Cold father at this time, the face has a bit dignified.

Having just experienced what Heng Yanlin said, he really believed in Heng Yanlin's words.

After all, it's a coincidence that so many things have come together.

Therefore, at the moment, he began to think about what those people had said before.

Heng Yanlin sat beside the car to rest. After driving for several hours, he came to the countryside.

Different from other villages, there are quite a lot of people here. At first glance, they are quite beautiful.

Heng Yan Lin saw a scene, immediately eyebrows slightly pick, and then carefully check up.

After half ring, Heng Yanlin nodded, "this position is really good, no wonder you can be so rich."

In places like this, you can see at a glance that there are some good places. It is quite easy to find some good places with geomantic omen here.

Listen to Heng Yanlin so say, cold father in one side is even say is.

If he didn't believe what Heng Yanlin said before, it would not be like this. But now, things are totally different. Naturally, he won't make such a mistake.

Heng Yanlin did not want to think about it. After the other side stopped the car, he got off the car.

A moment later, Heng Yanlin and his wife came to a villa that looked quite imposing.

This guy, after he developed, never forgot his parents. He actually built such a mansion in this village.

But it doesn't cost much to build such a thing in the countryside.

Heng Yan Lin looked at it carefully, and then he made a conclusion.

One side of the cold father at this time, directly invited Heng Yan Lin into the house.

A moment later, Heng Yanlin saw the fifth brother.

The other party saw cold cloud back, at the moment is also Leng for a moment, before seeing the other party call back, thought it was because of this thing said a few words.

I don't know how my brother came back directly.

"Big brother, didn't you agree? It's OK for me to do the things at home. You work hard outside, and you don't have to work so hard at home. "

Five younger brother's one face smile's face toward one side cold cloud to say.

It seems that the relationship between the two is still broken.

Lengyun Wenyan gently nodded, and then asked the other party, "what's the matter with the construction of ancestral graves at home? Why did it start all of a sudden?"

Lengyun's heart is very strange, this thing has always been the same as before, how at this time, suddenly began to build up?

"It's all the old man's idea. It's not a thing that the ancestral tomb has been in ruins all the time. Otherwise, it might damage my own geomancy. At that time, the old man asked me to be more careful not to damage some things."

At this time, five younger brothers, speak carefully.

The old man believed in Feng Shui very much. Otherwise, he would not have told him at that time.

It's just that although the fifth younger brother cares, he is a layman in the end. Where can he know some taboos.

Leng Yun frowned, then sighed, "Feng Shui has gone bad. Now I'm going to take a little brother to see the ancestral tomb."

The news has been known, it is better to take hengyanlin directly to have a look.

As for the rest, I'll talk about it when I come back later.

One side of the five younger brother listen to his big brother so said, immediately stunned.

What is Fengshui broken? What does it mean?

He was totally a little confused. He turned around and looked at Heng Yanlin. He saw that Heng Yanlin was just like a student. His face was full of doubts.

"Elder brother, I'll just believe what you said about Fengshui. Anyway, the old man believes it very much. But it's OK for you to find an old gentleman or something about Fengshui. Isn't it a bit rash for you to find an old gentleman or something like that?"

He has been at home and has been in contact with the old man for a long time, and he will not be too exclusive about this geomantic saying.

The only exclusion is, what's the matter with this young man in front of him? It looks very unreliable.

My elder brother has always been very steady in his work. What's going on now? How can I find such a guy to show my family Fengshui?

Heng Yanlin has been standing on one side, listening to the other party's questions about himself, and his face did not show any angry look. He was still at this time, quietly staying aside.

As if the other side at this time said the person is not their own general.

Lengyun looked at his brother, and then said, "this little brother's ability is not ordinary, his Feng Shui ability is extremely powerful, in short, this thing will be said at that time."Said, cold cloud at this time, ready to take Heng Yan Lin to see the ancestral grave.

His daughter is now lying on the hospital bed, where does he still have some mood to continue to stay here?

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he was at the moment.

The fifth younger brother is watching this scene, in the heart secretly anxious incomparably, own this big brother in the past extremely astute, now can not be deceived!

But before he could speak, a figure appeared at the door.

But saw a somewhat old figure, slowly paced in.

"Is the boss back?"

The old man looked at the cold cloud in front of him and said softly.

Cold cloud smell speech, return to see is father, hurriedly is slightly bow, "Dad, is I come back."

Look at this, this cold cloud is quite filial.

Seeing the respectful appearance of the other party, Heng Yan Lin saw it, and his eyebrows slightly picked to think of it.

"Who did you hear that there was something wrong with our geomancy?"

The old man took a look at each other, and then turned his eyes to Heng Yanlin. In his turbid eyes, he seemed to have a trace of authority.

At the moment, it seems that I want to see something in hengyanlin.

But Heng Yanlin just stood on one side, completely is a face in danger, showing a calm incomparable appearance.

Seeing such a situation, the old man suddenly showed a strange color in his turbid eyes.

"Dad, that's the gentleman. He has a high level of geomancy, so I'll take him back here to have a look at the ancestral tomb."

Said with cold again, with the cloud gently said things.

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