"What are you doing! How many times have I told you before! How dare you do such a thing here

Ding Youqin's heart is also a little angry.

Before this time, his son already had a lot of bad eyes for this master.

But after he told me, he didn't pay attention to it.

Anyway, if you want to come to your own son, you won't mess around.

At the moment, however, he knows where he is doing things like this.

The master has been completely dizzy, and now he is going to refuse this matter.

It made him feel a little bad when he thought about it.

What's the situation in his family, can he still not know?

If it goes on like this, things will definitely get worse and worse.

Therefore, this time is to look at the side of the son, in the side of the master's face also a bit gloomy.

This matter is extremely troublesome. If the master is not willing to help, how can you make your home safe at that time?

There's something wrong with it.

After thinking about it, at the moment, he looked at his son, his face also changed a little ugly.

Ding Wei was stunned at this time. He never thought that he would be slapped.

"Look what I do! Yeah? Don't you think the trouble you've caused is not big enough! "

Ding Youqin is also angry.

I didn't know what to do every day. Today I gave him a big surprise, but I didn't really piss him off!

At the thought of this, his face became more and more ugly.

Looking at one side of the son, his face is also full of cold meaning.

At this time, Ding Weiyi was stunned for a long time. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

Immediately, he was stupefied to look at his father.

"Dad, do you really believe these things are true?"

At this time, he did not care so much, and looked at his father, he said in a deep voice.

In any case, it has already been said, so let's just talk about it.

What are you doing now?

my father was not so stupid before, but now?

It's actually cheated by a fool!

if this thing is spread out, it will be OK?

I'm afraid not everyone will laugh at him.

Ding from the pro to listen to this, immediately also followed the anger, his son is talking nonsense about something!

Listen, is this what people say?

He can not be old fool, that in the end is not true, oneself still can not know?

I think I'm really stupid!

At the thought of this, his face also showed a look of anger.

Just waiting for him to say something, the master on one side was also angry.

This guy is really good at it!

Before this time, I thought that I had misunderstood something.

Now, what are the misunderstandings?

Listen, isn't that what the other party is saying now?

"Well, since you said that, I don't have to stay here!"

Said, he is a sneer, coldly will one side of the two people looked at, eyes with a trace of fierce color.

Ding from the pro smell speech, suddenly face slightly changed.

His son is stupid. He is not!

He didn't know what happened in this. What happened?

At the thought of this, he immediately looked at the two people on one side. His face was at this time, and he became more and more ugly.

"Wait a minute, master. It's just that my son is a little silly. Don't do this!"

Ding Youqin can't take care of so much at the moment, so he says something quickly.

His heart is still extremely worried, in case the other party is serious about himself, there are some misunderstandings, that can be troublesome.

Their home situation, to this time, can also have to help each other ah!

The more he thought about it, the more nervous he was.

Looking at one side of Ding by Pro, eyes are full of startled.

When the Master heard the speech, he immediately gave a sneer and took a look at the two people on one side. His eyes were full of sneers.

"Are you kidding? What a joke? I didn't see it at all

It's impossible for you to forgive each other even if you don't respect each other in this line!

The situation in the other party's home, it is better to let the other party solve it by themselves!In the heart such a thought, at the moment he is also lazy in many tube so many, anyway, at this moment, for sure, he will not pay attention to each other.

Hearing this, Ding Youqin's face became extremely ugly.

Looking at one side of the bad children, directly is a slap in the past.

"Look at what you've done!"

At this moment, Ding Youqin's face is full of anger.

At this time, he would like to give his son more.

Look at the other party at this time, are doing something out!

This master, he was hard to find!

Moreover, it is not easy to make the other party willing to help themselves.

This time, he was completely destroyed by his son.

Now, I don't know what's going on in the company? Because of some things happened at home, the company has been in a row of things! "

Seeing his son, but also a face stubborn will see himself, Ding by the pro face is more full of anger.

"So what? It's not normal that the voice in the company is good or bad! "

When Ding Wei heard the speech, he immediately responded with a very stubborn one.

"Well, it's more than business? The staff in our company are constantly having problems, do you understand! The rest of the company's people are good, is our company's people, but is a continuous problem!

Have you ever seen such a thing? Sometimes, when we are on the road, we are either hit by something or encounter something. All kinds of things happen one after another, so our company's business is not getting better recently!

Or invited the master, the other side made some means, these things of our company are good.

But to solve this problem, you still need to buy a magic weapon and remove it completely. The master's method can only be temporary, do you understand? "

Ding Youqin's face is full of anger. He never thought that what he had before was suitable for what his son said well.

But at this time, my son came here for a visit.

But he was really angry. How could his son be so stupid!

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