However, it was just a medicated diet. She had eaten some at home before, but it was not so powerful.

Why is Heng Yanlin's medicinal diet so powerful?

Both Qiao Yue and Xiao AI don't understand.

How can they know that Heng Yanlin has added a little bit of millennial Polygonum multiflorum into the medicated diet made by Heng Yanlin. Although it is only a little bit, the Millennium attribute is enough to have a powerful and incomparable effect.

As the time of military training goes by day by day, the doubts of the two women in qiaoyue's heart are becoming more and more serious. They can feel that their skin has not turned black. It is not because of their sunscreen.

The rest of the students on one side are now completely dark, and some female students are almost black at the moment.

The coach saw that Heng Yanlin arrived at this moment, did not have the appearance of suntan, also had some helplessness.

In his opinion, it would be better for hengyanlin to get a little more sun and get darker.

However, hengyanlin did not tan at all. He was still like this, which made him feel helpless.

More than ten days have passed, and military training is coming to an end.

Qiaoyue and Xiaoai can't stand it any more. They want to know from hengyanlin how hengyanlin did it and why he could let both of them achieve the degree of completely tanning.

At the moment, hengyanlin is boiling herbs in the room. It is not long before. The medicine in hengyanlin's hands has been almost squandered.

Looking at also did not have how many thousand year old Polygonum multiflorum, Heng Yan Lin sighed slightly.

Of course, the medicinal materials of a thousand years are more powerful. The problem is that they are stronger.

It's not enough for me to consume.

Heng Yanlin frowned and thought, and then thought about whether there was any place around to collect medicinal materials.

If not, hengyanlin thinks he can go to the Chinese medicine shops around him, but he doesn't know. How about the Chinese medicine shops here compared with that of hengyanlin before?

After hengyanlin cooked the medicine, the door was opened, and the two women walked in directly at the moment.

See the inside of the Heng Yan Lin is cooking herbs, now have no strange.

"Cooking medicine again?"

Qiao Yue takes a look at Heng Yanlin, and then stares at the jar in Heng Yanlin's hand. Her eyes are full of interest.

To be honest, she really wants to know what the herbs in Heng Yanlin's hands are.

It's just Heng Yan Lin's things, but it's obviously impossible for them to watch. Therefore, they can only extinguish their own thoughts at this moment.

After all, both of them have asked before.

Heng Yanlin nods to the two girls. After more than ten days' time, the time to get along with each other is also pleasant, and they are already familiar with each other.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Qiao Yue walked to one side and sat down. At the moment, she didn't care much about the smell of the medicine.

After smelling it for a long time, she found it quite delicious.

Heng Yan Lin heard a Zheng, gently nodded, "you ask."

Seeing Heng Yanlin's response, qiaoyue immediately came to her spirit, "when you stewed that chicken, you said that after eating this food, we could keep whitening or something.

And then we're not tanned by the sun. Is that the reason for the chicken you stewed

Heng Yanlin looked at each other, "I want to say yes, do you believe it? I said this once before, and you two don't believe it. Why are you suddenly asking about this matter? "

Qiao Yue is a bit embarrassed to listen to. Heng Yanlin said it before, and they didn't really believe it.

But at that time, they did not say the words, ah, Heng Yanlin could see it.

Thinking of this, she also felt a bit embarrassed, but after a little deep breath, it was as if this had never happened.

"Well, we've eaten some medicated food before, but none of them have such effect, so I thought you were joking.

But now look, neither of us has been tanned. I think what you said should be true! "

Qiao Yue extremely serious response way.

Take a look at the hengyanlin in front of them. Compared with both of them, they just ate a little chicken soup.

Although Heng Yanlin didn't eat chicken soup, people have been using traditional Chinese medicine!

In this way, if Heng Yanlin can be so white, it will be over?

this is the idea in their hearts. At this point, they gradually believe in Heng Yanlin's words.

Seeing two people talking like this, Heng Yanlin is speechless, but he still nods.

"It does have such an effect. Besides, the chicken soup you eat can also make you stronger. What's more, you didn't feel tired after being trained by instructors for more than ten days?That is, among the boys, they fainted a lot, but you have nothing to do, which is enough to explain some of the situation

With the constitution of two women, if they had not eaten the chicken soup before, they would have fainted several times.

Two women smell speech a Zheng, they have been thinking about their skin white things, where there is thinking about this thing.

This time, after being awakened by Heng Yanlin, he realized that this matter seemed to be what Heng Yanlin said.

Such a thought, they look at Heng Yan Lin in the eyes, already with full of surprise meaning.

"Well, can you give us a piece of chicken soup like this? We'll go out and buy the materials ourselves! "

Qiao Yue looks at Heng Yan Lin with a full look of hope after her eyes.

She wants to eat such a chicken soup, can make herself white, such things can not be met!

Besides, Heng Yanlin also said that the chicken soup could make them stronger.

This thing has been proved before.

Therefore, they are now quite looking forward to Heng Yanlin in making such a chicken soup for themselves.

Heng Yan Lin took a look at two people, if they have material, to also don't mind in making one.

However, their own Millennium Polygonum multiflorum can be used up, where there are materials?

"If there are any materials, I don't mind getting one for you, but there are no more."

Heng Yanlin looked at two people, and then gently responded.

It is true that there is no material. At this point, Heng Yanlin did not lie. However, when it comes to calculation, it is not that there is no such thing. Just a little bit, Heng Yanlin still wants to keep it for standby.

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