Compared with each other, the autumn clouds on the side are much more calm.

After all, she saw such incredible things, and after a careful look at it, she knew that it was still within her acceptance.

Unlike before, hengyanlin actually gave his future a clean general.

Such a situation, but really let her heart panic very.

Hengyanlin looked at the crowd and saw that at the moment, all of them were serious, and did not say much at once.

After a moment, hengyanlin led the fragrance, and then he came to the coffin.

Just now, it seems that there is a great resistance, and the smoke starts to regress.

When hengyanlin was pulling, he was almost taken back.

"Hum, it looks very dishonest!"

Hengyanlin looked at it, and he was a little impatient.

On the left and right, it is to step directly on seven stars, with a very mysterious step, and go to the front.

Although this time the smoke is a bit tough, there is no other way to do it.

The old and honest were pulled to the coffin, and circled around the left and right, and I was very good and did not enter.

Hengyanlin saw this scene, immediately satisfied nodded.

If this is making this guy, such uneasiness goes on, even today will have to be so wasted effort.

"Autumn clouds, you are worshipping."

Hengyanlin looked at it, and after confirming that there was no mistake or omission, he said a word slowly.

Autumn cloud hears words, and immediately directly worship.

Then, a group of people saw a scene of miraculous, autumn cloud hands in the hand of the smoke at this moment, as if there is life, directly did not enter the side of the coffin.

But the smoke on their heads is not changing at this time.

Hengyanlin saw that there was no mistake. After a glance at these people, he walked over, and a hand grabbed the weariness on their head.

Then, they began to step towards these places.

But for a moment, hengyanlin came to the side again, and saw that the smoke was not in one of them.

Such a scene, let hengyanlin a little relieved.

"OK, all worship together."

Hengyanlin waved and said a word to the people.

People heard that they dare not to be slighted, even busy is to worship together.

Hengyanlin clearly saw that these people are extremely devout at the moment.

It is strange to say that only a few times, the incense in their hands is clean and clean.

Hengyanlin saw clearly, waved to stop them.

"OK, put down all the things you asked you to bring before, and then you can go out."

Hengyanlin waved and said a word to the people.

People also dare not to be a little bit slow down, even busy is together to retreat out.

In a moment, people just saw hengyanlin coming out of the bottom.

"Sir, can you do this without burying?"

Qiu Yun looked at this below, feeling that some places have not done the same thing.

So exposed to the outside, although this place looks very good, but still feel some inappropriate very.

Autumn cloud hears words, looks at each other, then shakes his head.

"It's going to be closed by yourself. You don't have to worry about that much."

Hengyanlin finished, listening to a roar.

I don't know where the voice came out, and in a moment, I saw the mountain side, and started to turbulence.

And the original good cave, at this moment actually started to collapse directly.

Hengyanlin stepped back a few steps, and several people saw that they were also busy following the pace, and then they stepped back several steps together, and determined that they would not have anything, then they looked at it with ease.

"Well, we just didn't seem to do anything, it seems like a solid place. How is it collapse?"

Some strange things are being built to look at the situation. He doesn't understand very well why this place is actually such a collapse.

He thought that if it goes on like this, it will be right that this place will be kept.

"It's good to collapse, don't worry."

See each other face has a bit of unusual, full of worried look, hengyanlin light mouth said a sentence.

Such words, immediately let each other's heart slightly relaxed a little.

If so, that is to say, there will be nothing really right.

After a moment, there was a hole in the original, at this time, directly buried clean.

Hengyanlin also did not hesitate to go forward.

After a moment, hengyanlin went to the right center and looked around.However, it was just right. I saw a few big stone plates around, which seemed to form a petal position.

"The steles you set up can be placed here, and the rest will not need to be made."

Heng Yan Lin pointed to this place, and then opened his mouth and said a word.

Listening to this, people quickly nodded and answered.

"Well, if there's nothing else, we can go back."

Heng Yanlin turned his head and looked at the autumn cloud on one side, and then said a word.

Autumn cloud subconsciously touched his cheek, "are you just looking at something?"

Autumn cloud hastens to keep up with Heng Yan Lin, a bit curious to ask a sentence.

Heng Yan Lin nodded with a smile, "well, I looked at your forehead and confirmed that you didn't get black in the printing hall, but it was nothing."

When Qiu Yun heard this, he immediately felt happy, "really? Then I won't come across such strange things in the future

"Well, don't worry about it. If you don't die by yourself, you won't be able to do anything at that time. Basically, it will be within the scope of safety."

Heng Yanlin nodded.

At this time, the rest of the people also suddenly moved in their hearts.

If it is really like what Heng Yanlin said, it is really great!

In other words, they will not be in any danger in the future?

At the thought of what happened to the cheater before, they all felt like they were sweating.

If the current situation can be changed, it would be better to be countless times.

A few people think of here, have not had time to think more, they suddenly feel that their mobile phone slightly vibrates.

After that, they were all slightly stunned. After looking at each other, they all saw the joy in each other's eyes.

They saw their own company to send their own news, in the news can be good news!

This is really amazing. The matter here has just been solved, and now someone has sent them a message!

And it's all good news. This technology can show that hengyanlin solves the problem perfectly, which will lead to such a situation!

There was great joy in the hearts of the people.

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