There was something wrong with their faces.

The corpse appears around the grave of one's own home, which looks like a mass grave. How can the geomantic omen of one's own family be better?

Thinking of this in mind, both of them are closely watching this place.

The men soon dug up the area and revealed a body in red.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin's face was frozen.

"I'm afraid no one is trying to harm your family."

"Why do you say that?"

Zhengjian hears the speech, immediately is inquired.

He didn't know why there was a corpse here, but he knew that it was not a good thing. Maybe it was the corpse that broke his own geomantic omen.

"The geomantic omen here has already been broken, and some evil spirits have begun to be born. Thus, when a corpse is still in red, the possibility of direct corpse transformation is much greater."

Heng Yanlin said here, can not help shaking his head.

Then he stepped forward again. After a close look, he immediately understood why the geomantic omen here would be broken.

"See that brick in her position?"

"Yes, what's the point?"

Zhengjian followed it, then nodded and responded.

"The brick saved by the other party is a piece of gold brick, but it has been tainted with bad luck. It is no wonder that your geomantic omen has been broken."

Not only was it broken, but now the bad luck on the corpse directly turned the geomantic omen into a place of yin and evil spirits.

Sometimes the geomantic land is extremely fragile.

Zhengjian looks ugly. He takes out a mobile phone and calls out. He wants to find out who buried the body here.

If there is anyone intentionally, it is completely aimed at their own home, how can we let go of each other like this?

By the way, I took a picture of the body, so it's much easier to find clues.

After all this, Zhengjian's face slowly returned to normal.

"What should I do now, sir? Can the geomantic land still be used? "

A big man on one side moved the corpse out. A big man moved a little with a shovel. The originally dark brick directly exposed a very bright part of it, which was quite golden.

Zhengjian is completely convinced.

He didn't know that there was still a gold brick in it. Heng Yanlin just saw it at a glance.

However, he didn't pay attention to the situation just now.

It must be through the geomantic layout here that we can understand it.

"How can you use this geomantic place with evil spirit? It's better to change places. What's more, even if it can be repaired, it's almost as difficult to find a new place. "

Hearing such words, Zhengjian's face turned pale.

Where is it so easy to find a new place? If it is really so easy, I'm afraid that the people I know are carrying such a treasure land in their families?

"Mr. Heng, is it very difficult to find a place?"

"It's really big, but it's the same with places like you that want to be restored."

The dead people, it seems, are unjustly dead. Here, the geomantic land has been completely destroyed, which is completely different from other geomantic places.

Where is it that easy to fix?

Zhengjian looks a little ugly when he hears this.

He probably knew that this place was completely abandoned, but who did it?

"Look for a geomantic place again."

Heng Yan Lin shook his head and prepared to go down the mountain.

Zheng Jian hears the speech, but he has to go with him.

When a group of people reached the hillside, the mobile phone that was being built rang.

"At that time, the murderer was still found dead. It seems that this is a dead nephew. It's just a dead man who was found out."

The voice from the phone, Zhengjian suddenly felt cold all over.

How could it be that it was my nephew who made my family?

This bastard doesn't know that the man buried here is also his grandfather!

Thinking of this, he was trembling with anger and immediately called out to ask for the person to be brought back immediately.

The person on the other end of the phone was very quick. Before a group of people came back in hengyanlin, this person had already been brought back.

Except for this guy, even the parents of the other party are coming along.

Seeing their son directly moved on the ground, their faces changed instantly. At least it was their own son. How could they be happy when they were so tied up?

"What are you doing? Although you are the owner of the house, you can't mess around like thisThe woman's anger was to open her mouth and yell, and then she was ready to untie her son.

Zhengjian is angry at the moment. Seeing that the other party is ready to untie him, he immediately rebukes him.

"I didn't say to untie him, you dare to do it!"

With that, he slapped the table hard and yelled coldly.

"What's the matter with you, so angry?"

One side of the middle-aged people also some can not see past, immediately frowned asked.

"What's the matter? Ask your good son what he has done! Today, if I had not invited the master back, my family would have been destroyed. I don't know why! "

The chest of zhengjianqi is constantly fluctuating. Seeing that they still don't know anything, it's even more exciting.


Listening to the words, the middle-aged man frowned, but still looked at his son.

"What have you done? Is the owner so unhappy? "

He was also very strange in his heart. What kind of things would make him so angry?

"I, I just buried a body!"

The young man said something in horror.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, "did you kill?"

"No, I didn't kill the man, and the corpse comes from a good source!"

When the young people heard the speech, they immediately responded, for fear that they would misunderstand themselves at the moment.

Two people heard here a little relieved, if really did something unclean, it can be a little bad.

"You don't ask him where he buried the body."

Is building to see two people a sigh of relief, some moribund said.

"What if it's buried? Didn't you just bury a body? "

Some of the women did not think it was a big deal.

But what's wrong with my son? What's wrong with him? What's wrong with him? We have to make a good criticism.

However, at this time, other people also need some faces to do such things.

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