The guy before, I am afraid I have not known what happened in my family!

If the other party does not know, how can he say that?

Before, he did not care much about the words, which were inexplicable, so he did not pay attention to it.

In her opinion, where do you need to pay attention to it in the case of inexplicable things?

Looking at the appearance of hengyanlin, it is clear that there are some silly people. In fact, if he cares, is it not like Lu dusty Sheng?

Is it all the same as a fool?

In this way, he would be lazy to explain more later.

But now he found that his explanation was not explained, and then he was given a terrible job by hengyanlin!

this guy gave him to the pit directly. Now it seems that many people have been missing him.

It was the masters on the side, and they were disgusted at this time.

Thinking of this, Ding Weiyi's heart is getting more and more angry.

Ding Yuqin was at this time, but he didn't have time to pay attention to so much.

The master had been talking to him before, but it didn't last long for that thing to work.

At present, he will only buy some good legal tools as soon as possible.

Otherwise, they will be together to die!

He was also more anxious to think of this in his heart.

"Now, there is no other way to do it?"

Ding Youqin looked at the master beside him, and his eyes were filled with anxious questions.

The master looked at it, saw each other anxiously looking at himself, and sighed at this time.

"What can I do? The words just passed, even if they had already been passed on, and the people inside were all in a circle, and they knew each other.

Now, they are afraid they have already said hello, and then they have known you all. "

The master said that, the face is full of helplessness.

This guy doesn't know what's going on.

Before, he also did not see each other how, how is it to this time, such a reckless up?

Don't the other party know that the person who offends here is more serious than offending him?

If it was not before, he received the other party's money, now afraid that he had turned around and left.

He doesn't feel like he's going to stay here.

Just take the other party's money, he feels like he is not good to go away.

"Master, anyway, how about we go in and see? It's really not possible that we're trying to do something. "

Ding was not dead by his relatives. After seeing the master on the side, he said a word.

Master Wen Yan, looking at each other's eyes firm incomparable, clearly is not to Yellow River heart die.

A little hesitation, the master is a slight nod.

He can only respond to the fact that the other side has already been in such a way.

Seeing the master nodding, it made Ding's face look much better.

Looking at the son by the side, his face was a little gloomy.

"You go in with you, but don't look like that!"

His tone has also become much more severe at this time.

Can you let your son come in such a mess, if you are letting the other party so chaos, then you will still have?

Anyway, I still have to restrain my son.

Ding Wei was also thoroughly taught this time.

Although I was annoyed that I was calculated by a guy, I thought about it, I felt that the situation could only be tolerated first.

Anyway, I have known the other side's appearance. After that, the things here have been solved. We must find the other party's troubles!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, eyes at the moment also became a bit gloomy.

At this time, the three people did not hesitate, and went directly into it,

after a while, they came to a shop of geomantic water tools.

The master looked at the two people, and the meaning of the eyes was clear.

After entering, you must not be able to make trouble.

After getting both of them nodding, even if they took a deep breath, they walked in together.

At the moment, three people are in hengyanlin.

"This is the Fengshui fish you want to see. You can have a look at it at will."

Inside the shop, it seems to be extremely open, and there are many Legalists on the side.

At the moment, both women were watching with a little curiosity.

If not for hengyanlin, they didn't know such things, but they really had some effect.At the moment, I look at these magic weapons in front of me, and my eyes are full of curiosity.

For the side of the Feng Shui fish, this interest is a lot less.

Heng Yanlin looks at this scene, also feels a bit helpless.

"What's the matter with you? I also look at these magic weapons. "

Heng Yan Lin went to Lin Guixue and looked at the magic weapon on one side. He said something helplessly.

One side of the boss saw this, his face suddenly appeared a smile.

He could see that the two women were totally novices.

After all, this move or something can be seen at a glance.

As for the side of hengyanlin, it seems that some qualifications are very old, but in the end, it is not known.

Some young people like to play like this and make themselves look like they are old enough.

Naturally, they don't want to be trapped. When others see that they are so old-fashioned, they may just be able to be restrained.

But before you know what you are, everyone likes to treat you as a new person.

Anyway, it won't lose anything. Isn't it just good to get some money?

That's what he's thinking.

"If you want these magic weapons, I think you have some understanding. You know that they can really work.

I don't know what kind of magic tools you want. I can recommend them. "

The boss walked to one side, and then said with a smile.

Listening to the boss's words, Lin Guixue and her two women turned their heads and looked at each other.

After that, they all shook their heads together.

"We're just curious, just look around."

At the moment, they just look at it casually.

This magic weapon or other things, they bought temporarily also have no effect, in this case, naturally, they just look at it at will.

What's more, according to Heng Yanlin, it's not something you can buy at will.

After you buy it back, you should put it in a good place. If the place is wrong, there will be trouble!

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