"By the way, can you treat people with insomnia?"

Mu Shishan suddenly thought of something and asked Heng Yanlin. She felt that the potion was very magical, but she was not very clear about the specific effect.

Heng Yanlin heard this, his eyes moved from the screen, looked at Mu Shishan, then shook his head.

"It has been refined liquid medicine, can not achieve that effect, if the original spirit milk, it can cure the blind people."

If you do not dilute the Yanlin liquid, it will have some unexpected effects.

For example, some things that ordinary people can't see will have a certain probability after using the spirit milk, and then they can see those things.

The so-called things, in addition to gods and monsters, there are also some aura fields that ordinary people can't see. In general, the variation is a good thing for those people.

After all, being able to see those things will naturally enable them to avoid some disasters.

However, these things are really good things for them, but hengyanlin can't let them use them at will. Once they are allowed to see things that ordinary people can't see.

There will be trouble then. It is estimated that some disturbance will have to be set off.

When Mu Shishan heard this, she nodded directly. Heng Yanlin's practice was directly in line with her mind. If Heng Yanlin sold the same liquid medicine as she used at that time, it would definitely be a bit troublesome.

She used the spirit milk herself, so naturally she knew how much trouble it would be if she used it.

Heng Yanlin is more experienced in doing this. Naturally, he will not give things to others in the original way. Of course, it is OK if Mu Shishan.

The two returned to the villa. After Heng Yanlin finished eating, he specially took a look at Mu Shishan to see Mu Shishan's complexion. He thought that there would be nothing to do recently, so he was relieved.

Although Heng Yanlin's current strength can't be seen accurately, it is still possible to see some things.

It's just that this thing is changing all the time. Heng Yanlin can't see anything at the moment, but in a moment, what Mu Shishan has done may change.

The next morning, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan got up together, but mu Shishan went to the company, and Heng Yanlin went to the place where he boarded the yacht.

Fortunately, the place where the yacht boarded was not very far away from him. It was just some distance. The next time the yacht landed, it was not the same place.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin directly took a taxi in the past, and did not drive his own car directly in the past.

The place to get off the bus is still a little outside the wharf, so those people don't know that Heng Yanlin is coming by taxi. Otherwise, they will look at Heng Yanlin in a different way.

When hengyanlin got out of the car, there was a man in black immediately. He went to hengyanlin, looked at hengyanlin, and handed out a small black leather bag.

The bag looked small, but the workmanship was quite extraordinary. After handing the bag to Heng Yanlin, the man left without saying a word.

Heng Yan Lin Ye is not surprised. He opens the bag and has a look. There is an invitation card, several numbers, a gold card. The gold card, I think, is for Heng Yanlin's expenses.

It's too expensive for him to protect himself.

However, this gold card is not the thing of commander Wu. I think it is the gold card given by her father, the woman hengyanlin wants to protect.

Heng Yanlin looked at the gold card on it. After he wrote down the password of the card, he directly put everything into his pocket and walked aside.

On one side, there is a special reception room, and in the reception room, there are special people to entertain people who want to board the yacht.

"Sir, can you show me your invitation?"

The door of the reception room was decorated with luxury. A waiter in a suit and a butterfly tie around his neck showed a smile on his face after seeing Heng Yanlin. He said respectfully to Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin hears the speech and hands over the invitation letter he just got to the waiter. Seeing this, the waiter quickly reaches out his hands to take over the invitation. After seeing the name above, he takes out a tablet computer to override it.

Seeing that the information displayed on the tablet computer was the same as the invitation letter, the smile on the waiter's face was more humble.

"Hello, this is your invitation. Please keep it."

Heng Yanlin took the invitation and received it in his arms.

"Please follow me, sir. The yacht is about to leave. I'll take you on board and show you your room by the way. If you need anything, you can tell me at any time."Heng Yanlin accepted the invitation, and from the side came a woman in cheongsam with a very hot figure. She bowed slightly to Heng Yanlin, showing a touch of astonishing snow white, and then showed a smile on his face and said to Heng Yanlin.

One side of the waiter saw this, the face did not change a bit, this is not strange, but that woman, at the moment is quite a surprise in the heart.

Some of the men who came here had some female companions with them, but most of them came alone. Now it was time to sail. I thought that at this time, there was no one coming.

But I didn't expect that it was at this time that I saw hengyanlin. His appearance was naturally unnecessary. I said more about it. I was looking at his clothes.

Because he knew where he was going this time, Heng Yanlin didn't wear the goods he had been selling. When he was helping the Mu family, he not only cleaned his clothes, but also sent some other clothes.

What Heng Yanlin wears is some clothes sent by the Jiang family. How expensive the clothes are, just look at the material, and you will know that they are very unusual.

So now hengyanlin has become her target directly. If hengyanlin takes a fancy to her, he will take her along the way.

She didn't think much about other things. What she thought was that if she could stay with Heng Yanlin for a period of time, she would have some benefits.

Like Heng Yanlin, such a childlike brother, she wants to tie the other side, it is basically impossible, she did not expect this.

"Well, show me the way ahead."

Heng Yanlin listened to this without hesitation. He answered directly. It was the first time he came to this kind of place. There was his position on the invitation letter.

However, hengyanlin didn't know what arrangement was on the boat. If someone led the way, hengyanlin didn't have to worry about where to look.

The woman listened to Heng Yanlin's words, flashed a smile in her eyes, and then hurriedly took the road ahead.

But Heng Yanlin is following behind, walking towards the front together, the reception room is still relatively large, the interior decoration, is quite luxurious, but at this time, there are no people inside.

I think I have already gone to the yacht. After leaving the reception room, there is a small gravel paved road. After walking for a while, you can see the luxury yacht parked on one side.

One side put down the hanging ladder. Under the guidance of the woman, Heng Yanlin directly boarded the yacht. After checking the invitation letter, the two people successfully boarded the yacht.

"Sir, on the top is the swimming pool. You can go up at any time. There are billiards and other places to play. There is a movie hall. There is a bar over there. Sir, you can go there at any time."

These play facilities are all basic. Women just introduce Heng Yanlin, but they don't talk about others.

In her opinion, hengyanlin is very familiar with these things, so she doesn't need to introduce her more, just give Heng Yanlin an introduction, the specific location, it's OK.

Hengyanlin's memory is naturally not much to say, the other side only said the last time, he is to write down these places.

"This is your room, sir."

A moment later, through a corridor, the woman with Heng Yanlin came to a very luxurious room. Heng Yanlin looked around, and then nodded with satisfaction.

For the rest, although the yacht is very spacious, it occupies a lot of space due to its other entertainment facilities. It is very rare to have such a large room at present.

It is estimated that it is on this ship, and there are not many rooms like this.

The woman took a look at the layout around, and then went to the extremely atmospheric bed and sat down directly. In her eyes, the wave light flowed and showed a trace of flattery. She looked at Heng Yanlin in front of her.

"This bed is really soft. Would you like to try it on?"

It is very easy to understand the woman's manner and posture. If Heng Yanlin can't see it, it will be in vain. He has lived for so many years.

However, for the woman in front of him, hengyanlin didn't take a fancy to him, so although he still had a smile on his face, he still had a feeling of rejecting people from thousands of miles away.

"No, I don't have a place for you. You can go out first."

The meaning of the other party is very obvious, but Heng Yanlin's refusal in his words is more obvious.

When the woman heard Heng Yanlin's words, a touch of disappointment flashed in her eyes. Seeing that Heng Yanlin didn't mean to change her mind, she nodded to Heng Yanlin and walked out of the room. Women like them are quite familiar with this kind of thing. Since they know that the other party doesn't mean it, they will not stay.

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