Jun yuan paid for the supper directly.

When parting with hengyanlin, Junyuan gives hengyanlin a sum of money. According to Jun yuan, this is a reward. In addition to the reward, there is also money for hengyanlin to buy magic tools.

A total of two million yuan was given to hengyanlin. In this way, Jun yuan felt that there was too little, but hengyanlin was unwilling to accept too much.

In Jun yuan's opinion, the magic weapon just purchased is worth so much money. In addition, Heng Yanlin helps. In fact, he should give more.

But Heng Yan Lin looks like she doesn't like it, so she can only give up.

After supper, everyone went home.

Back to the rental room of hengyanlin, a simple clean up, will wear a bit of old clothes are lost one by one.

There's no need for these things. They can't be worn any more. Naturally, they should be discarded.

Before that, Jun yuan took Heng Yanlin to buy several sets of clothes, which were quite good. They were very suitable for him. At this time, Heng Yanlin just wore them.

According to the good time for Lin yanheng to sign up for the University tomorrow.

Hengyanlin sent a text message home, telling his parents that he would report to the University tomorrow, and then hengyanlin was sleeping in the past.

The next day, after Heng Yanlin woke up, he made sure that there was nothing left in the house. After explaining the house, Heng Yanlin took his luggage and had a breakfast. After that, Heng went to the mobile phone store and replaced a new mobile phone.

The old mobile phone, some functions have not said, also quite inconvenient.

After solving these problems, Heng Yanlin came to the railway station.

After stepping on the spot, Heng Yanlin found a seat and sat down.

At first glance, I found that there were many students in the car. It seems that all of them were college students who went to report.

There are many people who are still with their parents.

Heng Yan Lin sat beside a woman who looked a little green, but in the other side's eyebrows, vaguely could see each other's appearance.

Heng Yanlin just glanced, that is to take back the eyes.

Along the way, Heng Yanlin is keeping his eyes closed. It seems that there are several students in the car. They are about to find the students who have applied for a school with themselves. Now they have started to talk with each other. The atmosphere seems good.

When he got to the site, Heng Yanlin took out his mobile phone and looked through it. After he determined his route, he put the mobile phone away.

One side of the woman's eyes are about better, directly saw the news on hengyanlin's mobile phone. Seeing that hengyanlin and himself are the same school, she was stunned for a moment.

"Are you from Haida, too?"

The woman looked at Heng Yan Lin, saw Heng Yan Lin's side face extremely handsome, is asked in a low voice.

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan gently nodded, "yes, lucky to be admitted to this university."


The woman hears speech but does not believe, she is to know this school after all how difficult to test, she is admitted to this school after all.

"You are modest."

Yan Yan laughed and said nothing.

The woman saw this eyebrow slightly a wrinkle, only felt that Heng Yanlin seemed a bit too cold, when even if it was to open the mobile phone, chatted with his best friend.

"There is a man beside my seat. He is quite handsome, but he is too cold. I take the initiative to talk to him, but I don't have much reaction."

Her friend quickly replied, "no, you look good. How come the other party doesn't want to pay attention to you? I don't mean to leave a deep impression on you, do you? "

Her guess is not out of thin air, now many men like this routine.

Some beautiful women seem to have many pursuers around them, so they use this way to attract some women.

Xiaoai smell speech, slightly a Zheng, turned to look at Heng Yan Lin one eye, then the light in the eyes slightly flash.

"It's really possible that he didn't say anything before. Now it's almost there. He takes out the mobile phone and looks at the school he entered.

When I was just now, I just took out my admission notice and took a look at it to make sure that there was no left behind. It is estimated that the other party saw it and did so. "

Although not yet into the society, but girls have always been relatively precocious, so I feel that hengyanlin is about such a person.

Thinking of this, she looked at Heng Yan Lin's eyes with a trace of scorn.

In her opinion, if hengyanlin directly pursue the aboveboard, it's OK, but using this method, it's a little disgusting.

With such a thought in her heart, she naturally began to hate Heng Yan Lin.

Where does Heng Yanlin know what the other party is thinking about at the moment, but he can still feel that the other party looks at his eyes with a trace of disgust.Such feeling, let Heng Yanlin eyebrow not easy to detect a wrinkle.

I seem to have just when, did not do anything, how the other side suddenly seems to look at their eyes, there is something wrong?

Heng Yan Lin feels strange in his heart, but after thinking about it, he seems to have nothing to do with the other party. In this way, he will pay attention to the other party directly and lazily.

Xiaoai's best friend in the mobile phone is very active.

She also felt that hengyanlin should be such a person, and immediately let his best friend stay away from him.

A moment later, the car has arrived at the station, Heng Yanlin carrying his luggage directly off the car.

Compared with the rest of the people, Heng Yanlin is not very like the one who just came to sign up. After all, where there are freshmen like Heng Yanlin, they take such a little luggage.

However, hengyanlin is a real new life.

After leaving the station, I immediately saw the bus that arrived at the school. There were some senior students waiting for the new students outside.

Some of the senior students in the new students, even Xiao AI such a beautiful younger sister, suddenly eyes a little bright, directly is to step forward, quickly carry each other's luggage.

"Xuemei came to report? Come here for a ride

Xiaoai is not too excited to see this. She doesn't like such an attentive male classmate very much.

But even if these people in how bad, but also better than hengyanlin.

Think of here, she is intentionally or unintentionally toward the side of the Heng Yan Lin look, eyes with a trace of contempt.

In contrast, these aboveboard gallantry is much better than Heng Yanlin's trick.

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