Hengyanlin didn't know what they thought. After cleaning up, he wore the clothes that Jun yuan had bought for himself. Heng Yanlin and the two girls walked toward the school together.

Because it is not a department, Heng Yanlin and the other side in the middle of the way.

When Heng Yanlin came to the classroom, there were many students sitting there.

Sitting in the front, are some female students, in the back of most of the male students.

Heng Yanlin took a look at it and then raised his eyebrows slightly, because Heng Yanlin found out.

In this, actually most of them are female students, and there are only a few male students behind.

Heng Yan Lin was a little stunned for a moment, to also ignore so much, went straight to the back.

Seeing Heng Yan Lin walking towards the back, several female students in front suddenly came to a little bit of interest.

A few male students came before, and they didn't pay much attention to them.

Either they are not handsome enough, or the clothes are not good enough.

But in front of the hengyanlin is not the same, long extremely handsome also did not say, is this clothing product is also very good.

Therefore, some female students at this time, have also begun to think about hengyanlin.

There are not too many boys in the class. If you want to fall in love, you should start first.

After they got to Henglin, they didn't know where they wanted to sit down.

Where to know, one side of a boy, directly pulled Heng Yan Lin, motioned Heng Yan Lin to sit down beside him.

Heng Yanlin hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse the other party's good intentions, so he sat down beside him.

"Hello, classmate."

The boy is about quite extroverted. After holding Heng Yanlin to sit down, he said hello.

Heng Yan Lin nodded at each other, "hello."

"My name is Li Lintian."

The boy introduces himself to Heng Yanlin. Heng Yanlin is stunned.

"How can this name sound like a girl?"

Li Lintian smell speech also a face helpless, "parents give the name, I this also have no other way."

Say, Chao Heng Yan Lin spread out his hand.

Heng Yan Lin saw this smile, to also quite understand, generally nodded at each other.

If the name is given by parents, there is really no other way.

"In other words, my friend, you are so handsome. It's much easier to want a girlfriend in college."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech suddenly dumb, "to the university is not to find a girlfriend."

"Can you say that? In the past, when we were in high school, the teachers wouldn't allow us to fall in love, but now it's different, right? We can be more open and aboveboard."

Said, and then pointed to the front of those students.

"You have to know, in front of these, many of these are very beautiful, looking for a girlfriend is not a loss at all, isn't it?"

Heng Yan Lin Wen speechless, this side of the classmate, seems to be looking for a girlfriend, very general.

"In other words, have all the students in the class arrived?"

"Yes, I tell you, I have inquired clearly in our class. The ratio of male and female students is amazing, and the number of female students is very large, but the number of male students is very small."

Listen to this, Heng Yanlin is quite surprised to see each other, at this moment the other party has already heard these news?

Hengyanlin also wanted to ask something, but he saw a teacher in front of him came in, glanced at him and nodded.

"Introduce yourself, and I'll be your counselor."

The male teacher in front of him said to the students in the class.

Heng Yanlin sat in the back and listened.

Then I introduced myself. According to the teacher's arrangement, military training will start tomorrow. The time is one month.

Hearing this, the students are all howling at this time.

Military training!

One month's military training is enough to make them black nine.

In particular, most of them are female students. After hearing this, their eyes are full of helplessness.

Hengyanlin didn't think so much about it. It was just military training. It didn't have a great impact on hengyanlin.

Heng Yan Lin looked at each other and sat quietly on one side.

The girls below are shouting. It's summer now. The temperature outside is so hot that people can see it. They are already afraid.

Heng Yanlin's face is very calm, quietly sitting on one side.

After the counselor finished, Heng Yanlin got up and left.

Unlike the rest of the people who stayed in the classroom, Heng left the classroom alone.There is nothing to do today. In fact, it's just some arrangements. In addition, let's get familiar with it.

Returning to his residence, Heng Yanlin took out the herbs he had brought. After the distribution, he began to cook the herbs on one side.

More than an hour later, Heng Yanlin almost finished processing the traditional Chinese medicine.

But at this time, the door was delivered to a click, the door was opened.

Heng Yanlin subconsciously turned his head and saw that Xiao AI and Qiao Yue came back together.

Seeing Heng Yanlin in it seems to be cooking something, all of a sudden are stunned.

Then both men smelled a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is totally different from the taste of traditional Chinese medicine in their impression. There is a trace of sweetness and fragrance in this Chinese medicine flavor.

Two people come in, originally also wrinkled together willow eyebrows slightly relaxed a few minutes down.

If the taste of traditional Chinese medicine is too difficult for them to accept, although they won't say anything, they will be somewhat less impressed by Heng Yanlin.

After all, it doesn't matter if you use the kitchen or something.

But at least, you can't make it unacceptable.

What's more, yesterday qiaoyue just made a meal for each other, which can be regarded as a very good one.

It's only every other day that you do such a thing. Isn't it that, by contrast, you seem extremely inconsiderate of others?

"Are you boiling Chinese medicine?"

Qiao Yue comes over and sniffs the smell. He looks at Heng Yan Lin in surprise.

She also took traditional Chinese medicine when she was a child, but it did not taste like this.

Therefore, at the moment, she felt that the traditional Chinese medicine seems to have a little bit of fame in it.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, immediately nodded.

"Yes, a little Chinese medicine will not affect you?"

Heng Yan Lin looked at each other, then scratched his head and asked.

Some people don't really accept the taste of traditional Chinese medicine.

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