One side of the cold lotus language at this time, finally remembered, Heng Yanlin in the previous time also talked about such words with her.

Say what, after a while, she will have a big disaster.

At that time, the cold lotus language did not believe Heng Yanlin's words at all, and after that, she also forgot this matter.

Just think, Heng Yanlin such ability, in the end is how to learn it.

In this way, she has been thinking about how hengyanlin did it after all, and this kind of thing was forgotten later.

At the moment, when I think of this, I look at the cold mother in front of me, and I think what the other side said is true. Even if I think about it, Leng Lian's face is not good-looking.

Cold mother listen to his daughter so said, immediately face slightly changed, and then his daughter looked at.

"What do you say?"

Cold mother looked at her daughter, her eyes were full of shock.

Not long after that time, the Taoist priest had already died directly, and Leng's mother had no other way to deal with it.

But at this moment, actually heard similar words, at the moment, the eyes are full of shock color.

See his mother incomparably shocked appearance, one side of the cold lotus language at this moment, look at the mother in front of me, then his face also changed ugly a bit.

"Before that, the man said that I had something to happen recently, and it was not a good thing."

Cold lotus language at this moment, the face has a bit ugly said, the tone is full of a bit of fear color.

She did not know what to say at this time, even though Heng Yanlin had investigated his family situation before.

But it is impossible for Heng Yanlin to know such a long time ago, right?

How to look at it, this is totally impossible to know.

In this way, we need to think about how Heng Yanlin and the Taoist priest's words are so consistent.

One side of the cold mother at this time, naturally also thought of here.

At that time, there were not many people who knew how Heng Yanlin was investigating and did not know that he would know about it.

Then it is very likely that both of them have a special ability, so they can see the same.

Thinking of this, the cold mother looked at the cold lotus language in front of her, and her face changed a little bit, "daughter, you are twenty years old today?"

Twenty years old is the age that the Taoist priest said, and what Heng Yanlin said at this time was to make sure that his daughter would have some problems in the near future.

Thinking of this in the heart, their faces were somewhat ugly.

One side of the cold father at this time, also looking at two people to listen to the words they said at this time, a little uneasy in the heart.

He didn't trust the man and the things his daughter said.

But at this moment, the coincidence of these two things met together, which is to make people look a little ugly.

Thinking of this in the heart, cold father looked at the daughter in front of him, and then slightly bit his teeth.

"What's the name of the man you're talking about?"

In the end, his daughter said that, in addition to such a coincidence, the cold father thought about it and felt better to believe it.

After all, this is related to the safety of her daughter. If there is anything, she doesn't know what to do.


lenglianyu has already started to talk about hengyanlin. Hengyanlin doesn't know about it at all.

Return to the home of Heng Yan Lin, home after thinking about it, determined some of his recent plans.

Now hengyanlin has a sum of money in his hand, which can let him buy some cultivation resources.

It is said to be cultivation resources. It is just some common medicinal materials. These medicinal materials can give hengyanlin some preliminary cultivation resources.

On these, for Heng Yan Lin is already very good.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin then slightly vibrated.

The next day, after hengyanlin got up, the sun in the distance had not yet risen, and hengyanlin did not want to go to the park he had gone to before.

Encounter that extremely unreasonable girl, Heng Yan Lin Leng is a bit do not want to see each other.

Heng Yan Lin thought about it and looked around in his eyes.

Although the cultivation is no longer there, if hengyanlin wants to, he can still see some parts of the terrain.

After carefully examining a circle, Heng Yanlin's eyes are suddenly a joy.

"Yes, in this direction, there is a trace of spiritual power gathering. Although it looks very thin, there should be a small spiritual convergence point."The sky is still at the beginning of hazy, hengyanlin can take a closer look at it now.

At this time, Heng Yanlin's face was full of surprise. If he knew there was such a place here, he should have seen it earlier.

However, it's not surprising that hengyanlin didn't feel any spiritual power nearby when he practiced before. Therefore, hengyanlin thought that there was no spiritual power point nearby.

Just now the situation here, but let the Heng Yan Lin suddenly surprised, it is noticed this situation.

Heng Yanlin took a deep breath, then his face showed a touch of joy.

After that, Heng Yanlin did not stop at all, but ran towards the distance.

A moment later, Heng Yanlin came to a small hillside, like in such a city, there is such a hill, it is a bit surprising.

Heng Yanlin looked, it seems that this is also the location of a park.

Then, hengyanlin did not stop, and went straight up. All the way, Heng Yanlin looked around carefully.

When Heng Yanlin looks at the situation in front of him, he has seen a lush grove in front of him.

If you are more careful, you will find that the woods here look a little more green than the rest of the place.

Heng Yanlin looked at it for a few times, and found the show off.

The trees are arranged with each other to form a small spirit gathering array.

Although it is a very small spirit gathering array, it is still enough for hengyanlin to practice at the moment.

Heng Yanlin looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes full of joy.

With such a place of cultivation, Heng Yanlin can enter the realm of body training for the first time, and then he will have the opportunity to enter the building foundation.

Such a place, it is to send charcoal to hengyanlin in the snow!

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