"Just choose the two."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, gently point at the side of the two fish.

It's just two dragonfish. Both of them are full of gold, and the scales look extremely endurable.

It seems that these two are actually the two more durable ones.

The rest of the fry look worse than these two.

Hearing this, the two girls suddenly felt a little happy.

In fact, they also quite like these two. Heng Yanlin's election is just in line with their ideas.

"Shopkeeper, we'll take these two."

Had been selected, two people also did not hesitate, hastily is to open the mouth to say a word.

I'm afraid that someone will come to pick these two fish later.

The shopkeeper smelled the speech and turned around to see the fry selected by two people. His face changed slightly after seeing it.

In looking at one side of the Heng Yan Lin, the face is also a little more relieved.

"It's really a master. After only a few eyes, I chose the best dragon fish."

The shopkeeper looks at one side of Heng Yan Lin, look has a bit of admiration way.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech also just smile, did not open mouth to say what.

However, the two women on one side, listening to each other's words at the moment, were somewhat curious.

"What's the matter? Is the fry very strong?"

The two women looked at the store and looked forward to the other party's reply.

The shop owner hears the speech, his face is full of smile.

"Naturally, this is the most powerful fry in this, and also the most useful."

Speaking of this, he was somewhat reluctant to part with the fry to see a look.

If he could, he didn't really want to sell the fry.

But now Heng Yanlin is in love with him, and he can only give up his love.

since the two stores are extremely happy, they are so happy.


Heng Yanlin looked at him and just said a faint opening.

Hearing this, Lin Guixue nodded quickly.

"As I said, you only need to pay one, five million."

Say, the other side is to see two fish.

Two women smell speech, immediately slightly took a breath, although know this should be more expensive.

But I never thought that it would be so expensive.

At the moment, it's kind of frightening.

But at the moment, they can only nod.

Anyway, it's true at the moment.

Lin Guixue paid for it. Heng Yanlin took a basket on one side, which was completely woven out of bamboo.

Put some water in it, and then put the fish in it.

One side of the two women looked at some strange, "why use this to load fish?"

"Because the wood gas is brought to your house, it is not suitable to use this elite gas."

Heng Yanlin explained in one side that the two girls did not understand what they heard, but they did not know so much.

However, since hengyanlin said so, it is absolutely the truth of hengyanlin.

The master has been looking at hengyanlin, see hengyanlin action flow in general, and work is also very orderly.

At this moment, suddenly is the facial expression slightly changes.

"This is also a master, a peer."

He is at this time, is completely determined, in front of Heng Yan Lin is really very unusual.

And also clearly can see that the other side is really a peer.

At the thought of this, he felt a bit incredible.

Originally thought, the shop owner just said those words, also just flatter hengyanlin just.

After all, he had never seen such a young feng shui master.

But now, he saw it. How can he not be shocked?

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at the two people on one side. He didn't know what to say for a while.

At the moment, the other party offended Heng Yanlin, and then offended the people in this street. That's totally killing!

"With you?"

Hearing this, Ding Youqin's face changed slightly.

Just heard the other side said, if this is geomantic division, then want to deal with them is much easier.

And his son, before that, clearly offended each other.

In this way, if the other party is hiding in the dark and wants to give it to himself, what can he do?People like him can see information on the Internet at will.

The thought in his heart made his face look very ugly.

At this moment, I don't know what to say for a while.

Heng Yanlin made the fish, divided two baskets and loaded them, and then handed them to the two girls on one side.

"You take it one by one. You must take it on the way. When I don't ask you to put it down, you can't put it down."

"Why is that?"

Although the two women know that this should be listening to Heng Yanlin, but in the heart of curiosity or can not help but ask.

Heng Yan Lin sniffed speech and said with a smile, "naturally, please go back. It's very important on the way. After the fry leaves, they will automatically take away their own people.

The two of you should always bring them back, and then they will automatically have some contact with you. Otherwise, when you start feeding, it will take a lot of effort to make it work.

On the way, if you can, the feeding time will be reduced a lot

Heng Yan Lin very simple explanation, two women listen suddenly suddenly suddenly.

At the moment, I just hold the fry in my hand.

At this time in my heart, I dare not put it down at will.

It would be bad if it was put down at will.

Heng Yanlin looked at the situation in front of him. After laughing, he waved and was ready to leave.

The fish fry should be sent back as soon as possible, and then it will be settled.

"By the way, do you two live together?"

"No, but it's close. It's next door."

Lin Guixue answered quickly.

"What's the problem?"

Qing Jin also has a bit of nervous inquiry.

"It's OK. The distance is relatively close and it's easy to settle down. Otherwise, the fry will be a little bad if it has been kept outside for a long time."

Two women smell speech heart slightly a loose, is like this, then there is no problem.

Two people are in the next door, there is no distance, delay and other issues.

Heng Yanlin is ready to leave with his two daughters and go back to settle the Fengshui fish.

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