Lotus clothes looks at the feeling unceasing grandfather, the color of astonishment on the face, also has been completely unable to restrain.

She didn't know what to say at this time.

According to my grandfather, this prescription actually has some effects?

It's just that guy, what did he say he wrote it himself?

I think this is totally impossible. It should be where the other party saw this prescription, and then took the medicine specially. Would you like to go back and try the effect?

Lianyi thought so in her heart.

At this moment, the old man seems to be like a treasure, and keeps looking at the prescription in his hand.

"By the way, what does the young man look like and has any characteristics?"

Lotus clothes smell speech to skim the mouth, on the long that appearance has no characteristic.

Seeing his granddaughter was still angry, the old man shook his head slightly and did not continue to ask.

"I wish I could see each other once if I was destined."

He had great doubts in his heart, and wanted to ask Heng Yanlin what the prescription was about, and the other side got it.

If this is written by the other party, it is really against the weather.

But he knew that it was basically impossible.

After all, how could such a prescription be written casually.

The old man took a deep breath at the moment, then shook his head, and his eyes were still staring at the prescription in front of him.

Hengyanlin has left with the medicine at this time. After buying some tools to boil medicine, Heng Yanlin then returned to his house.

Then, Heng Yan Lin very calm will this thing set up, began to carefully incomparable decocting medicine.

Decocting medicine is a very meticulous fire, and the control of the heat is also very important.

Heng Yan Lin Duan sat on one side, carefully looking at the flame in front of him.

From time to time, Heng Yanlin will adjust the flame level.

After three hours, Heng Yanlin wiped the sweat on his forehead and put out the fire.

At the moment, the house is full of medicine.

With the taste of some traditional Chinese medicine is somewhat different, at the moment, the medicine here, slightly with a trace of sweet taste.

Heng Yanlin used the prepared bucket, filled it with some hot water, and then poured the juice into it.

The original water, at this moment, instantly turned into the general water quality.

Heng Yanlin did not hesitate to take off his clothes, and then did not enter the bucket.

The moment he sat down, Heng Yanlin directly began to practice.

Then, a trace of medicinal power began to stimulate the acupoints of hengyanlin, and there was also a trace of spiritual power, at this moment, one after another did not enter the body of hengyanlin.

Heng Yan Lin hums, his face shows a touch of pain.

In the beginning of practice, it was like this. Because of the blockage of all the meridians, it was extremely painful.

Heng Yanlin's face flashed with pain, and then his face gradually became calm and incomparable.

Hua la...

Heng Yanlin did not move inside, but the water in the bucket started to flow at the moment. When it was rotated, it was quite strange.

And the original inside of the blue water, at this time slowly become transparent and clear.

After that, Heng Yanlin's whole body was covered with cyan material.

Heng Yanlin is still practicing with his eyes closed.

Outside the sun rises and then sets, but in a moment, a long time has passed.

When Heng Yanlin wakes up, the bucket is full of green water, which has become turbid at this time.

However, hengyanlin at this time, there are a lot of residual dirt on his body.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yan Lin quickly got up, and then cleaned up.

When Heng Yanlin came out, his skin suddenly became delicate and delicate, and the original rough feeling was also reduced a lot.

Heng Yan Lin looked at it and was immediately satisfied.

Wait until Heng Yan Lin picked up a mobile phone to see, immediately Leng for a moment.

It's been three days!

Heng Yanlin looks at the time, there are many phone calls above.

Hengyanlin was looking at the sky, and it was already seven or eight o'clock. Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin cleaned up, and then went out to eat and came to the hospital after dinner.

Liu buyin in the hospital was relieved to see Heng Yanlin arrive.

"What's wrong with you, Dr. Heng? You didn't come all day yesterday, and there was no phone call."

This is absenteeism for no reason, which is more serious.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, toward the other side gentle smile, "out of a bit of things, how, yesterday did not happen any big things.""It's OK. I helped you ask for leave."

Liu buyin smiles at Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin listened to the heart of a little warm, hit the card after the other side said, "after work please eat."

Liu buyin smiles sweetly, then shakes his head, "I'm afraid it's not so easy."

Heng Yan Lin eyebrow a pick, "how, don't give me face!"

"No, you've been asked for help."

"Who is it?" Heng Yan Lin in the heart strange, he seems to have no acquaintance with anyone, how can there be someone else to help themselves?

Heng Yanlin looks at each other and feels strange.

"It's the parents of lenglian language. They heard that something happened to lenglian language. Then they went crazy and looked for you. That is, there is no address for you in the hospital. Otherwise, they would have found you."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech suddenly, no wonder there are many strange phone calls in his mobile phone, it seems that cold lotus language parents called.

Just, what happened to lenglian?

Heng Yan Lin for a time did not think of himself in the previous time to look at the other side of the matter.

After all, according to Heng Yanlin's view, the other side should still have a period of time when nothing will happen.

Hengyanlin was a little stunned. Then he saw two middle-aged couples. After seeing Heng Yanlin from a distance, he was very happy and rushed to hengyanlin.

"Are you doctor Heng?"

The woman was extremely polite, and though her face was anxious, her manners were still not left aside.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech nodded, "you are cold lotus language parents, do not know what to look for me?"

Heng Yanlin looked at them, slightly a little strange to ask.

Leng's mother looked at Liu buyin. There were many people here, but it was not a good place to talk. "I don't know if doctor Heng has time. Can we go to one side and talk?"

Cold mother looks at Heng Yan Lin, the face is full of hope wing of the color of inquiry asked.

Heng Yanlin eyebrows slightly pick, and then gently nodded, "well, let's go there."

Heng Yan Lin pointed to his clinic, said to two people, and then directly to the front to take the lead.

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