Seeing that his children had not left, Li Yaohui was relieved and thought that his children had grown up.

As a qualified successor, how can you feel that you have lost your face because of such a little thing?

Even in the face of a desperate situation, a really strong psychological person needs to be calm and calm, as if everything is under control.

Only in this way can you make others fear yourself.

"What happened just now is that my child is not obedient enough. Please don't pay attention to it."

In addition to Heng Yanlin, his children and sun Yiquan were offended, which is one of the places that makes Li Yaohui more angry.

This is one's best friend. The other party is for his good, but the other party is disobedient. What is this?

At this moment, Li Yaohui glanced at his friend and apologized softly.

Seeing the other party apologized, sun Yiquan sighed, then waved his hand, indicating that the other party did not have to put this matter in mind.

He was a little angry just now, but it was all right.

"Mr. Heng, I heard that you are Jun yuan's boyfriend now?"

Leng Yuqing took a look at Heng Yanlin on one side and said regretfully, "in fact, my daughter really likes Mr. Heng. If Mr. Heng is willing, my daughter will be your girlfriend."

Leng Yuqing really felt a pity if his daughter and Heng Yanlin were together.

Anyway, it should be very safe in the future, and he doesn't want so much. Anyway, his daughter's safety is enough.

Heng Yan Lin hears speech to smile, oneself also just was pulled over to be a shield just.

If it was not for Jun yuan's kindness to him, hengyanlin would not have come here.

"Ai, you are here! I've heard that there's just been a conflict out there. Are you ok? "

Just when hengyanlin was ready to say something, Jun yuan ran out in a hurry. After seeing hengyanlin, he was relieved.

Jun yuan is also considered to have been separated. Things here have settled down. Then he came out to see hengyanlin and made sure that there was nothing wrong with hengyanlin.

"It's all right. Isn't it good for me?"

Heng Yan Lin lazy in the mention of just happened, a word of light floating exposed.

Listening to Heng Yanlin say so, Jun yuan is relieved.

When she heard that there was a conflict outside, she was shocked. She thought that she was deliberately supported, that someone was trying to embarrass Heng Yanlin.

After seeing Heng Yanlin all right this time, she just relaxed.

At the moment, she turned her head to see that the elders on one side were looking at themselves with a smile, and they called one by one.

Leng Yuqing and others, because Heng Yanlin is here, naturally will not put on any facial expression, are extremely gentle response.

At the end of the call, her grandfather came out.

Hengyanlin also saw the other party's grandfather at the moment, but it was a look at the past looks very healthy.

"Thank you for coming to my old man's birthday. To tell you the truth, I'm old enough to do something like this. It's nothing to do."

When the old man opened his mouth, people immediately echoed him.

"The old man is so vigorous that it's a bit unlucky to say so!"

"Yes, the old man will be able to continue to hold more such banquets in the future!"

People at this time one by one said, although are some blessing words, but also let the other party quite happy.

"It's said that my granddaughter has found a boyfriend. I don't know which one it is. It's convenient for me to have a look?"

The old man's eyes swept around, and then fixed in the Heng Yan Lin body.

Heng Yan Lin saw the situation had to go to the outside, a moment later came to the other side.

Seeing Heng Yan Lin's appearance, and his eyes open and incomparable, the old man nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, she is very handsome and has extraordinary temperament. My granddaughter has found a good boyfriend."

When the man is quite satisfied, he looks at hengzi with a bit of satisfaction.

Her grandfather likes it. That's the best thing. She is also worried that she can't pull hengyanlin over. Hengyanlin can't pass her grandfather.

At the moment, it seems that she is too thoughtful.

"Grandfather's birthday, my sister's boyfriend is interested, but also brought a gift, should be this thing in hand?"

When Heng Yanlin was ready to speak, a man took the words and began to speak.

People were stunned when they heard the speech. Although they felt that the words were a bit abrupt, they were all subconsciously looking at Heng Yanlin's hand.

And this look, suddenly let a lot of people are strange face incomparable."It seems to be a traditional Chinese medicine? Who's going to give a gift, a gift like this? "

Some people began to whisper at this time. What Heng Yanlin sent is really a bit weird.

"How can it look like a traditional Chinese medicine? Gifts and medicine? Don't you wish someone else was ill

The man on one side seemed to have just seen what Heng Yanlin had in his hands. His face suddenly changed and said, and then he was looking at Heng Yanlin. His eyes were full of hostility.

"What do you mean, my grandfather is in good health. You are cursing my grandfather for getting sick earlier by sending such a thing?"

The words fall, the rest of the visitors are looking at Heng Yan Lin, eyes are also with a trace of inexplicable look.

It has to be said that this thing is really sent without any technical content.

Where does anyone deliver things like this?

How they looked at it, they all felt extremely inappropriate, as if Heng Yan Lin was really intentional and wanted to curse the old man.

"What I want is just some herbs, which can't be eaten by Hengyan."

Seeing that these people misunderstand Heng Yanlin, Jun yuan is in a hurry and says.

"Keep fit? Grandfather's health is not good, where do you need these things? This is clearly the other side is cursing grandfather

Listening to Jun yuan's explanation, the young man on the side simply didn't mean to listen. His eyes were very cold at the moment and looked at Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin looks at each other a bit strange, oneself can not offend each other? From the moment the other side opened his mouth, Heng Yanlin could already feel that the other side was aiming at himself.

At this moment, seeing the other party's indomitable appearance, it is more certain that the other party is aiming at himself, which is somewhat strange in the heart.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin suddenly had some guess in his heart.

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