The old man saw Heng Yan Lin answer down, immediately in the heart a joy, rushed to Heng Yan Lin a nod, and then said.

"Don't be nervous, young man. I don't mean anything. I just want to know where you got this prescription?"

Heng Yanlin had seized such a drug before.

If you don't guess wrong, this medicine has been used, and the effect is absolutely there.

Otherwise, hengyanlin will not come once.

In this way, it can be confirmed that this prescription is really such a complement!

The old man's heart was extremely gratified, and he became more and more curious about the origin of this prescription.

But at the moment, it seems that only Heng Yanlin in front of him knows the prescription.

Since you want to ask, it is only to ask in front of Heng Yan Lin.

After hearing Lin Heng's heart, he looked at him strangely.

Do you know if this prescription is not paired?

"If you read it from a book, don't ask me where the book is. It's not convenient to say."

Heng Yanlin responded, and then looked at the lotus clothes on one side.

"Excuse me, can you fill me up?"

The herbs here can be regarded as top grade.

The medicinal materials caught here are used for cultivation after being boiled. The effect is much better. If not, Heng Yanlin is unlikely to be here.

Lotus clothes listen to Heng Yanlin such inquiry, immediately the corner of the mouth slightly a Du.

This guy, do you know this is his grandfather asking questions?

It's hard not to respect some of them!

Just waiting for lotus clothes to speak, the old man on one side waved his hand and showed an apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little presumptuous. Lotus clothes, please grab a piece of medicine for the guests and say."

"I need three."

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech and then added a sentence.

Heng Yanlin had a test on the amount of a portion. He felt that the medicinal materials here were good. Therefore, Heng wanted to take more, so that he would not have to fill the medicine here after using it.

The old man had no opinion, just let Lianyi continue to catch.

"Young man, this is your own prescription, and you got it yourself. I shouldn't have asked more about it, but how could I have got such a incomplete prescription before.

Although there is no young man, you have a complete set of prescriptions, but there are still some similarities. I wonder if you can help me solve my doubts. What's the purpose of this prescription? "

The old man looked at Heng Yanlin with an extremely pleading look.

Heng Yan Lin see the other side so said, it is not good to get angry.

People honestly ask you, but also put the posture so low, even if Heng Yanlin wants to get angry, it seems that he can't find a reason.

In this way, Heng Yan Lin thought about it and then nodded gently.

"There is nothing hard to say. This medicine is used for medicated bath. It has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the body."

Medicine bath?

When the old man heard this, he thought about the combination of the prescriptions and the effects.

After half a ring, he opened his eyes and showed a strange color in his eyes.

"So it is, so it is!"

The old man's eyes are full of excitement.

"In this way, all can be said. Only by using this method can all these prescriptions be used. If you take them, it will lead to the harmony of yin and Yang and damage your body."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech slightly a strange, this guy is not low attainments.

You can actually see these things by the prescription.

The old man was very excited at the moment.

At the moment, he has been thinking about how to complete his incomplete prescription, but there has been no progress.

There is a very important reason, that is, he has been thinking about this prescription, which is used for oral administration.

In this way, no matter what medicine is added, it will not work.

This is also the result, he has no way to complete the prescription in this.

Although he got a complete prescription here, he still felt a bit inappropriate when he thought of taking it orally.

At this moment, after Heng Yanlin said it, he understood that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

For external refining, such a prescription should have some miraculous effects.

Previous ancestors, for the development of this prescription, really have such ideas in it.

At the moment, he finally understood what the prescription was used for.

In the past, I often heard that people in ancient times paid attention to external training and some martial arts training.At the moment, it seems that he has never got a prescription!

The old man's heart is extremely happy, looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes more and more kind.

At the moment, the medicine for picking lotus has been put aside.

Listen to Heng Yanlin said to use to strengthen the body, also slightly Leng for a moment.

"Is this kind of thing, used to strengthen the body, the effect is big?"

Heng Yanlin is in a good mood. Looking at this woman at the moment, it's rare that he doesn't feel so disgusted.

"Naturally, the effect is good, but it also depends on personal use. In addition, there are some methods that can better cooperate with each other. Of course, if someone is critically ill, such a medicated bath can also buy some time for the patient, so that the patient can delay some illness or accelerate the recovery and so on."

Heng Yan Lin is to explain to the other side the effect of this prescription.

One side of the old man listened, quickly took a pen and began to record.

When the record is over, he looks at Heng Yanlin with shame.

This time, he can be said to be completely loyal to hengyanlin. The other party actually told himself so many things in it.

"The young man's heart is so admirable. I hope I can use this prescription, young man. I don't know if it's ok?"

This prescription is actually brought by Heng Yanlin. Although Heng Yanlin may not know about it if he uses it, he can't be such a villain.

Therefore, he wants to ask hengyanlin in person, hoping that hengyanlin can give himself such permission.

Heng Yan Lin was stunned for a moment. The other party already knew the prescription. Even if the other party didn't say anything, hengyanlin didn't know.

At the moment, the other side did so, but it was extremely aboveboard.

Such an old man's mind is really rare.

Heng Yanlin smiles and nods at each other.

"Take it and use it. It's nothing to be desired."

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