What is Heng Yan Lin wearing?

If Heng Yan Lin is really a very good doctor, he can't be so bad at it?

As long as a little more powerful doctors, the ability to make money is not a problem, and contact with more people, the taste of what will also change.

All over the clothes, sometimes you can see a person's taste, status, interests and so on.

This is all with the other party in peacetime, contact with some of the people.

His eyes are extremely vicious, looking at the hengyanlin in front of him, although his temperament is OK, but this sound of clothes can be seen, hengyanlin is really not very good.

Such a person, said that the other side is a doctor, now the doctor can not be poor, can not eat a meal!

What's wrong with the doctors he's been in contact with?

That is to say, some swindlers may be seriously mixed up very bad, almost can't eat a meal.

Such a person, if he really rest assured that Heng Yanlin came to his father's treatment, his father would have to dial his skin!

At the thought of this, the man took a deep breath and looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him coldly.

There is nothing to believe in Heng Yan Lin.

When the other side said this, Liu buyin's face changed slightly.

She is nothing, but the side of hengyanlin is really real material.

On the other side of such a scorn, these add dislike, she is a little bit can not see down, go on like this, she is afraid that there are some pimples.

And people like Heng Yanlin, who have the ability, will definitely be extremely unhappy.

She knows people like Heng Yanlin. In her original hospital, there are such doctors. They are very skillful, but they are also arrogant.

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