"Raise your legs a little bit"

Heng Yanlin continued to speak, but there was no mistake in his actions.

This time, Lin Guixue didn't dare to mess with her. She was very busy to regulate her actions.

More than half an hour later, Heng Yanlin finally completed his cultivation.

Although Lin Guixue came and went back and forth with only a few movements, he was very tired at the moment.

Turn head to see Heng Yan Lin finish work, she also with the end of the work.

"How did you just do it? You clearly did not turn your head to come over. How can you see clearly that you know where I am wrong? "

Lin Guixue but see clearly, hengyanlin did not turn around.

In addition, under the guidance of Heng Yanlin, she really felt that her movements had been corrected and felt much more comfortable.

"Listen to the wind."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, light response a sentence.

Lin Guixue Leng for a moment, then look at hengyanlin's eyes a little different.

Listen to the wind? How do you hear that? "

Lin Guixue doesn't understand. The wind is not very roaring. How can it look like this?

It's hard for her to understand what the other side is saying at the moment.

Lin Guixue is quite gifted in this respect.

At the moment when Heng Yanlin has been determined, listening to the other party's inquiry, but also a little more patience.

"The palms we play will bring wind, and if you don't have the right posture, the sound will be different.

Although the voice is a little small, it's enough for me, and I can feel what's wrong with you

Hengyanlin seems very relaxed and said to each other, and Lin Guixue's mouth at this moment seems to be able to plug the next egg in general, staring at hengyanlin.

If what Heng Yanlin said is true, then hengyanlin is a master of a generation!

What a cow this is!

Just rely on the other side of the air flow, you can feel what is wrong, such skills but let her have some out of reach!

"You are too good

Lin guixuesi did not hide her surprise.

"As long as you practice hard, you will know when you reach a certain level."

Heng Yan Lin waved his hand and said a word.

The other party hears the speech, immediately is repeatedly nods.

Lin Guixue did not think that there was such a skill in the back of the cultivation.

In the heart at this moment also more and more firm, oneself must practice well.

"Let's go to yesterday's shop for breakfast."

Lin Guixue pulls Heng Yanlin and walks to the breakfast shop yesterday.

Heng Yan Lin thought for a while and answered.

When waiting for the store, Lin Guixue began to ask himself some confusion.

Heng Yanlin is also not afraid to explain one by one.

After listening to it, the other party listened very carefully, and even took his mobile phone to record it.

After half a ring, hengyanlin finished eating and went back to wash and gargle for class. Lin Guixue also followed the dormitory.

When Heng Yanlin finished and came to the school, it was just time.

The students in the classroom are full of students. Heng Yanlin is looking at this scene, and has no feeling. He walks directly to the inside.

The students in the classroom are not so calm.

Seeing Heng Yanlin come in, his eyes twinkle.

They know Heng Yanlin.

Before that, at the party, the other party directly beat up Ding Liuxin without saying anything, but also directly arrested him. I heard that he hasn't come out yet.

This situation makes them do not know what to say.

In particular, the other side actually knew Wu Yuansong!

Wu Yuansong! It's a huge group that controls the city.

In addition, the treatment of the other party group is excellent. If you can go in, the treatment is really good to the extreme!

It's a pity that under such circumstances, they even offended Heng Yanlin before.

A lot of girls after that, but regret the intestines are green!

And now, after looking at Heng Yan Lin, seeing Heng Yan Lin come in, some people are ashamed and don't know what to say.

Others, who had not helped Ding Liuxin before, were also thinking about whether something should be done.

At least, we can't let Heng Yanlin stay away from himself!

If we can have a good relationship with hengyanlin.

At that time, he wants to go to Wu's group, which is not Heng Yanlin's word?

And when it's time to go in, it's promising!In this way, some people look at Heng Yanlin's eyes, which is much more eager.

One side of the monitor looked at this scene, and then shook his head, these let, and Heng Yanlin's detection is really not a little bit.

For example, he has already contacted with Lin Pingheng in front of him.

No. At that time, Wu Yuansong even looked in awe of Heng Yanlin.

So it seems that Heng Yanlin's identity estimation is very unusual.

Under such circumstances, the students in his class, at this moment, actually want to curry favor with Heng Yanlin and then enter the company.

Look, this vision has already appeared, extremely unusual.

At the same age, the man in front of him has already walked in front of these people.

In this scene, everyone shook their heads.

After that, it is helpless to shake his head.

In any case, the situation is like this at the moment, and people have nothing else to say.

Heng Yan Lin took a look at these people, and then they did not want to pay attention to the meaning, and went directly to the inside.

"Heng classmate, don't mind sitting beside me!"

"Heng classmate, I'm in a better position. In addition, I've brought breakfast. If you don't mind, you can have some together!"

Several female students saw Heng Yan Lin walking down, and when they were about to walk to their side, they said in a hurry.

Some people smell speech, suddenly the corner of the mouth slightly draw, look at these people's facial expression also don't know what to say.

These guys, seems to be in the previous time, is the person who runs on Heng Yan Lin in it?

Now how is good meaning, ask Heng Yan Lin to sit on one side?

Thinking of this in mind, they also waved to Heng Yan Lin.

"Heng classmate sits here with me, my this position is better!"

"Do you still remember that we talked and drank wine together the day before yesterday, so why don't we sit here together?"

Several male students at this time, also began to cry hard.

Hengyanlin's identity let them also not care so much, as long as can let hengyanlin and oneself together, that is the best but!

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