"Really, I really did a serious thing this time, but I didn't succeed because of an accident. In addition, there was an accident because the driver of the truck ran a red light, which made me like this!"

At this time, Li Weiyu was also very nervous. In his opinion, he had done a serious thing. How could he make his father misunderstand.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he suffered a setback in hengyanlin. He can't find any face or other things just by his words.

The only way he could do it now was to tell his father about it, ask him for help, and then make it happen.

Otherwise, he has no way to deal with that guy. Those guys, without his father, will never sell him any face.

It's not like a child's own choice if he doesn't do it. It's hard for him to do it?

At the thought of this, his eyes were even more strange, and he immediately asked.

"Tell me what serious things you've done."

At this time, the beautiful woman on the side is also a little curious to look at her son. Although she dotes on her child, it does not mean that she does not know what kind of virtue her child is. If she really does anything serious, it will definitely burn incense.

That Li Wei Yu Wen Yan, the face gushed a look of pride, and then opened his mouth to say. "I went to discuss business with that Dai Mingyue. Originally, I wanted to acquire the other party's company, and then run this company well. For this company, I and Dai Mingyue were both optimistic about it. However, the other party refused to let it go. Fortunately, we were humiliated and let both of us get out of the company."

"The two of us are very polite, and the price is very high, but in this case, the other side still refused to pay, and even threatened the two of us in the end."

"Then when I left, I ran into the driver who drove the truck and didn't obey the traffic. I was hit."

At the end of the day, Li Weiyu was also full of melancholy. On that day, he was really unlucky. He was threatened by others. He did not even retaliate, and he was the first to have bad luck.

After that day, it was almost to become his nightmare. All kinds of traffic accidents kept happening. He wanted to walk carefully and not give the chance of the accident. However, every time, it was a car accident that hit his side.

That's all right. The most bizarre thing is that he was injured. He was constantly injured. The rest of the people in the car had been undamaged.

This scene shows that Dai Mingyue looks at him strangely at this time and asks him whether he has recently run into evil spirits. Otherwise, he has been in business all the time, but other people have nothing to do with it.

At that time, Li Weiyu was also stunned for a long time by such a question. They all felt that the other party was right. How could he have something on his side, while others had nothing.

In this case, it was strange to him. He was depressed. Fortunately, after arriving at the hospital, nothing else happened to him.

So the idea of bumping into evil spirits, at this time, also disappeared without a trace. You know, if it is really the evil spirit, it should also be in the hospital, he will be more unfortunate.

Because, in common sense, the Yin Qi in the hospital is more serious, and the bad things he encounters should be even worse.

But in this way, nothing happened to him, which made him throw his previous ideas out of his mind.

"What? Which company is this, dare to tell you to get out of here? "

Hearing this, the beautiful woman suddenly turned pale. Usually, Li used to scold her own children. She just yelled back.

I can't stand it at all. Some people scold their children. I can see that they spoil their children. But now, there are outsiders who dare to scold her children and let their children go.

How can this not make her heart angry, when even if it is clapping the table, shrill call.

At this time, Li Yongwei on the other side flashed a flash of anger on his face. In any case, this is his child, and he is the mayor of Jianghai city.

At present, his children are not given face, that is to say, he has no face.

"You said, the other side told you to go away?"

Li used a slightly gloomy face, and directly asked Li Weiyu. If it was true, that guy would definitely be hated by him.

When Li Weiyu heard this, he nodded directly. However, he didn't cheat his father. He said it honestly.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Dai Mingyue. He can prove that I didn't cheat you about this matter."At this time, Li Weiyu said in a quick voice that Dai Mingyue's father also knew him. After all, he was also a large company. He had contact with his father, and then he caught up with him.

"Tell Daming to come in."

To be on the safe side, Li Yongwei at this time also turned his head to one side of the Secretary and said a word. The Secretary heard the speech, nodded directly, and then walked out. A moment later, he brought a man in.

Dai Mingyue was on this day, but he didn't dare to leave here for too long. Li Weiyu did his car. As a result, something happened to him. He didn't do anything at all.

Therefore, he stayed around the ward all the time. He was afraid that there was something to call him. When he heard the mayor call him, his heart was tight and he came in.

"Mayor Li, what can I do for you?"

Dai Mingyue at this time, is full of tension to the mayor Li said, the sweat on his forehead, at this time, are some infiltration out.

Li Yongwei also noticed the sweat on the other side's forehead and knew that the other party was nervous. After a little thought, he understood why the other party was so.

Then she patted him on the shoulder and said slowly.

"You don't have to be nervous. If you come in, you want to ask you something, and you can answer it truthfully."

When Dai Mingyue heard the speech, the tension in his heart did not decrease at all. He directly accompanied his smiling face and nodded to Li Yongwei.

"I ask you, were you going to buy a company yesterday? None of you threatened each other. They just told you to get out of here? "

Li with micro eyes slightly a congealed, to Dai Mingyue asked, although his son said so, but he still need to confirm that his son, did not threaten the other side.

Dai Mingyue heard this and was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at Li Weiyu sitting on the hospital bed in surprise. He didn't expect that the mayor asked him this question.

However, if he only asked this question, he was relieved, and then there was a flush of joy.

At least, if the other party is asking this question, then the other party has already paid attention to this matter.

"Yes, we didn't threaten each other. We just felt that if the price was not appropriate, we could discuss it. But the other party obviously didn't mean it. We just said something bad and told us to get out of here."

What he should have said was that he did not hesitate at all, because here he was, the fact was that they did not threaten each other, but only said the identity of Li Weiyu.

As a result, the other party didn't buy it at all. They just told them to go away. The mayor had no reason to tolerate such humiliation.

"All right, you go out."

Li Yongwei looked at his face, did not see a trace of uneasiness and lying, then waved his hand and said to him.

Looking at Dai Mingyue's appearance, the other party doesn't seem to be deceiving him. In addition, he seldom sees his son so serious, so he decides to believe his child once.

"You see, yu'er didn't lie. You said, what should we do about this? The other party is so unscrupulous. You can't let him go!"

Listening to Dai Mingyue's words, the beautiful woman immediately raised her eyebrows and said in a angry voice to Li Yongwei. It's always his children who bully others. Where is it that it's the other party's turn to bully her children?

"I have my own discretion in this matter. Don't talk too much!"

Li Yongwei took a look at the beautiful woman, and said with some displeasure. Originally, it was a refutation, but the beautiful woman listened in her ear, but she was slightly happy.

People who are familiar with Li Yongwei know that at this time, he is absolutely angry in his heart, so he has such an expression, even his tone has changed.

"Since this is the first time you have been so serious about things, my father will help you with this matter. After the company gets hold of it, you should manage well. Do you understand?"

Li Yongwei spoke to Li Weiyu in a admonitory tone, saying that it would be very good if he took the company and allowed his children to be more attentive and not like before.

But he has been worried about his child, what will happen in the future. Once he retires, there will be no one to protect him from the wind and rain.

"Yes, as long as the company gets hold of it, I will try my best to manage it in the future."

When Li Weiyu heard this, he was immediately pleased, and then he said in a hurry that as long as the company got hold of it, as long as it was not deliberately destroyed, it would be a stable and profitable thing! And although he is not reliable in weekdays, it is not as reliable as that!

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