Cold lotus language listens to listen, in the eyes already is full of shock color.

She never thought that before herself, there were so many tortuous stories.

"What else?"

Cold lotus language then asked, cold mother also continued to talk about what happened at that time.

Because of this, cold mother did not less blame her husband.

In her opinion, if she had believed the Taoist priest's words at that time, she would not have let her daughter die.

But in Leng's opinion, what does this matter have to do with that Taoist?

My wife was born prematurely due to accident, which was originally a very dangerous thing. Even though the medical treatment is extremely developed now, there are still some such things.

After that, his daughter's death was only ineffective. How could it be related to the Taoist priest?

Because of this matter, two people quarreled for more than half a year, and then cold mother was pregnant again.

This time, with the previous lesson, cold mother began to worry about fear.

Therefore, earlier on, the Taoist priest said that his child could not be born.

Cold mother wants to go to Taoist priest for help, but in Leng's opinion, this matter is totally unreliable, how can we allow it?

Since then, it has been refused cold mother's request.

Until the end of the day, the cold father said something but cold mother, and finally only agreed.

No way, in the cold mother's view, no matter whether the other side is a liar or not, but more for their own daughter has not been born to do some things, is it difficult not to do it?

Such words come out, cold father also helpless.

In the end, he has died of a child. To say that he is not sad is also false.

Since his wife said so, Leng father went to invite the Taoist priest.

Even if it will be ridiculed, but for their own unborn children, it is worth it.

After the Taoist came, he did some things and finally let the cold lotus language come into being.

Cold lotus language heard here, suddenly surprised, where she would know, before this time there are so many twists and turns.

Listening to my mother's earlier events in my heart, I was very surprised at this moment.

At the moment, the cold lotus language can not help but think of hengyanlin.

Is it true that what Heng Yanlin said before?

Cold lotus language in the heart is very strange, although has been thinking that Heng Yanlin can not say is true, but listen to his mother said that he can be born, that is a bit of fantasy meaning in it.

At this moment, it is the words of hengyanlin to testify, which makes her waver a little bit.

In the heart faintly between, also began to believe to rise Heng Yan Lin.

After all, the other person is unlikely to investigate their family background, right? Cold lotus language thought in the heart.

Cold mother in one side said, cold father at this time, also heard some meaning, this seems to be talking about the daughter before?

Cold father listens to eyebrow slightly a wrinkling, looked at one side of the wife after one eye, then shook his head, sighed.

After chatting with cold mother for a moment, lenglian language hung up the phone.

In the following, is to sit in a chair, look a bit trance.

I don't know what to say now.

According to what he heard, Heng Yanlin was right.

In contrast with what Heng Yanlin had done before, it seems that there is no fault in hengyanlin's words?

Hengyanlin in the previous time, is not also at a glance to see, the patient's symptoms?

In this way, think about it carefully, Heng Yan Lin seems to be completely not lying?

Just more so think, cold lotus language at the moment's face, also slightly a bit ugly.

When she was in front of her, she still scolded Heng Yan Lin, but she didn't believe what he meant.

Heng Yanlin here after the cold lotus language, did not pay attention to each other's meaning.

I don't think much about it.

Anyway, the other party does not believe, that is the other party's thing, after arriving, the other party should not hinder themselves, that is the best thing.

This is the idea of Lin yanheng.

Just wait until after work, Heng Yanlin just cleaned up, ready to go home.

At this time, it was time for Liu buyin to appear on one side. Looking at Heng Yanlin, he laughed and patted Heng Yanlin on the shoulder.

"Let's go back together?"

Liu buyin said to Heng Yanlin with some expectation.

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan eyebrows a pick, has not yet wait for Heng Yan Lin to say something, at this moment is to see the side of the cold lotus language came over.

"After work? Do you mind coming together? "Lenglian language is still thinking about what Heng Yanlin said with himself before, so I want to ask him something about him at this time.

It seemed to her to be so incredible that she wanted to ask more.

One side of Liu buyin heard the speech, and suddenly his face was slightly stiff.

Cold lotus language at the moment also noticed the side of Liu Bu Yin, to also have no hostile meaning, just smile at Liu buyin.

"Are you off work? How about together? "

Cold lotus language to Liu Bu Yin invitation way.

Liu buyin heard the speech and shook his head directly. If they were together, it would be meaningless.

The cold lotus language is so beautiful that she doesn't want to be with each other and become a green leaf.

After looking at Heng Yanlin, he said, "I won't delay you talking about things."

After Liu buyin finished, he took the lead.

Heng Yanlin looked at the cold lotus language, looked at the other side's eyes also with a bit speechless, "I should have said all said, you don't believe me, then there is no need to come to me to ask about something?"

Looking at each other's face, he is helpless.

Listen to hengyanlin so say, cold lotus language slightly a Zheng, then look at Heng Yan Lin's eyes with a trace of helplessness.

She knew that when she had done something before, Heng Yanlin would be very dissatisfied.

But this matter, can also not blame Heng Yanlin, this matter is completely her own mistake.

Think of here, cold lotus language to Heng Yan Lin is an apology smile.

"Before that, it was me who was wrong. I asked my mother, and what you said was true. I had a sister before, and she died."

Said here, cold lotus language looks at Heng Yan Lin's eyes, are full of a trace of strange, as well as a trace of shock color.

She just doesn't understand, how is Heng Yanlin to see, face this thing really can see so much news?

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