"Who are you? Isn't this our class party? How could anyone else come here? "

"Yes, who is it? Isn't it embarrassing for an outsider to come here? "

Some students at this time, suddenly began to talk.

Obviously, they are not very welcome to this outsider.

"It's said that it's from the student union. You may not know that the student union in our school is actually quite powerful. Some people in it have some contact with some big companies.

If we can get into the school at that time, even if we can't find a good relationship with the students, we will find more people when we get into the school. "

A woman with short hair on one side began to answer mysteriously.

The rest of them didn't care much, and they didn't like it.

But when this sentence falls, even if there is some spirit.

"Really or not, the student union in our school still has such ability?"

"It's true. It took me a lot of effort to get in touch with each other. Don't lose face later. As for whether you can seize this opportunity, it depends on you."

One side of the monitor listen to the students here have a lot of discussion, immediately came to sit down, a response.

The rest of the eyes were bright.

Even a few male students, looking at the monitor's eyes also have a bit of surprise.

Heng Yanlin, the monitor of this class, is still a female, and the boys don't have much idea about this position.

Now looking at this scene, are in the eyes with a bit of surprise, there is a bit of respect.

It was not long before I entered the university that I was able to recognize the people in the student union. This is not easy.

In fact, hengyanlin has no big idea about this matter, but these people are so positive that he can't interrupt at one side.

"Do you know the Wu's group?"

"Naturally, it's a huge company. It's a huge company that even has branches abroad, and its annual revenue reaches tens of billions!"

One side of a boy smell speech, immediately is a response.

He still has some knowledge about the Wu group.

"It's good that you know, and this group has some connections with our school, but later it basically dealt with people in the student union.

It's said that it's because a person from the student union has some relationship with a person in the recruitment department of this group. So, as long as you can have a good relationship with the people in the student union, it will be much easier to enter the Wu group. "

Said, the monitor also picked up eyebrows, a face of inexplicable color will one side of the public to look at.

When people heard the speech, they were shocked. It turned out that there was such a problem.

No wonder the student union is so heavy.

"When people come, I'll pick them up first, and then you'll see what you can do."

The monitor also wanted to say something more, but saw his mobile phone a little shake, see this scene, she was quickly up to go to the outside.

Some girls at this moment, have come to the spirit.

Come to a good school, not for such a step?

Have a good school, and then in this school to accumulate contacts, when out of society, when you can help yourself.

That's what they've been thinking for a long time.

A group of people were waiting. After a while, the monitor came in with a young and handsome man.

Some girls see, suddenly is in the heart slightly a jump.

If this person looks very handsome, and he is from the student union, isn't he given a chance?

In the heart such a thought, some women suddenly have some kind of excitement.

Hengyanlin also subconsciously looked up at the moment, waiting for hengyanlin to see the arrival of people, suddenly stunned.

I really don't know where I don't meet in life. I didn't expect to see the people I saw in the morning here.

Heng Yanlin looks at the man in front of him. His eyes are a bit strange. But for a moment, Heng Yanlin is calm. It seems that nothing has happened.

Ding Liuxin walked in with him. When he saw so many women, he suddenly turned his mouth slightly.

Finally, it's time for so many schoolgirls to greet themselves.

After a small loss in Lin Guixue's side, he felt that he could find some other women to relax.

And just right, these new school girls are the best candidates.

But he knows very well, these schoolgirls are the best to coax.But those who stay in school for a long time are not so easy to cajole.

This thought in my heart, I looked at the rest of the people and saw several men sitting on the side.

Ding Liuxin didn't care much, but it was just some boys.

In front of themselves, these people are just good for themselves.

Ding Liuxin is more and more happy at the moment.

Just for the next moment, his eyes were slightly stunned, and then he saw a familiar figure.

When it was confirmed that it was Heng Yanlin, his face suddenly turned cold.

How could it be this guy?

Ding Liuxin looks at Heng Yanlin and suddenly thinks that in the morning, he has worked hard to find Lin Guixue, but the other side is with a man.

This man, however, was not familiar to him.

At that time, he almost didn't get mad directly!

Ding Liuxin took a hard breath, and then looked at Heng Yanlin and determined that Heng Yanlin should also be a student in this class.

At the moment, his mouth raised a smile, this thing is very interesting.

Before that, he was also thinking about how to meet Heng Yanlin and find the other party's information.

Did not expect, this just a look back, saw Heng Yan Lin, really is the day to help him.

This guy makes him feel that he and Lin Guixue are hopeless.

Now that I see you, I have to find a way to humiliate each other.

Just fine, this is surrounded by some of his classmates, in front of so many people humiliated hengyanlin, it is really good.

As long as we can humiliate hengyanlin, when he is in this class, I'm afraid it will be difficult to live on, right?

A class, no one is willing to be with you, how to think, how to look, it is extremely difficult.

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