When the two were chatting here, the waiter on the side brought up the dish.

Heng Yan Lin saw this scene, also not polite, directly began to eat.

At this moment, Lin took the medicine and began to think about it.

And before two people eat how long, Shulin's phone rings.

Shulin took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID on it. He quickly put down his chopsticks to answer.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Bring people back quickly. The doctor can't help them."

When the voice of the middle-aged man in the book suddenly rang.

Hang up after the phone, he is the face slightly have a little bit respectful toward Heng Yan Lin look.

"Doctor, you can see..."

if he didn't believe Heng Yanlin a little before, now he has incomparable trust in Heng Yanlin.

I'm afraid that he is the only one who can cure him.

Hengyanlin's medical skills let him have a lot of confidence in hengyanlin.

Since the old man has no way to use western medicine, it is only to try Chinese medicine.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are not many people who can compare with hengyanlin.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, raised his head to look at the Book Forest in front of him, saw the other side look a little nervous, and nodded slowly.

He put some food in his mouth and then stood up.

"Let's go."

Heng Yanlin barely filled his stomach, but wanted to eat more, but look at the situation at the moment, the conditions are not allowed.

See Heng Yan Lin dry crisp up, Shulin face also has a bit of bad meaning.

"When the doctor is finished, I'll take the doctor for a snack."

They haven't eaten for a long time. He hasn't eaten enough himself. He wants to look like this in hengyanlin.

Now the book forest for Heng Yan Lin, has changed incomparably believe, now look at Heng Yan Lin, is to come such a sentence.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, smile also did not say more.

A moment later, they returned to the hospital.

When the two rushed to the outside of the ward, the middle-aged man was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Seeing Heng Yanlin back, he was immediately relieved.

Also Xinkui in the previous time, did not directly drive away hengyanlin.

This left behind, can be used.

"Doctor Heng, the old man will ask you."

The middle-aged man said extremely cautiously to Heng Yanlin.

Just at the beginning, it seems that some people have heard some news, and now they have begun to have some actions.

How long has it been? The news of his old man's illness was passed on.

And the old man has not left, these people actually began to stage the story of people walking tea cool, which is really boring.

But this also let him know a situation, that is, the old man can never have things.

Otherwise, the situation will be much more serious than it is now.

Wen Yu on one side hasn't left yet. The doctor she invited has no way to cure her. Her face is not good-looking either.

Now seeing Heng Yanlin was invited back again, it made her feel that her face had been slapped, and her face was even more ugly.

At the moment, he couldn't help sneering, "Dad, can such a guy really save the old man? I think we are still looking for some better doctors to come and have a look! "

Don't know why, she looks at Heng Yanlin's face is disgusted not to be able to.

In the case of preconceived expectations, he has no good feelings for hengyanlin. At this moment, it is natural to see what Heng Yanlin is doing, which is disgusting.

Wen Yu's words fall, two people on one side suddenly face slightly changed.

Waiting for the middle-aged people to open their mouths to say something, the Shulin on one side directly denounced the way.

"Have you had enough? The doctor he invited didn't have any skills. Could he delay others to see the old man now? Don't you know how important the old man is to our family?

If you go on fooling around like this, the old man won't wake up one day! "

One side of the Shulin with cold and hard incomparable eyes, will one side of the sister looked at.

Before this time, he did not say some of the other side's words, but at this time, the other side is still such a mess, he has some doubts that the other side is not willing to the old man to wake up.

That is, the other side is his sister, just let him give up this idea.

Otherwise, he will not be polite to each other at the moment.

Wen Yu listened to his brother's words, and suddenly his face changed slightly. He raised his head and wanted to say something, but he saw his father's eyes were not very good-looking.At this moment, I'm afraid that I'm saying something unpleasant, and my father is going to attack with him.

Seeing this scene, Wen Yu immediately took a deep breath and then stopped saying anything.

Although she is extremely disgusted with Heng Yanlin, it does not mean that she has no brain. She knows that she is not allowed to go on like this.

Seeing Wen Yu finally calmed down, the two people on one side were relieved.

The other side is their own family, and they can't really do anything.

But Heng Yanlin is here, and they want him to cure the old man. If Wen Yu keeps pestering him, they say they have to punish each other, so that Heng Yanlin can put down his bad feelings and treat him well.

Otherwise, in case hengyanlin has some discomfort, and then directly is to shake hands, or hide clumsy, that can be bad.

"Doctor Heng, please come in."

The middle-aged also can't care so much, hastily is to reach out to Heng Yanlin, respectfully ask Heng Yanlin to enter the ward.

Standing outside Wenyu saw this, and immediately stamped his feet.

The look on his face was not very good-looking, and he began to mumble in his mouth, "after I see you are helpless, I will see how you still act calm!"

Left behind a little bit of the Shulin, listening to his sister's murmur, eyes mercilessly swept over, "you shut up, the old man is now related to the future of our family, you so wish the old man can't wake up?"

Wen Yu was at a loss when he heard the speech. Then he said angrily, "I just can't stand it. You believe this guy so much. He doesn't look like a serious doctor!"

The Book Forest hears speech helpless, this damned prejudice, really has killed a person!

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