Hengyanlin let those people leave before, cold lotus language is not clear, why hengyanlin want to do so.

But the cold lotus language at the moment finally understood why Heng Yanlin did it.

Just when Heng Yanlin was depicting some indescribable things, these patients began to emerge a series of extremely ferocious faces.

These faces are completely different, it looks like a ghost face in general, a glance at the past is extremely infiltrating.

Cold lotus language in the heart are constantly suffused with a trace of cold, if not Heng Yan Lin in one side, afraid that she will directly leave.

Before those Liu Xingli if in this, afraid will be directly scared, can not control some of their reactions.

Some of the smoke coming out of this is what Heng Yanlin produced after eliminating these grimaces.

"What is this smoke? Why does it look so infiltrative? And what about these faces? "

The cold lotus language slightly has a little bit of panic to ask the side of Heng Yan Lin.

What she saw today was beyond her imagination. She had no idea how to explain the scene.

"If these people have not guessed wrong, they should have been close to an ancient tomb, and since then they have been infected with some Yin Qi. These Yin Qi has some relations with some dead people. After they have been infected, they can be regarded as paid bodies."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, in one side light explanation.

Cold lotus language listen to a half understanding, "but, even if it is attached to the body, then there is only one, right? How can there be so many dead people in a cemetery? "

"Have you forgotten that in the past, there would have been some people buried with them. At that time, there might have been a lot of people inside. That's not necessarily true.

Besides this, you should also know that when these people die, they are extremely miserable. The resentment of the dead will directly attach to the Yin Qi and affect the people around them at this moment

Cold lotus language a Zheng, yes.

Sometimes the graves built by the former people were buried directly, and sometimes there were many.

In this way, according to some ancient books, such places will be extremely unknown.

"However, it seems that there are no places like this one when so many cemeteries have been found, which have affected so many living people all at once. It is difficult to treat them all without saying?"

Lenglian language is still a bit puzzled, in principle, so many cemeteries have been found before.

But I didn't find that there are some places like this, right?

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech and shook his head slightly. "In this case, it's not just a cemetery. It needs a lot of factors.

For example, it needs enough Yin Qi and some geographical factors. The ancient Chinese people are extremely intelligent, and they would not look for such places when looking for cemeteries.

So there are very few cemeteries found in this way. Basically, some geomantic sites will be selected. How can such places be harmful? "

"I see."

Cold lotus language listen to Heng Yan Lin said these, is to rise knowledge.

Think carefully, what Heng Yanlin said seems to have no mistake at all.

For example, in their own families, there are buried geomantic treasures, so the ancient dignitaries should be just like this.

"What's the matter with this? The cemetery where so many people are buried is not so common. Is it difficult to find a geomantic master who is completely unable to find it, and then hurt himself? "

Leng Lian's words turned and pointed to the patients in front of them.

"I don't know. I haven't been to that place. I don't know what the situation is. However, Fengshui treasure land is not unchangeable. Sometimes the change of terrain will lead to the change of Fengshui.

Therefore, it is not to say that after you find a good place, you will have no worries in the future. It is not certain that this piece of land will become a fierce place one day. "

Lenglian only felt that the amount of knowledge was extremely huge. According to her own thoughts, she might have thought that after burying it like this, there would be nothing more.

But I didn't expect that there would be some changes in Fengshui.

In this way, things like this are really hard to learn. Heng Yanlin was not wrong in the previous time.

It is not so easy to learn such knowledge.

Outside the ward, people were waiting very hard at this time.

Finally, half an hour later, the scream inside slowly disappeared. Then Zhiya doctor, the door was pushed open, and Heng Yanlin walked out of the room.

Cold lotus language face with a trace of sweat, compared, Heng Yanlin seems to have done nothing in general, walked out.Seeing this situation, Du Wei quickly stepped forward and looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him.

"Well, how are my men now?"

"Don't worry. It's a success. Your men have nothing to do."

Heng Yanlin picked up and spoke at the same time.

Duwei smell speech a Zheng, "are you sure, all cured?"

"How can you think you are a miracle doctor if you want to treat these patients in such a state?"

Liu Xingli has not left, he wants to see Heng Yanlin joke.

At the moment, hearing this words, he immediately yelled and said, after the tone, he didn't believe Heng Yanlin's meaning at all!

Duwei glanced at the past coldly. What does this guy mean? He cursed his patient for not being able to recover?

"If you don't believe it, just go in and see for yourself."

Heng Yanlin looked at Du Wei and didn't seem to believe what he meant. He waved his hand, pointed to the inside of the ward and said to the other side.

Listen to Heng Yanlin such a say, Liu Xing left to think about also right, oneself go in to have a look is not all know?

Such a thought, at the moment he did not dare to have a bit of hesitation, hurriedly is toward the inside.

After entering the hospital, Du Wei quickly strode to the side of the hospital bed. When he looked carefully, he saw his soldiers, all of whom were quite peaceful. Before that, their ferocious faces disappeared completely.

It's no different from a normal person.

He had seen what his soldiers looked like before. Now he saw that the soldiers were all recovered. He immediately understood that Heng Yanlin was not cheating himself. His own people were cured by hengyanlin!

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